What T is this?

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Apr 4, 2018
We received, for free, what we were told (no images were exchanged prior) was a Texas Brown. Looking at this T, it is not a Texas Brown, but it almost looks like a Grammastola Rosea. Does anyone know what T this is? Any other thoughts?



Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
For future reference, requests to identify a tarantula's species should be uploaded in the Tarantula Identification gallery, not posted on the forum.

  1. Click the above link.
  2. Click "Add Media" (near the upper-right corner).
  3. Select "Upload an image from your files" (should be selected by default).
  4. Click "Upload Image."
  5. Select the image file on your computer or phone.
  6. Add a title (preferably including the name yo were give, if any) and description.
  7. Click "Save Media."

If you have multiple images of the same tarantula, the best way to handle that is post a comment on your first image with thumbnail links to the additional images.

How to embed images in comments (I recommend using the thumbnail option):
  1. Open the image (in Arachnoboards) that you want to embed.
  2. Copy the code in "Share BB (With Thumbnail) Code" or "Share BB GALLERY Code." (Both of these options allow the user to click the image for a link to the source.)
  3. Paste the code where you want the image to be in your comment.

"Share BB IMG (With Thumbnail) Code" results in a square preview with a link to the original:

"Share BB GALLERY Code" results in a larger preview with a link to the original:
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