Whats this?


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
Wow... yeah there are tons of those in AL. I don't know if they bite or pinch you but I have had very unpleasant experiences with them. And they burrow lightning fast... they eat grass roots, and therefore any chemicals, ie: fertilize, pesticide, weed-icides:? , they will have in them. and they are really tolerant to chemicals i think because they are darn near impossible to kill with them. Probably not good T food...


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Your right I remeber my grandfather telling me he had something eating his lawn that couldn't be killed. It drove him nuts, his lawn is his baby and he'll protect it with his life.lol No, I'm sirrious.

Didn't think it would make good T food. I could feel the strength of the little monster and thought it could easily break a fang or puncture an abdomen. And they burrow extremely fast.

I'm impressed by their ability to move there head and body. I noticed it turning and looking around with it's head trying to figure out what to do.


Old Timer
Nov 14, 2008
Definitely mole cricket. How long have you lived in Florida? I grew up in SE Florida (treasure coast) there and those things are as common as grass there.


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Definitely mole cricket. How long have you lived in Florida? I grew up in SE Florida (treasure coast) there and those things are as common as grass there.
Been here ~2yrs now. Moved here from the midwest.


Old Timer
Mar 24, 2006
Nice find! :clap:

Not sure about the species you found, but the European ones will give you a pinch if handled roughly or squirt a foul smelling feces all over you. Aside from that, they can be relatively easy to keep and fun to observe.

Instead of soil I used soaked paper towels, they'll tear through it with their claws, make all sorts of tunnels and can be more easily seen - especially from underneath. Easier to clean too, just replace the paper when it starts to smell and they'll make new burrows.

Food wise, in addition to the veggies, my females used to LOVE pre-killed crickets. No legs or anything, if it's kicking too much they'll turn away, but if it's "safe" or an easy kill, they'll readily go for it. It's pretty cool to see them attacking, using their claws as daggers - they can get pretty aggressive :D

Oh, and just a guess, but perhaps they'd go for earth worms as well, but I haven't tried that.

If you find more, I wouldn't put them together, in a small area they'll definitely fight... given enough space though, they'll do their best to avoid each other.

Here's a (very poor) pic of a female European Mole cricket I had years ago:

Later! and good luck!
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Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Nice find! :clap:

Not sure about the species you found, but the European ones will give you a pinch if handled roughly or squirt a foul smelling feces all over you. Aside from that, they can be relatively easy to keep and fun to observe.

Instead of soil I used soaked paper towels, they'll tear through it with their claws, make all sorts of tunnels and can be more easily seen - especially from underneath. Easier to clean too, just replace the paper when it starts to smell and they'll make new burrows.

Food wise, in addition to the veggies, my females used to LOVE pre-killed crickets. No legs or anything, if it's kicking too much they'll turn away, but if it's "safe" or an easy kill, they'll readily go for it. It's pretty cool to see them attacking, using their claws as daggers - they can get pretty aggressive :D

Oh, and just a guess, but perhaps they'd go for earth worms as well, but I haven't tried that.

If you find more, I wouldn't put them together, in a small area they'll definitely fight... given enough space though, they'll do their best to avoid each other.
Good info, though I'll probably not keep it as a pet. I'll observe it for awhile and release it.