Which tarantulas do you regret buying?

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
I've had mine in a 32oz since it was 1/2 and it seems to be just fine in there. Yes it's a total slob and grows slow but at least it destroys crickets gleefully.
sweet. thats encouraging.. mine was in a 4x6x6 enclosure and and i was told to put it in a smaller cup -.- he likes it in there poops everywhere so cant be too bad XD but my C.cambridgei is growing pretty quick and webs like crazy so got in some 32 oz's to let him/her web its hear out so figured avic may as well match as height is always preached XD if it dont like it.. well i wont throw the current cup away XD this little guys the only one whos a hassle tho hope itl curb his pickyness XD everyone elese fits me like it was ment to be [sofar lol] XD


Feb 13, 2014
sweet. thats encouraging.. mine was in a 4x6x6 enclosure and and i was told to put it in a smaller cup -.- he likes it in there poops everywhere so cant be too bad XD but my C.cambridgei is growing pretty quick and webs like crazy so got in some 32 oz's to let him/her web its hear out so figured avic may as well match as height is always preached XD if it dont like it.. well i wont throw the current cup away XD this little guys the only one whos a hassle tho hope itl curb his pickyness XD everyone elese fits me like it was ment to be [sofar lol] XD
Yeah there is poop everywhere in mine too, I do my best to clean it but more just shows up the next day.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
I don't regret any of them. There were some species that I set out to get, then after keeping them awhile I just wasn't that impressed with them so traded/sold them. I've received some as freebies that didn't strike my fancy at first, but they became definite keepers. All of them were learning experiences and no regrets.
This. I don't regret getting any of mine. Some I don't see very often, but when I do it's a treat and I cherish those moments when they show up :)


Old Timer
Nov 1, 2012
I regret buying a ¼" avic Martinique (whom I named bleuFord) - it died within a few weeks bc it was so small it got cold I think - I was devistated :-( so now I always try to get Ts that are at least ¾" - the littler ones are easy to lose or squish (never done either but I'm sure it's happened to the best of us!)
Also pinhead crickets are a pain to feed...

---------- Post added 09-02-2014 at 10:49 AM ----------

I regret buying a ¼" avic Martinique (whom I named bleuFord) - it died within a few weeks bc it was so small it got cold I think - I was devistated :-( so now I always try to get Ts that are at least ¾" - the littler ones are easy to lose or squish (never done either but I'm sure it's happened to the best of us!)
Also pinhead crickets are a pain to feed...
Well... I don't regret getting this t, I just regret the decision to bring home something I obviously couldn't take care of properly :-(


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
I too try to buy versicolor slings that are no smaller than 1/2 itch. They're not as fragile as many people make them out to be, however I just have better success with slightly larger slings.


Feb 13, 2014
I too try to buy versicolor slings that are no smaller than 1/2 itch. They're not as fragile as many people make them out to be, however I just have better success with slightly larger slings.
Once mine got to 1 inch I felt much better about it, but I'm usually happy when my littlest slings get past 1/2 just cause they can take out better prey items and seem more robust.


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2011
GBB and Trinidad olive...traded both for an Aphonopelma seemanni and a Grammostola Pulchra...


Jun 20, 2014
Well I didn't buy him.... BUT I wanted to until today! (Now I just want him for free!)

My friend and I found out that the OBT at his shop they've had for a little over a year is a M.M.

I had my suspicion he was a he. But seeing him after a rehouse, he's got some hooks and bulbs.

So much for selling a $50 pet.

That sucks...


Active Member
Jul 12, 2014
Buy him, loan him, get 100 of his little miniatures... ;)


Jun 20, 2014
Buy him, loan him, get 100 of his little miniatures... ;)
We'll I'm probably gonna rescue him. Because my cohort now knows he can't do anything with him and I'm more the connections in the deal making here. He owns the shop. I use the space to house my compulsive collection of spiderings. He had been letting me get used to old worlds by taking care of this guy there and buy raising OW slings with him and keeping them at the shop. In turn I peruse the classifieds here and find reptiles and Ts for the store. Because he just doesn't care to.

But I don't know that either of us know what to do with 100 OBT babies right now. Or maybe we can... Because he wants to breed the H. Mac.

But that was going to be a future project lol.

Oy... anyways I've got a topic on this...

Back to Ts you guys "regret"

Aka none of them right? :D

From what I've seen of this place, and after learning that the online tarantula shipping industry is indeed a real thing.... it can't be hard to get over a T you decide you don't care for much. Trade! They're literally like pokemon!


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2012
I skimmed to the bottom...

The only regrets I have are having sold or given away any T's;) - and the T's I haven't got or didn't purchase yet!

(This is a truly loaded question bound to fill out) :)


Old Timer
May 29, 2012
No regrets =) I once bought a Euathlus sp. red advertised as female that hooked out a few weeks later then died =( I was really sad about that, but I was happy that I got to enjoy him in his last few weeks of life rather than him passing on forgotten in some store somewhere.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
Mm, yes and no. I bought my first T from Petco before I really knew much about wild caught specimens. I regret that I supported the wild caught industry, but I don't regret having her. She was defensive at first, and is still rather skittish. But I love her to pieces (metaphorically speaking) and am glad she's in my collection. I wish I could see what sort of life she had before I bought her. She's got to be rather old, at her size. If tarantulas could talk huh? Ahaha, imagine the insults an OBT would spit at you?

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I regret-Not buying P. muticus....the last 3 times I had the chance...grrrr.

-Not buying the 2nd B.smithi they had in stock for only $20, turns out I like B. smithi more than I thought.

-Not buying T. okerti when I had a chance at a very low price...grrrr

-Waiting 14 years to get into arboreals

I don't regret buying any t...even ones I bought or received as freebies that I had not really wanted prior are supremely enjoyed. Some of those I came to really like a lot and have become favorites, like B. smithi, P. irminia and P. vittata.:)


Feb 13, 2014
I regret-Not buying P. muticus....the last 3 times I had the chance...grrrr.

-Not buying the 2nd B.smithi they had in stock for only $20, turns out I like B. smithi more than I thought.

-Not buying T. okerti when I had a chance at a very low price...grrrr

-Waiting 14 years to get into arboreals

I don't regret buying any t...even ones I bought or received as freebies that I had not really wanted prior are supremely enjoyed. Some of those I came to really like a lot and have become favorites, like B. smithi, P. irminia and P. vittata.:)
I'll add to the fact that I regret not buying T.cyaneolum slings when I found them. I'm just going to have to wait for someone to offer a male now