My friend got some of these (legally) from Tanzania. Any ideas? They are beautiful! Notice the whitish gray fangs! They are not a trapdoor. They can climb up a KK easy.One out of what he got is about 4".
well unless its a color morph, Hysterocrates species?? maybe?? the only African that even resembles ur t' many did you get?? the top one is a looker
Woah, hold your horses Why is this particular spider not a tarantula?? If it's not a therpahosid, than surely a barychelid, maybe Pisenor cf. lepidus, or one or two other genera/species. However, it really, REALLY looks like a true theraphosid to me. How about a butt shot please??? It would greatly help to see the spineretts.
I would suggest this thread not be moved
I have an idea, Richard Gallon needs to see this thread I think Hang on....
Well here some butt pics Its the best I can do with my crappy camera! Thanks for your help steve! I dont think he is going to breed,i dont know.This is one of the few that didnt make it in alive,it was MUCH easier to take a spinneret pic from this one than alive,they are AGGRESSIVE and teleporting fast!!!Here are the pics
Yes, I would say Barychelidae too The last segment on the spineretts is quite short and rounded, theraphosid apical (PLS) segments are usually longer and more pointed.....
I wonder, were those who originally ID'd these able to identify to genus level??
Awww, that's too bad. Looks like a nice species to have. The fast aggro critters are usually the most interesting to us. I just got Evan a 3" female marshalli and he called her a "stridulating huzzy" while trying to get her into her new house. She's a demon, but so very neat. Can you post more pics as they grow? or are they already mature?
Well,Krazy8's site said they only get 3",but we have one that is about 4-4.5".Unfortunately,that is one of 3 that isnt doing too well.The other 10 are eating,drinking,and have been trying to bite me like mad! If they can be vent sexed,they are all females(looks it). I am keeping 3 myself,and the rest will be for trade and sale in the classifieds here(only the real healthy active ones).
Ahh. Sounds like another case of E. pachypus syndrome. We have 3 females and inquired about getting a male. Turns out to be virtually impossible! The collectors are told to get large specimines, but the males are small even when they're mature, so they're passed over in favor of the females. I suspect the collectors in most cases aren't even aware they're males and females of the same species (males don't have the bell bottoms). Special requests will have to be made by the importers to the collectors. What a mess!
in the wild caught trade the majority of specimens are female...females are usually located in an area near a burrow and are easy to acquire as males tend to be wanderers....and are harder to mate did you and chris get these guys or did chris have them forsale???
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