Whites Tree Frog


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I got my frog croaking pretty good last night. I thought it was a female because of the size but does croaking for sure mean it's a male? I got him to go for at least 15-20 seconds. It was pretty cool. I just made croak sounds and he talked back. Hehe.
I bought him a buddy yesterday. A little smaller but more active. Couldn't get him/her to croak but he's still settling in to his new home.

I'll try to post some pics of my tank later. It's about a 30 gallon. Forgot the exact dimensions though. May move them into a taller one soon.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
What's the minimum size cage this frog needs? Do they need UVB?


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2008
What's the minimum size cage this frog needs? Do they need UVB?
Generally, something along the lines of about 20 gallons per frog, with about 10 gallons extra per each additional frog. No, they do not require UVB if enough vitamin d3 (and calcium!) is supplemented in the diet, but, UVB will only be beneficial if supplied.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2008
I got my frog croaking pretty good last night. I thought it was a female because of the size but does croaking for sure mean it's a male? I got him to go for at least 15-20 seconds.
Yup, male, and he is likely comfortable with his surroundings and in the mood for love.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
I've seen them sold at petco as Indonesian White's tree frog, and as Australian White's tree frog. I don't know anything about frogs, except that they are cute, but thought I'd share some pics.

This is an Indonesian:

This is an Australian:


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
Moss and ticking and temps

:clap: I recently acquired 2 whites and I'm absolutely crazy about them:clap:

I've done my best to educate myself on their care but still find that I have some questions. I've also learned (no thanks to all the information and care sheets I read) that they shed!! Now you'd like to think that I'd have seen that coming considering the snakes and Ts and lizards LOL

Anyway.. if anyone's up for a couple questions.. here they are:

:confused: One of them makes a 'ticking' sound. I know this is a normal 'call' for some other types of tree frogs.. but is it normal for a whites?

Also.. who has an opinion on sphagnum moss? I've read that it's great and that it's awful. I have in a 29 long (stood on end) with both real and artificial plants. The bedding is potting soil (no additives) with about 2/3s of the ground covered with sphagnum moss.

And.. last question for the moment... will they seek out a warm area if it gets too cool? My house never drops below 68 and is rarely below 72, but if they aren't inclined to seek out a heat source I think I'll opt to rearrange things a bit to be maintain a constant temp thru-out.

:worship: many thanks!


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I keep my guys at room temp right now, but in the winter I think I will put a low wat lamp on one side of the tank. It gets pretty cold in my house and I'm not sure how cold tolerant these guys are. Mine croaks pretty loud but the other day I was watching TV in the living room where the tank is and I heard them make a different croaking sound. I think maybe they have a call and a response croak.

Here's the little buddy I got my big one. They seem to be getting along ok :)



Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
I keep my guys at room temp right now, but in the winter I think I will put a low wat lamp on one side of the tank. It gets pretty cold in my house and I'm not sure how cold tolerant these guys are. Mine croaks pretty loud but the other day I was watching TV in the living room where the tank is and I heard them make a different croaking sound. I think maybe they have a call and a response croak.

Here's the little buddy I got my big one. They seem to be getting along ok :)

that pic is precious! makes me want to get a froggy or two someday...


Jun 8, 2008
they change color when they want to, not an instant thing but they can change within 5 -10 mins. white's green to brown(some are blue) my cuban's go from dark brown to a light brown with these sweet patterns, and if on the rock wall on the back of the tank they will change to the color of the wall(greyish white) very cool and very hard to spot them when they are like this!!

temp should be anywhere from 70-90. you can go all pro and get the time of year to match your temp, but really as long as it's warm!! 80% humidity, wouldn't let it go longer then a day with out spraying them down. they say dont use the ceramic heat lamp, i use it when i run my a/c my room to keep the temp around 80, they love it, they sit right under it and soak up the heat. it dry's the place out, nothing a few more spay's through out the day wouldn't take care of. also have an under tank heater and one on the outside of the back wall to add heat to the rock walll that they love to sleep on.

i got 2 white's(Nismo & Fritz) and 2 cuban's(Niko & hydie) living in a 25x25x25 tank with front doors for easy access, and a removable screen top.inside is a hollow log, just a log, vine, water dish and fake plants. they all get along just fine, no real fighting, other then when 1 frog see's another move they jump at him thinking it's food. feeding is crazy, i just toss in 20 crickets and it's survival of the fittest. if i notice someone isn't eating i'll help them out.

they like to sit on each other, Nismo(the biggest frog) doesn't like it to much he always croaks when someone is sittin on him!! the cuban's make a totally different sound then the white's make, it's more like a chipmunck or something but it's no croak!!

i on't pick mine up all the time, but they dont seem to mind it, Nismo loves to go for walks around the house and look out the window!! the cuban's are scared why hydie is hydie(smallest of them all) Niko will allow you to change the water and stuff, but you can't try to grab him/her or he/she is gone!!

someone said something about them shedding, this is true, idon't know much about whats going on, i caught Nismo huntched over gagging one day and didn't know what was going on till i saw this white string(skin or whatever it is) going into his mouth he was swallowing it. i grabbed at it from the conrner of his mouth and pulled it off of him and out of his mouth. i don't know if this is what they do, but i have seen the cubains doing it to. is this something that is natural and happens all the time?

have no pictures right now b/c my motherboard on my comp is fried. i'm on my playstation 3 right now. when i get my comp back i'll put up some pictures of our cute froggies along with "Tort" our 3 toe'd eastern box turtle(22 years old), "Toby" red ear slider(water turtle) 6 years old, last but not least "McLovin" black emporer scorpion (age ??) 5-6inch long.

sry it's so long, i'm new here thought i'd put in my two cents. if i am mis informed or missed anything let me know.

very cute froggies for those who put up pics! execpt that one that looks like he is rusting! is that one named Ford by chance?

p.s PS3 & my keyboard sometimes dont get along so typing errors i'm sorry!


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
i love these frogs so much theyre on my list of pets next to get right after dart frogs. the smile is just so cool on these frogs and they look so cool.