You might should check out whats available on dealer lists in Canada first. If you could find Hadrurus spp they are interesting. If you want to try to start a breeding colony, I would guess that Vaejovis spiningerus is available there. It depends on what your interests versus availability is
Go to your "User CP", go down to group memberships and ask to join the canadian forum.
The first sticky is "Canadian Dealers"
The dealers on that list have these scorps that might be what you are looking for-
Heterometrus sp. (mostly spinifer, some longimanus)
Vaejois vorheisi (?, never heard of this one)
Pandinus cavimanus
Vaejovis confuscus
Centuroides vittatus
Hadrurus arizonensis
That being said, I am not sure how many will ship at the moment. You would have to ask.
Good luck
Dave Mc
I put the C. vittatus on the list because they have a relatively mild sting for buthids.
If you aren't comfortable getting into Buthids, you can ignore them if you want.
There are also Opistophthalmus sp. available, but they aren't that active if I remember right.
With a little research beforehand, you can't go wrong with any of them.
Cheers, Dave Mc
if you want adult scorps then nevermind.. but I do have i2 V.coahuile (lesser stripe tailed scorpion) if you wanted to try some of those. C.vittatus is very nice if you are comfortable with them though.
C vittatus shouldnt be of that much concern. I used to keep them when I was 8 or 9 years old. Just use common sense. They do have a very painful sting though. I speak from experience LOL
Perhaps you should come up with a list of what you are looking for in a scorp, or more importantly what you don't want.
Do you want something communal? A species that tends to be out and about? Do you want to be able to breed them and easily rear the young?
I like my emps but the high temp and humidity thing is a bit bothersome for me esp. since they will drag food into their burrows and then mites become a problem. Plus they're always hiding.
C. vittatus are easy, small, communal, pretty and usually out and about and will do well at room temps without supplemental heating.
Hadrurus are a solitary, tough desert species that are quite harmless, docile and quite large but probably need heat.
Vaejovis are a cool but small sized genus that will also do well at room temps.
The easiest species I've worked with is B. jacksoni. They're pretty, fairly large, communal, quite docile and aggressive feeders.
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