im going to have to say either my avic avic (handable, great eater) or my A Seemani, she eats great but is really mean, maybe i like her so much cuz everytime she tries to bite my head off i get a drenaline rush haha
Hard to say. To look at my favs are my P. regalis, and my P. irminia. Behavior wise either my A. versicolor (she dances for me when I feed her) or my OBT (obvious reasons). But my B. smithi is also a doll. So pretty, easy to handle, and has never once flicked a hair.
Well, since you guys are showing pics, heres my fave. B vagans I decided to name carnage. just like the marvel villain's colour scheme, red and black. though her temperament is that of a carebear. Cant wait till she gets to be full adult. still ~4 inches at the moment.
I would say so far its my A.geniculata, he is really sweet. Unlike most genics he have only kicked hair once(afterall I was slowly chasing out of its old tank into the new one..) pretty and eats till I think he is on the obese side and put him on a diet (thank god for molting a couple of hours ago, soon I can start feeding him again!)
Thats a tough one. I can narrow it down to a fav 5 but thats about the best i can do. Its constantly a toss up between my lampropelma violaceopes, Theraphosa blondi, Ephebopus murinus, Ephebopus cyanognathus and my Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. They all have different features such as coloration, temperment or size "of course" that make them my favorite at the time.
either my A. anax or my A. moderatum.
as far as just liking them
as far as productivity, I like my T blondi and A. versi right now lol the blondi had a sac that is 1st instar and waiting for them to molt to 2nde and the versi is on a sac now.
My B. Klassi. she is about 3 inches long and gets more beautifull with every molt . She used to stay in her burrow most of the time. Lately however she is out more and more.
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