i see a patern developing
you want a dog, they say no, you get a T
you got a T, they say no, ......
what is worse than a T?
get something so scary and horrible that makes the T look like a better choice.
Hey dude you live in Phoenix right? Can you say I'll build you a shed? Weather out there should support most T's with little need for heating except during nights in the winter. This will keep all the evil tarantulas out of the house!;P
well, if you're going for worse... not bees... wasps man, esp. the bald faced hornet (they're evil little sh...!) i've been stung SO many times by those things... i hate em hate em hate em....
but seriously, i'd say educate em, but i know how some people are when it comes to "creepy crawlies", and there's just no winning.
my family thinks i'm a bit odd, but they've always thought that... and now that i've moved out of their house they have no say.... but my parents weren't too thrilled when my brother and i brought home an iguana (horatio, rest his soul) but since we never took it out without the door closed they lete us keep him til my brother moved to college and took horatio with him...
a dog is potentially way more dangerous to a baby than a t.
if you keep them long enough they'll probably forget about it. if not, tell him to sit and spin ;P
If all that doesn't work, tell them that the dog will poop on the floor, the Ts don't. The dog will bark, the Ts don't. The dog will chew everything in the house, the Ts don't. The dog will eat a lot of expensive food, the Ts don't. The dog needs expensive veterinary care, the Ts don't.~Terri~:0)
OH yes! finally, a pet that just sits and collects dust! ;P
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