One of my two JF Brachypelma boehmei molted.
One of my two Scopelobates sericeus molted. They stay hidden for such a long time during molt that it always makes me a bit worried if they made it.
This week I had Monocentropus balfouri and Pterinopelma sazimai. The balfouri’s always get me frustrated, they almost never surface after their molts so it’s been impossible to keep an accurate molting record. P. sazimai finally getting some blue though!
One of my Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple is currently on its back. Really want to sneak in there and take pictures of the process, but really don't even want to risk disturbing it.
Aaaaannnnnd my second Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple flipped on its back just hours after it's sling mate. Both went off without an issue . Love these little purple spazes. Only T I own that I actually have to be careful when I remove the enclosure lid cause they just start darting around like their on fire.
A chalcodes has molted somewhere in the last few days, and I has able to get a crappy pic of its leg through the tiny window in her burrow.
Now all of my ts have molted at least once! (I never thought I'd say those words since getting an Aphonopelma :,)
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