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- Feb 19, 2025
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I am eventually wanting several of the Poecilotheria... metallica, regalis, etc. They are just absolutely spectacular!!! I did already "cross the line" into OW. I already got 9 M.balfouri slings for a communal, although I have 1 of them separate on his/her own because he was significantly smaller than the others. They are all 0.5in roughly, I had no problems rehousing them out of the tiny little dram bottles they came in. Noone bolted. Actually the Avic boa vista and A.purpurea misbehaved more than the balfouris. I kept a calm head, used my catch cup and paint brush, both Avics caught up within seconds, rehoused, no issues. I had no hesitation in getting M.balfouri... I thought it out, planned, researched, etc. I have had hesitation in getting a P.metallica because I just know I'm not ready for it yet. I've come close trust me LOL. But that hesitation tells me all I need to know. I have no desire (at least not now LOL) to get some deranged OBT, Thailand Black, or any of the more psychotic species. Thanks for responding!Is there a specific genus are you considering in the future?
Thank you for your response. That makes sense, mental preparedness. I mean it comes down to If all your T's are well behaved beginner NW, then you can't advance until you get the next level of spicy and learn how to deal with it. I already got a communal of M.balfouri and they gave me FAR less trouble than the Avics (so far). Two of the avics bolted, the purpurea went for a walk about, and the Boa vista teleported, just luckily it teleported into its enclosure lol. I didn't panic, I kept a cool head. The walk about Avic was caught up immediately and rehoused without issue. I've seen a lot of info and learned from experienced keepers that just because it's NW doesn't mean it's nice and just because it's OW doesn't mean it's spicy.Think it has more to do with being more prepared mentally and what to expect sort of thing, most old world T's are actually very easy to keep and rehouse when you have already done it a hundred times. Obviously it doesn't matter how prepared you can be there can still be misshaps, this is where the experience comes into play someone who has only kept a couple of Ts even for a few years will only have done a few rehouses at most and would more than likely panic and loose the old world T somewhere, with the experience this risk is minimised, that is why you work you're way up to old world. Now with the humidity dependent species you mentioned the advanced ones of these are mainly new world like the Threaphosa genus so it's a different ladder system basically.
Humidity is humidity. Maybe the enclosure size changes, etc. or whatever, but humidity as a scientific fact or concept does not change.
B.smithi, A.purpurea, A. sp boa vista, B.albiceps, GBB, G.rosea, G.pulchripes, C.versicolor, D.diamantenisis, and an M.balfouri communal of 9. The know the balfouri are OW but after much research for some reason I felt comfortable about it and planned it out, it wasn't impulsive, and I knew a lot of people would think me crazy and stupid. The second I feel ready for that P.metallica I'm all over it, but I know I'm nowhere near that. And trust and believe it's the first on the list. I've been struggling with metallica temptation but I have hesitation and that tells me all I need to know. Hesitation = not ready. I'll get some experience with Phormictopus and Pamphobeteus first (when ready for those too).Depends how comfortable you are with rehousings, the T bolting, the speed of the next T, sensitivity to hairs and venom (if OW).
If you had only 1 T for 12 months I wouldn’t suggest jumping to a P metallica. What T do you keep?