What uncommon mammals do you keep (not dogs, cats, horses...)


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I used to have African pixi mice. They are these little teeny mice that only get about an inch long. I loved them! I started with four and ended with 12. They were eventually banned from here because of that whole disease/prairie dog thing. I gave them to a wild life center.

I also had a goat. I don't know what kind it was. Her name was Maddie. She was black and white. Ate everything. One time she managed to get into the loft in the barn. We thought she ran away till we heard her in the loft. It was quite entertaining. I would love to have a goat again.

Currently the weirdest thing I have is 2 rats (my third died two months ago RIP Bearski). Two females Marbles and Sable. I love them to death. Marbles rides around on my shoulder and Sable gives kisses :p

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
It's funny really. I've had my cat for almost 10 years. I've always loved it and enjoyed it. In late summer I got my first tarantula and scorpion. When I started to get to know them my enjoyment of the cat increased a great lot - because I started to see how different all the animals are! I started to realize how smart cat's, or mammals in general really are... I started to very slowly realize in what way the arachnids are smart. I am really in awe of what nature has acomplished. I am in awe at with how little resources arachnids have managed to live and thrive for more than 300.000.000 years and I am in awe at how intelligent mammals are, how social they are and all that!

There are so many wonders arround us. All we need to do is to take us the time to look and observe and we will be stunned by the beauty and variety of evoution! I'm happy to be a part of this thing called life :)


Old Timer
May 1, 2004

Ishkabibble said:
I used to have a Racoon, then a couple of Ferrets, and the best "unusual" pet was a... Skunk. Descented. It was found by itself and my niece was a wildlife rehabilitationist and asked my older sister if she wnted it because she didn't have room for it, My sister moved and I cared for it for about 6 months before my sister got a permit to keep it where she moved to. Great animals, curl up on your lap just like a cat. Just don't mess with their food!

I used to have a chocolate skunk, which of course was captive-bred on a fur farm(the source of most pet skunks-those with aberrant markings that can't be matched up with other pelts get sold as pets, the rest get skinned). He was a neat pet-he'd play tug-of-war like a dog, use a litter box, sleep on my feet at night, and had the softest, densest fur. Like you said, though, they get psycho over anyone messing with their food, especially if they get ahold of anything sweet! Mine ripped a chunk out of my best friend's arm while she was "skunk-sitting" him. He'd found a candy bar one of her kids had stashed under a bed, and she tried to take it from him. Fortunately, she is a very reasonable person and knew that there'd be no chance of him having rabies, since he'd been in captivity his entire life, kept indoors, since if she'd filed a report the Health Dept. would have decapitated him. The worst thing you have to be careful of in skunks is obesity, due to their eating habits.



Old Timer
Jul 9, 2004
You can see the Sugar Gliders on my album -


They are in the Fuzzy category.

They are pretty high maintenance. The boy is in a very bitey phase right now. In early adulthood they can really test their limits. He actually latched onto my girlfriends face twice (once on the chin and one on the lip) and my hand several times. We are trying to find a vet to neuter him since he doesnt seem to be inclined to grow out of it on his own.

The girl appears to have joeys in her pouch. We had planned on having one litter with her, but it came sooner than we expected. I'll let everyone know when they start comming out.

They are marsupials, they can live 10 - 15 years. Most health problems they encounter are diet related. They are so high energy and such finicky eaters that they are prone to malnutrition or obesity when they get too much sweets.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
sugar gliders are cute, i wish i had one...

but, i DO have a short-tailed possum. she is very lazy, and only gets out of her nest for the basics: eat, drink and run on her wheel. she l;oves to eat mealworms, and when she smells them, she jumps out of her nest and eat them ravenously and noisilly. so much for girls being polite and dainty. but she is rather cute.

and incase you are wondering about her right ear, i got her from a shop where all of the possums were in one ten gallon tank. and the only other female (i didn't want to deal with bloated gonads when i handled the possum) had a stumpy tail.
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Jan 24, 2004
I have two chinchillas, a standard grey, and a mosaic, tanish and grey. Very cute little guys.

edit to make that 4. Two females purchased two days ago.
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Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
I keep two humans, juveniles.

