I've had mine adult for around 4 months. I don't think I've seen her web once. She eats fine and doesn't pace and move around a lot so I assume she's happy. ?????
The real answer is...when they are ready to. Some settle in fast and start webbing all over while others can take months from what i've heard. If they are eating and not pacing all over all the time I wouldn't worry about them.
Ok, cool...he's eating great, usually right away when I toss a crik in, but I'm just worried about molting with no house xD, I can't really get in there give him a hide, hes got lots of branches and cork bark and leaves to hide in though...so I dunno...I woke up this morning and there was little branches of webbing between hte glass and some cork bark, so maybe he's gettin comfy =)
I have one now that I have had for going on 4 years and its never webbed except for a little when eating, and once it made a tube to molt in but distroyed it after and has never webbed otherwise. They are curious thats for sure. I want one that webs tons but never seem to get one.
I've had my Avic for a month or so. When I got her(pretty sure it's a her ) from the pet store, she had three of the four corners webbed. Though, it just stretched from side to side on the tank in the corner. She just kinda tucked herself in between the strips of web and the side of the KK. Once I got her in her new tank, she started webbing. She hasn't webbed up the entire thing, not by a long shot, but she's crafted a pretty damn cool little hammock up on one of the corners of her hextank. Every once in a while, she'll move around on the sides of the tank, but the majority of her time is spent sitting in her hammock.
Thats really cool, I can't wait till mine starts buildin a house...since I first made this thread, he's (I really dont know if its a he or a she I think its a he though....when it molts ill get a pic and see if some people can take a look for me) he's got more and more branches of webbing around in the corner where this cork bark stretchs up...so I can't wait too see what he makes hehe
I picked up my 2" A. avic on march 7th (17 days ago) and when I woke up this morning she has decided to go web crazy and webbed up a nice section of the enclosure finally. But like was already said, it just depends on how long it takes them to get settled in and comfortable.
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