What species should we get to complete our collection?


Oct 20, 2023
Hi everybody, long time reader, first time poster here.

My fiancé and I have been keeping tarantulas for a couple of years now. Currently, we are keeping:

Brachypelma boehmei, Caribena versicolor, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Dolichothele diamantinensis, Harpactira pulchripes, Idiothele mira, Pamphobeteus antinous and Psalmopoeus cambridgei

We still have space for adding roughly two new species (dependent on the size of the adult specimen, of course 😉).

Therefore, while we do not want to rush anything, we are thinking about what species to add. We have always had a thing for particularly colorful species, but also want to keep a good variety of Ts regarding size and behavior.

If you had the species we are keeping currently, and could only add two more species, what species would it be and why? What “must have” species are we missing currently in your opinion? Our only limit is old world arboreals, everything else we would take into consideration. Of course, we have our personal favorites too, but to keep the discussion as unbiased as possible, I`m not going to mention them just yet.

Thank you very much for your input, I look forward to your suggestions.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
easier to just pick one you like best and have your future spouse pick the one they like best for the last spot seeing as you have space for 2 more. that way there is no compromise just to make spouse happy


Jan 23, 2021
Give nhandu, aphonopelma, grammostola & thrixopelma sp some consideration if you want more new world T's. Cool suggestion by Kingshockey as well btw!

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Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
Hi everybody, long time reader, first time poster here.

My fiancé and I have been keeping tarantulas for a couple of years now. Currently, we are keeping:

Brachypelma boehmei, Caribena versicolor, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Dolichothele diamantinensis, Harpactira pulchripes, Idiothele mira, Pamphobeteus antinous and Psalmopoeus cambridgei

We still have space for adding roughly two new species (dependent on the size of the adult specimen, of course 😉).

Therefore, while we do not want to rush anything, we are thinking about what species to add. We have always had a thing for particularly colorful species, but also want to keep a good variety of Ts regarding size and behavior.

If you had the species we are keeping currently, and could only add two more species, what species would it be and why? What “must have” species are we missing currently in your opinion? Our only limit is old world arboreals, everything else we would take into consideration. Of course, we have our personal favorites too, but to keep the discussion as unbiased as possible, I`m not going to mention them just yet.

Thank you very much for your input, I look forward to your suggestions.
Pick what you like


Oct 20, 2023
Thanks a lot for the suggestions so far. The Cyriocosmus elegans is one of the species I had already considered as well, especially since we really like the dwarf species we have so far.

I had not previously considered the Pterinochilus murinus, but I can see how this species would be a great addition. That being said, when thinking about old world terrestrials, I`m leaning towards the (recently described) Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex sp. electric blue).

easier to just pick one you like best and have your future spouse pick the one they like best for the last spot seeing as you have space for 2 more.

That`s a good idea. For the most part, my fiancé and I find similar species interesting – one species where our opinion is a bit divided is actually Acanthoscurria geniculata. My fiancé really likes it, while I consider the Nhandu chromatus to be a bit better looking.

Is price a concern?
Not really, worst-case scenario I`m willing to wait and save up for a species I really like.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Either a geniculata or a Nhandu species....and an Avic species....no collection is complete without an avic and at least one of these terrestrial garbage disposals.


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Not really, worst-case scenario I`m willing to wait and save up for a species I really like.
Alright, that expands the potential back out as you're reluctance towards OW arboreals limits the amount of colorful species IMHO as some of the most colorful are species like Poecilotheria metallica, Phormingochilus sp Akcaya, etc. If you can safely manage OW's like H. pulchripes and fast irritable NW's like P. cambridgei, you shouldn't have any issue at this point, but to each their own and I won't consider them moving forward here ;) .

That being said, when thinking about old world terrestrials, I`m leaning towards the (recently described) Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex sp. electric blue).
A good option, but you already have a blue, heavy webbing species (GBB)..... or two (H. pulchripes) ..... or three (D. diamantinensis)...... or four (C. versicolor) ..... or maybe even 5, given the wrong enclosure setup (I. mira) lol. In fact, blue webbers in general seems to be a common theme lol. If you want to stick with this theme, price isn't too much of a concern, keep within your no OW arboreal restrictions, and are looking to find a capstone specimen or two to finish your collection, I'd say look into C. natanicharum and H. devamatha. They should both fit the bill quite nicely.


Nov 24, 2022
Didn't say anything about old world fossorials being off limits... C. lividus, Ornithoctonus auriotibialis, so many... bach ma, blue Chilobrachys


Nov 30, 2018
but to keep the discussion as unbiased as possible
Offcourse this is not possible. You get the biased ones as we all love other species.

H. gabonensis, 0.1
That picture is altered with to much blue. Even the substrate is getting blue. If you spam, spam with real colors.

If you had the species we are keeping currently, and could only add two more species, what species would it be and why?
Your current species are amazing. I have them all. Only the Psalmopoeus cambridgei is Psalmopoeus pulcher in my collection :D.
I am not sure if I could name only 2.
A.geniculata is the one that I must have. N.chromatus looks might be better, but behaviour/food mode the A.geniculata is the winner. It always eats. It's one off my favorite ones ( i have 1.1.2)
G.iheringi is also one off my top 5 species. I have 1.2.0 and in need of a new sling.
Nhandu tripepii is also a very nice looking spider and very fluffy ....
And I don't see any Phormictopus ..... I love my Phormictopus atrichomatus
And no Xenesthis .... this is also a great species ...
And no Theraphosa? The T.blondi or T. apophysis are amazing spiders.


Nov 24, 2022
Also, no true spiders, wolf spiders, huntsman, wandering spiders, and no funnel/sheet webbers either...


Oct 13, 2011
Hi everybody, long time reader, first time poster here.

My fiancé and I have been keeping tarantulas for a couple of years now. Currently, we are keeping:

Brachypelma boehmei, Caribena versicolor, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Dolichothele diamantinensis, Harpactira pulchripes, Idiothele mira, Pamphobeteus antinous and Psalmopoeus cambridgei

We still have space for adding roughly two new species (dependent on the size of the adult specimen, of course 😉).

Therefore, while we do not want to rush anything, we are thinking about what species to add. We have always had a thing for particularly colorful species, but also want to keep a good variety of Ts regarding size and behavior.

If you had the species we are keeping currently, and could only add two more species, what species would it be and why? What “must have” species are we missing currently in your opinion? Our only limit is old world arboreals, everything else we would take into consideration. Of course, we have our personal favorites too, but to keep the discussion as unbiased as possible, I`m not going to mention them just yet.

Thank you very much for your input, I look forward to your suggestions.
Lasiodora parahybana & g rosea. More options then I can list . :rofl:


Dec 24, 2018

View attachment 458691

H. gabonensis, 0.1
Love that Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra. Been wanting one of these and found one for sale. I had to do some research and found an old post from you on them.

Apparently more delicate than incei. Also they are more pricey. They are pretty awesome looking. I read through your replies on that post.



Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
That picture is altered with to much blue. Even the substrate is getting blue. If you spam, spam with real colors.
It is not altered at all. Don’t assume you know anything about what I do or don’t do with images I post. Just like I don’t assume you’re an idiot nor a genius.

When you make accusations be prepared to back up your complete horse crap with actual proof that my image is altered.

You disgust me beyond words.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2023
A.Geniculata For Sure That's One I Didn't See On You're List That Is An Awesome Species To Keep,