What the worst place you have been stung?


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
I have a little greenhouse that I keep my collection of cacti in. When I was watering them last week a very peeved hornet flew out and stung me on my lip. It hurt a bit and swelled up alot. My husband liked it - he thought I looked like Angelina Jolie. (Well my LIPS did anyway) One of my first reactions was to suck my lip into my mouth. It must have had some venom on it because GAWD did it taste AWFUL. Woke me up a bit!


Old Timer
Jul 11, 2005
Arietans said:
About 2 inches from my .... by a velvet ant hiding in my boxers :)

Almost as close by a bark scorpion hiding in my bed.
LOL. During halftime at one of my soccer games I was sitting on a soccer ball on the sidelines when I noticed a BIG BEE flying around me. It left for a few seconds, came back, and landed on my knee. I didn't want to piss it off so I left it alone hoping it would fly off. Not only did it not go away it crawled up my leg into my shorts.:eek: I was frozen in terror. I couldn't move. At first I felt it moving and then it stopped for a while. Halftime was over and I was called to the field. I was like 'screw it, maybe it flew away without me noticing', so I took my chances and stood up, only to receive an alarming pain in the groin. Not cool my friends, not cool.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Worst - One of those really tiny little black hornet things, bounced off my head and behind my sunglasses, before I could react or pull my sunglasses it nailed me on the eyelid. It swelled a bit, and hurt a bit more. The worst was I had a two hour drive ahead of me, with a slightly swollen, watery, sore eyelid.

Most - I was offroading with some friends while camping, we found this trail and every so often there was a pile of rocks we had to crawl the trucks over. Long story short - the tall grass hid one of these piles and I drove straight into it and my truck got hung up. Windows down, sunroof out, and large ground nest of wasps disturbed beneath. It took moments before the truck was swarming with wasps, I took about 5 stings and my passenger about 3 before we abandoned the truck, and waited for the nest to settle down before attempting to remove the truck.