What In The World Is Wrong With My Mexican Red Knee?

Kat Berg

Apr 17, 2016
Don't get your face near the urticating hairs though. In case you didn't know . although I'm sure you do.
I've never got urticating hairs in my skin before because I never open his lid unless in feeding him. I hope I didn't just jinx myself lol!

Kat Berg

Apr 17, 2016
I've always done the same, but over time I've learned most of the employees are not the brightest bulbs. Also, there are 2 types of owners, those that don't bother to learn too much about their pet, hence they believe the pet store people and care sheets "know all", and those that take a more serious look at their pets' husbandry and realize many people at the stores don't know a thing more or less.

Ts behavior can change from molt to molt. There's no research on this and there never will be. We just know it happens.

It sounds as if your T isn't hungry, but can't say for sure as it's not mine. I'd also try some crickets.

What size is your T? I may have missed that info. Some Ts will feel up their food, investigate even if not hungry, or hungry and come back later for it. Happens all the time with some of mine, usually when they are plump.

A pic of its container and the T MAY help.

Petsmart = PetDumb in my experience.
Where would you suggest I learn about the husbandry of my Ts? I have recently bought a L.Para, (shes kinda spazy but I think that's just because of her small size) and any information that I can get about my Ts and how I can make their lives more comfortable and how I can be a more responsible pet owner then that would be great! :). I'm still new to the hobby so any info would be great (I did my homework to the best of my ability before I bough any of my tarantulas). Ill also keep your comments about the pet store owners in mind. Thanks for the help!

Kat Berg

Apr 17, 2016
Ill try to get a photo of Mr.Boo Radley out asps but like I've mentioned before I'm scared to talk the lid off his enclosure because he likes to jump and he runs really REALLY fast. I'm worried that I'll have an ill reaction and end up hurting him on accident, that's how my last one died. My mom was handling my Rosie and I guess my T reared up to strike and it freaked my mom out and she dropped her on accident. I want to avoid having a situation at all cost for the safety of my T and for myself.


Oct 26, 2014
The LP is being an LP. They are pretty food motivated. If it moves it's food, if it doesn't move it still might be food, and even though it wasn't food when I pounced it ten seconds ago it might be food now.

If you're concerned about opening an enclosure take a deep breath and only open one edge of the enclosure lid. Take another deep breath and watch the tarantula until it stops bouncing around and then proceed. The usual reaction in my experience to the vibration of opening to lid slightly is that the tarantula either hides or jumps forward to defend it's territory. Usually they hide. If they jump toward me I drop a cricket or a bottle cap or a small wad of paper towel through the crack for distraction purposes and work from the opposite side of the container. The more slow, steady, and calm/relaxed the fewer bumps, vibrations, and scares you give the tarantula. It gets easier to work with them with time and practice.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Boo Radley, I love it...one of my favorite books....does that make you Atticus or Scout??

I'm surprised at the comments regarding attacking the water...its not surprised (lol), this is a feeding response every time....I use a syringe to gauge my ts interest in food...I even use it when a prey item has frozen in place...a well placed squirt of water and the prey gets hammered almost every single time.

Heck, get some really food aggressive ts and you won't be able to add water without an almost constant reaction.

I see no reason to dribble the water, if it attacks the water, let it, I have some that jump onto the dish and I have to bounce water off them into the dish (T. okerti/P. nigricolor, I am looking at you).

I don't see why you are concerned about the appetite, its still eating, so what if its not pouncing, as long as its eating, its all good....and when it stops, just sit back and wait for it to molt.

Glad to see the lesson you learned with your mom handling wasn't lost on you....handling is one of the biggest dangers a t owner can present to its t.


Jul 21, 2015
Do a search on this site for the species, cross reference websites on the care for that particular species , and youtube. There's a lot of info out there on the more common t's . that's how I learned about mine . just read as much as you can.

Kat Berg

Apr 17, 2016
Boo Radley, I love it...one of my favorite books....does that make you Atticus or Scout??
Ill be Jem :3 since I'm afraid of Boo and I think he's a psycho killer that harmed his family lol. Hopefully I'll be Scout some day and I'll know the sweet loving nature that no one knew about the real Boo Radley.