When is a collection complete?


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I agree with the general consensus. Never. :) I have 9 Ts, and I have an ever changing lists of wants and "must haves". It's mostly arboreals and african Ts. <3


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2007
My collection will be complete when im 6ft under,an they get donated.:)
LOL-Yeah! Way back when I started the hobby, I mentioned to my wife how its possible for quite a few of my females to live twenty years or even longer. Her comment as she rolled her eyes was, "Ohh, great so if you die any time soon i'm stuck taking care of all these things.;P :D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Obsessions never die ;)

Okay, that sounded a little too creepy, yeah? lol

I don't think I will ever feel like my collection is "complete"... though I make goals and have wish lists, so when I complete those I feel accomplished and like my collection is taking shape like I want it to :)


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2009
I think once I have the species I like my collection will be mostly complete...

I dont think I will stop getting more of each species though.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2009
Part of any animal keeping hobby is to look around at other species and want more. We'll always want some species that we've never had before, even if we're up to our ears in them.

I really doubt that there are any keepers who don't have a wishlist. There's no way I can just keep a given number of T's and tell myself, "All right that's it, I don't want any more T's." No way, it's impossible!!!! {D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
LOL. Exactly!

I'm still looking for a Charmander-like tarantula. A cute orange one, that breathes fire. P. murinus is halfway there though. ;)

I could do without the breathing fire part if the little buggers would just learn to use the tiny butane flame thrower I built for them. They're stubborn though and won't stand still while I strap the tank to their backs. :(

kinda like pokemon.. LOL

gotta catch(have) them all


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
kinda like pokemon.. LOL
This can just barely be considered a satirical analogy... which is a bit scary.

I could do without the breathing fire part if the little buggers would just learn to use the tiny butane flame thrower I built for them. They're stubborn though and won't stand still while I strap the tank to their backs. :(
When you accomplish this, let me know and we'll have a proper battle with my water pistol-weilding GBB, Squirtle ;)


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2009
Your collection is complete when the missus cuts you off, and you smuggle a few in anyway :D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
LOL. So true for so many.

I don't have a quota, per se, but the gf said something to this effect last year:
"Spiders this time? Just promise me that this time it won't get too out of hand because you tend to do things on a very large scale. Remember the radio controlled jet a few years back?"
This was back when I had like 80 spiders. When she started breeding bearded dragons a bit more seriously a couple of months ago, I set aside a small area for rearing bins for her in my spider room. She hadn't really set foot in my spider room until then so you can imagine the look on her face when she saw about 500 spiders in there. :D
All I said was, "This isn't too out of hand. I still see empty spaces on those shelves and room for more shelves too." ;)

Too out of hand is very open to interpretation.

Oh, and in case anyone is curious about the jet. It was a 1/5th scale Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet. That's a nearly 9ft wingspan and 12 ft long. It was powered by two Jetcat P2000 Turbine engines and controlled by a 12 channel Futaba system (throttle, rudder, ailerons, flaps, landing gear, chute, rockets, machine guns, bomb releases, etc.). Very realistic and always drew crowds at Riverside Park. Over a year and nearly 18K to build (about 9K for the engines alone). It fired small "surface-to-air" rockets that had to be custom made (a small rocket frame with a rocket engine like the ones used in those cheap kits) and fired using a toggle and two channels on the radio (one to ignite the rocket and the other to release it). The machine guns were modified airsoft hardware that were rarely used in flight since the plane was too fast for them unless I slowed it down to nearly stall speeds. Rockets were awesome but used rarely as it took a while to build each one and the ignition system, although I never had problems, had a good chance of breaking something if timing was off between ignition and release. Besides, I'm not sure they were very legal even though they were fired into the river most of the time. Bombs were originally supposed to be a small explosive but decided against that and instead were potassium nitrate smoke bombs that used the same ignition system as the rockets. That baby took up an entire room in the basement and had to be partially disassembled for transport. It weighed just under 100 lbs fully loaded.
It lasted for over a year too until a bad landing resulted in severe damage. :(

I miss that jet. I always wanted to put a small cat in the cockpit and take it for a ride but never got the chance.

Your collection is complete when the missus cuts you off, and you smuggle a few in anyway :D


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2009
Very realistic and always drew crowds at Riverside Park. ....

I miss that jet. I always wanted to put a small cat in the cockpit and take it for a ride but never got the chance.
Hmm...I have a cat. I'm in Ottawa! lol


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
if the little buggers would just learn to use the tiny butane flame thrower I built for them. They're stubborn though and won't stand still while I strap the tank to their backs. :(
It's not normal for them to learn such things? Ummmm.... so should I be worried that my tarantulas have blue prints of a rocket launcher in their webs? :?

LOL. So true for so many.

"Spiders this time? Just promise me that this time it won't get too out of hand because you tend to do things on a very large scale. Remember the radio controlled jet a few years back?"
This was back when I had like 80 spiders.
Hahaha, welcome to my world!! My mom says, "Do you want to become one of those people that hoard cats except in this case, spiders!?" She is more understanding though than I first gave her credit for. I mean, I at least have tarantulas. :D (is wondering why no cool arachnid people like Sathane live closer)

My collecting won't die with the favorites. After I get them all, it will be a whole new thing - breeding! {D