Some are named, some aren't - i like to name them because I'm good with coming up with fun names, it's also easier to repeatedly mention one of my tarantulas with a short simple name.
I don't name the ones I keep at home. The only T I own with a name is the G. rosea that lives in the elementary classroom where I currently teach. I allowed the students to vote and name it. Results of voting should be completed on Monday.
Mine are nameless... I've made only one good name for a T - Hildegard (especially that she's named after saint Hildegard Von Bringen). The rest just wasn't right - Cyril, Method, and some others, that were boring. I don't use them anymore
Besides - I use latin names of species so they sound much cooler
I named my first T, but none of the rest. Too much work figuring out a name. And anyway I only have one of each species so there's no ambiguity to just referring to them by species name.
Of course if I had enough T's to start getting repeats, I'd probably have too many T's to name anyway.
i dont name them seems weird to me plus i use their latin names, and if i have more than 1 of the same species then i use their latin name plus A B C D.....ect but if you only have 1 or 2 then name them. but be warned there addictive and after 2 you will learn naming them is a pain
call me a no0b but i name all my pets, they are my babies and i love them all dearly, even if they dont respond to me calling them or even really care that im in existence. i sex them first, guarantee sex then name them something that meets what im feeing at the time. My L. parahybana is named Tiny (almost went with tinkerbell but eh..), my B. Vagans is named Isabella becuz shes beautiful and mexican, my H. Mac is named Magdalena becuz when i got her i hit shuffle on my playlist and APC - Magdalena came on and just fit. my snakes are named as well. Sue is my unsexed Ball Python and June (Carter Cash) is my Mexican black king snake, (im kind of a Johnny Cash fan if u cant tell.)
Haven't name any of mine. They all have a number though, if you want to call that a name. Bem001 is one of my favorites. It's a female B. emelia. I learned quickly that I'd have too many to be able to keep it all straight. With around 140 T's, plus trading some off and getting new ones all the time, it would be too much.
I've named my 18 Ts:
1x 4" G. Rosea female - Flower (after the meerkat, a 'desert rose')
3x 1" A. Versicolor slings - Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos (aspects of fate)
1x 1.5+" L. Parahybana - Nyx (goddess of night)
1x 1" B. Smithi - Bob (classic T, classic name )
1x 1" B. Bohemi - Aidan (gaelic for "Little firey one")
2x 3/8" B. Vagans - Digger and Mole (used to be a 3rd named 'Dozer)
1x 1" G. Aureostriata - Orla (gaelic for "Golden")
2x 3/16" C. Elegans -Freyja and Aphrodite (Norse and Greek goddesses of love, because of the heart shape on their abdomen)
1x 2" P. Rufilata - Faran (smart, fast, strong, red roan horse from a book series by David Eddings)
1x 2" P. Murinus - Loki (self explanatory name )
1x 1+" C. Cyaneopubescens - Galeru (rainbow serpent dragon from aboriginal mythology)
1x 3/8" G. Pulchra - Branwen (welsh for beautiful raven)
1x 1.5" H. Lividum - Cian (a cool if a bit aggressive character from a book, and a homonym of the color cyan )
1x 4" Haplo sp. 'unknown' female- Panther (pretty, black or nearly black T, like a pretty black panther)
I have a B. emilia, B. albopilosum, and A. moderatum on the way too, so I need to come up with names for them. I also have names for some species that I intend to get eventually, but don't have yet. I like having names for them, even if I often refer to them by their species name, coming up with interesting names is fun. I'm sure eventually it will become too much work, but I'm enjoying it right now.
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