What kind of beetle is this?


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
"dude, if you really want all the random larva and poop i pull out of the ground i am more than happy."

Between my recent diet & "What"'s offer to leave some on my doorstep(IF he follows through){D, I should be all good on the poop. If you are serious about the grubs, I would gladly take them. They're fantastic for edu. outreach when the teach requests material about metamorphosis. Happy hunting!


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2007
Well the mysterious grub will remain mysterious. I broke some bark off the tree I found it next to and put it with some moist cocofiber. It just burried under the old bark then died lol. Guess we'll never find out. Oh well


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
That's too bad. Hopefully you'll find another. When there is one there are many.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
I found a ton of these in different sizes and shapes today. (the grubs, not the beetle), anyway:

A big one, 4"+ that I was digging out to look at, bit the tongs! I actually pulled it from the forest duff by it holding on to the tongs! Crazy. It's head was 1/4 inch out from the white stuff. I didn't see that until it bit and I jerked back. I was actually using my fingers to dig when I saw it though, I switched to tongs. Glad I did.

Oh, and for the what to do with it:

All of them I found today were within six inches of the surface, in mixtures of soil, wood, leaves, etc. Fairly loose, but not fluffed or anything. Actually I just remembered this, I have one in my front yard right now. It dug a mound of dirt over where it's at. The mound is maybe 6inches by 12 inches.
The grub there is only 2"-3" though. I don't know why it's mound would be so big.

Weird Science ~r


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2004
Hello your beetle grub looks lika a Cetonid, Cutinus mutabilis.

judging by its coloration, it seems to be close to puppation.

They usually feed on compost and a mixture of decayed wood and decayed leaves.

I found a ton of these in different sizes and shapes today. (the grubs, not the beetle), anyway:

A big one, 4"+ that I was digging out to look at, bit the tongs! I actually pulled it from the forest duff by it holding on to the tongs! Crazy. It's head was 1/4 inch out from the white stuff. I didn't see that until it bit and I jerked back. I was actually using my fingers to dig when I saw it though, I switched to tongs. Glad I did.

Oh, and for the what to do with it:

All of them I found today were within six inches of the surface, in mixtures of soil, wood, leaves, etc. Fairly loose, but not fluffed or anything. Actually I just remembered this, I have one in my front yard right now. It dug a mound of dirt over where it's at. The mound is maybe 6inches by 12 inches.
The grub there is only 2"-3" though. I don't know why it's mound would be so big.

Weird Science ~r
Do you have pics of the grubs you found? Where are you located? It might not be a Cutinus sp but perhaps a Chrysina sp or even a Dynastid sp


good luck



Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
Do you have pics of the grubs you found? Where are you located? It might not be a Cutinus sp but perhaps a Chrysina sp or even a Dynastid sp.
No, I'm sorry. I broke our camera taking pics of P. reddelli.

I live in Austin, TX. The grubs I found ranged in size from 1/2" all the way up to over 4", maybe 6"? I am unsure because the big ones were curled up.

The biggest ones were at least 1" in diameter if that helps...

I also saw some bombardier beetles and some pretty green metallic ones too!

I'll be going out this weekend again, with a hiking buddy this time. I will try and take measurements if I find the big ones again... I've never seen a grub before, they are really strange looking... cool though...


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2007
Thanks for the ID ftorres. I had a feeling it was them but I didn't want to assume because i know nothing of beetles and their grub :D. We have fig beetles flying here a lot.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Wow be careful with those bombardier beetles. :eek:

I wanted tiger beetles but found out that they actually aren't legal at all for California. Guess the conditions are too good here..(I love carnivorous beetles, though)