They are a lot of effort, and require huge amounts of time. Feeding schedules are erratic, and enclosure cleaning is nutty. They are prone to biting, at times, and they require care 24/7. Humidity doesn't seem as issue, and room temp works well. And they prefer dead food which makes it a little easier as well. They grow quite tame with lots of handling, if you have the patience for it.

A lot to put up with, I know, but they carry my DNA around so I've decided to keep them.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
Brave, Sheri, very brave; I've heard those can be venomous.

Me - I just have a bunny and a hedgehog. It's quite enough.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I finally found out more about sugar gliders. Arn't they native ozzies?

Sheri, your post woke me up from my hangover, which is something really hard to accomplish. Good work :D


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2003
I keep a few different things: african pygmy hedgehogs, sugar gliders, steppe lemmings, short-tailed opossum, prairie dogs, african dormice and a dwarf mongoose. I have a fascination about working with various species and seeing the differences in diet, care and interaction. :)



Old Timer
Nov 13, 2004
I have a couple anoles, a regular boring sleepy hamster, a dwarf hamster, a beta fish, and... I guess "Blue", a bluejay that visits out house everyday for some grub. Used to have a few lovebirds and 4 chinchilas.

senor ocho

Old Timer
Nov 4, 2003
I have 5 Guinea Pigs. They absolutely rock, and never fail to cheer me up if the day eats at me. Yeah, I know, a spider-dealer with Guinea Pigs. I always say "Own one, and you'll get it."
Here's an old picture of Mr Futzy, the ringleader.

Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
senor ocho said:
I have 5 Guinea Pigs. They absolutely rock, and never fail to cheer me up if the day eats at me. Yeah, I know, a spider-dealer with Guinea Pigs. I always say "Own one, and you'll get it."
Here's an old picture of Mr Futzy, the ringleader.
OH OH OH, I love guinea pigs!!! I have owned about 8 in my life. Don't have any currently. :(

Mr. Futzy is a cutie! What a cute shot!

senor ocho

Old Timer
Nov 4, 2003
I was lucky enough to get him in mid-chuff.
Here's another pic of him and his GREEN sister Corker.
Dwayne, you're good people. If you come to the ATS this year, I'll slam 2 beers in your mitts.

Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
senor ocho said:
I was lucky enough to get him in mid-chuff.
Here's another pic of him and his GREEN sister Corker.
Dwayne, you're good people. If you come to the ATS this year, I'll slam 2 beers in your mitts.
I'm people? COOL! I could always use more of me. ;P Why am I good? :?

I am definately at the ATS confernce this year. MMM beer.... See ya there Chris!

senor ocho

Old Timer
Nov 4, 2003
You're people on the basis that you can comprehend why Guinea Pigs rock in the manner that they do.
You shoulda hung out with me last year at the ATS. I had beer, spiders, beer, beer, Glennfiddich, and more beer. This year will be no different.
Mr Futzy (He got his name because he can't stop futzing) recently answered us. My girlfriend told Corker No, No, No!, cause she was screwing around. Mr Futzy co-signed with an "Oink-Oink-Oink!" The damndest thing. Mr Futzy "Thinks he's people." Get that right and you can share the Scotch I bring this year. Man, will it be a fun time!!!

Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
senor ocho said:
You're people on the basis that you can comprehend why Guinea Pigs rock in the manner that they do.
You shoulda hung out with me last year at the ATS. I had beer, spiders, beer, beer, Glennfiddich, and more beer. This year will be no different.
Mr Futzy (He got his name because he can't stop futzing) recently answered us. My girlfriend told Corker No, No, No!, cause she was screwing around. Mr Futzy co-signed with an "Oink-Oink-Oink!" The damndest thing. Mr Futzy "Thinks he's people." Get that right and you can share the Scotch I bring this year. Man, will it be a fun time!!!

I wasn't at the conference last year. :( This will be my first :) I am excited to meet everyone and have a great time away from Washington and school.

I had this one guinea pig that would try to make love to my hand and give me those funning giggling mating call sounds whenever I feed her. EVERY morning, she would squeak over and over and over at the very first sound made in the morning. Even if the sound wasn't made by a person she would wake up the whole house. What she wanted was her whole carrot every morning. If she didn't get it all HELL would break loose. Don't wanna be around Goldie (her name), when that happened! :eek: haha