What small exotic pet should I get?


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
15 gallons? How about.... Get 3 5 gallon tanks, and 3 small/medium sized tarantula species. :)
Otherwise, get a frog. Ornate Horned Frog, or a Pyxie if you can squeeze in a 20 gallon.


Jul 16, 2009
I'm quite partial to mice! Get a pair of females though, the smell is much less significant than the males. If you get a silent wheel for their cage, they make virtually no noise, and their little tank can be shoved quickly under a bed or in a closet during room checks. :)

I've keep mice for years and find them to be an absolute delight!


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
I vote for the Short Tailed Opossum too!

I've got one currently and I've had her for about a year now. Her name is Zeeboo (gotta post some new pics of her). I keep her in a 20 Gallon Tall aquarium, with Carefresh bedding as her substrate. For her decor, I tried to go the natural route and rigged her up with several pieces of drift wood and quite a few hiding areas as well. She absolutely loves burrowing through the Carefresh and getting her own tunnels built!

To this day she's only had one accident while I was holding her. While she's out cruising around on me I can tell when she needs to go to the bathroom. She actually make her way toward the cage. Once there, she does her duty (in one corner kind of like Leopard Geckos do) and the immediately begs to be handled again. I handle her everyday if I can.

My STO totally LOVES the hard kibble. I give her a mixture of Eukanuba's Chicken / Rice cat food, and Mazuris Ferret food. I tried the food that's marketed for STO, and she wouldn't touch it. She'll get about 15 large crickets on a weekly basis, and once a month she'll get a pinkie mouse as a suppliment as well. When she was first with me she loved different baby foods, but as she's grown she's strayed from them. Now all she wants is the kibble and live food.

As far as the odor goes, well, she's not too terribly noticeable. I'm sure if you've had any kind of pet that has an odor you'll be just fine. I actually can't smell her unless I'm trying to.

Here's a link to a site that gave me a bunch of info when I first got her....


They're great little critters and I hope you dig yours if you decide on one.