What Monitor Lizard to get?


Old Timer
Aug 8, 2004
I highly recommed "ackies" or the "Yellow Dwarf Spiny Tail Monitor" or "Red Dwarf Spiny Tail Monitor". The yellows are more common and less expensive. These guys max out at around a foot or so give or take, are easily tamed and very interesting to watch. The size and attitudes of these guys make them awesome additions! I have kept several individuals and use them frequently for educational presentations. Savannah monitors are another good beginner choice but keep in mind that a 55 gallon probably isn't going to cut it once it's full grown. These guys are easy to find, usually relativly inexpensive, can be easily handled and tamed, but keep in mind that they can get pretty hefty! I would stay away for Timors as your first as many individuals are brought in as WC specimens and they can be expensive and fairly skittish EG: walk into the reptile room and all the Timors run for cover whereas all the ackies are out and about looking for food when I come in! Ackies are all around a great choice if you're looking for something that is smaller and can be easily tamed/handled!