What did you name your tarantulas?


Dec 13, 2020
I only have the three (and a jumper) so I name all of my spideys:
P audax (bold jumper): Spin (was Spinderella until it turned out to be a boy lol, the boy previous was Skulltula)
Hapolopus Columbia small (munchkin patch): Carver - I wanted a pumpkiny name but JackOLantern seemed too obvious haha
Cyriocosmus elegans (dwarf tiger): Care Bear (it's a pink T with a heart on its butt you betcha I named it Care Bear)
Tliltocatl albopilosus (curly hair): Baba Yaga (he or she is our resident swamp witch lol)

I made Carver a little label for his enclosure with his name on it because I had all that sweet lid real estate:
View attachment 368677
I just replied to another post but wanted to say that label is cute. I also have 3 P audax jumpers (Buster, Beavis and Butthead, only Buster has matured into a female and the others are unsexed.) my one and only T (so far) is Bruja (witch in Spanish.) love the names you’ve picked for yours too!


Dec 13, 2020
I just replied to another post but wanted to say that label is cute. I also have 3 P audax jumpers (Buster, Beavis and Butthead, only Buster has matured into a female and the others are unsexed.) my one and only T (so far) is Bruja (witch in Spanish.) love the names you’ve picked for yours too!
Edit: my T is a T albo


Sep 2, 2020
Edit: my T is a T albo
Clearly, T albo are witch tarantulas! ;) It's so fun we both gave ours witchy names. I have no idea what sex they are, and won't for ages, if ever, but for whatever reason I have thought of Care Bear and Baba Yaga as girls and Carver as a boy which reflected just a bit in the names.


Dec 13, 2020
Clearly, T albo are witch tarantulas! ;) It's so fun we both gave ours witchy names. I have no idea what sex they are, and won't for ages, if ever, but for whatever reason I have thought of Care Bear and Baba Yaga as girls and Carver as a boy which reflected just a bit in the names.
I like those names a lot! It is really hard to give them names when you won’t know their sex for so long but you can only do so much. Tarantula Kat was considering the name Bruja for one of her T’s which is what inspired me and I love witchy things lol. It also fit the “B” theme I had going. There’s no significant in the letter B for me, my daughter named the first jumping spider Buster and I ran with B names to make it easier for me bc im already indecisive as hell lol. I’m patiently waiting to find a reasonably priced C versicolor, my LPS is pretty expensive which means paying the high shipping rates worth it (I’m talking ~$70 for a sling.) and maybe one day a GBB but I’m still new to the T game so I’m not trying to amass any sort of collection bc they can potentially live so long and hobbies and interests change. The versicolors are so beautiful tho


Oct 21, 2020
Okay so here’s an updated list, we’re up to 13 specimens:

A. Hentzi - Chewy
T. Vagans - Bilbo Vagans
P. Cambridgei - Nyx
Juvie A. Avic - Taco
GBB - Cheeseball (Son got to name it)
T Stirmi - Jorogumo


Sep 20, 2020
I haven't named most of mine. It's just gotta come to me or be based on their attitude / habits.
Also would prefer to know sex first lol.

Lola Montez - L. parahybana
Pumpkin - H. Colombia (I know, too easy)
B.B. (aka Lou) - G. pulchra
Mufasa - G. acteon


May 23, 2013
Brachypelma Albiceps: David
Pelinobius muticus: T’challa
Idiothele Mira: Vixen
Harpactira pulchripes: Kobe
Hapalopus sp. Columbia: Hollow
Pterinochilus murinus: Chichi DeFang
Poecilotheria metallica: Lars
Ceratogyrus darlingi: Chongo
Tliltocatl albopilosum: Charlotte
Cyriopagopus lividus: Trinity
Lasiodora parahybana: Jimbo
Psalmopoeus Irminia: Violent J
Grammostola pulchra: Harry Belafonte
Heterothele villosella: Denver
Aphonopelma coloradanum: Tyrion Lannister
Acanthoscurria geniculata: Groot
Avicularia avicularia: Boots
Theraphosa stirmi: Ron Burgundy
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens:
Shaggy 2 dope
I also have a scorpion:
Heterometrus spinifer: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


Dec 27, 2020
For my T's:

A. seemanni - Checkers
A. avicularia - Dumpling
A. avicularia F - Princess
C. versicolor - Shenanigans
C. darlingi - Magic
G. porteri - Truffles
N. incei - Quagg
N. chromatus - Money cat
P. pulcher - Snowball
P. sazimai - Snugs (she hates me)
T. albo - Buttons
T. vagans - Rozar


Nov 13, 2019
It's been a minute since someone posted on this thread. It's not dead, just needed a little CPR.
New additions:
Brachypelma auratum - Beetlejuice
B. baumgarteni - Pierna de Fuego
B. hamorii - Kevin
B. smithi - Candycorn
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple -
The Spider Formerly Known As Prince


May 21, 2018
Ah yes! Updates! New since I commented in August:

M.F.U Tarantulas
0.0.5 Acanthoscurria geniculata (Brazilian Whiteknee) Sugarsnap, Pinto, Lentil, Lima, and Garbanzo
0.0.2 Aphonopelma catalina (Santa Catalina Mountain) Beer Pong, Agave Hot Sauce
0.1.1 Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blonde) Mabel (4"), and Goober (.75")
0.2.0 Aphonopelma gabeli (Chiricahuan Grey, Carlsbad Green) Grenda Grendinator, Candy Chiu
0.0.1 Aphonopelma johnnycashi aka Bastard Sue
0.0.1 Aphonopelma madera (Madrean) Taco Tuesday
0.0.1 Aphonopelma moderatum (Rio Grande gold) Hot Buttered Toast
0.0.1 Aphonopelma paloma (Paloma Dwarf) Space Pants
0.1.0 Aphonopelma peloncillo (Peloncillo Mountain) Belle Starr
0.0.2 Aphonopelma xwalxwal (Cahuilla Ebony) Bort Malort and Sazerac Sam
0.0.1 Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Knee) Tatewari
0.0.1 Brachypelma klaasi (Mexican Pink Beauty) Officer Strawberry Shortcake
0.1.0 Brachypelma smithi (Smith’s Red Knee) Ms Delores
0.0.2 Cyriocosmus elegans (Trinidad Dwarf Tiger) Cookie, Sandwich
0.0.3 Euathlus sp. "gold" lowland (Theodora Pudding Pop, Chancellor Cheeseburger, Chicken Nugget of McDonaldia)
0.0.1 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla aka Comrade Morcilla
0.1.0 Heterothele villosella (Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon) Nandi
0.1.0 Heterothele gabonensis (Gabon Blue Dwarf) Amina
1.0.1 Homoeomma chilensis (Dwarf Chilean Flame) La Conte de Canela y Baby Spice
0.0.3 Idiothele mira (Blue Foot Baboon) Adidas, Vans, and Nike
0.0.1 Magnacarina primaverensis (Mexican Dwarf Redleg) aka 3 Day Drunk
0.0.1 Neischnocolus sp Chica (Chica Dwarf) Moco Loco
0.1.0 Neischnocolus sp. Panama (Gold Banded Sunburst Dwarf) Rock-afire Explosion
0.0.1 Neischnocolus yupanquii aka Hypercolor Bingo
0.1.0 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra (Bumble Bee Tarantula) (dry-is Feb-Apr) Sweet Caroline
0.0.1 Neoholothele incei gold (Trinidad Olive) Mr/Ms Lemon Merengue
0.0.1 Neoholothele incei olive (Trinidad Olive) Lady/Lord Key Lime
0.0.1 Neostenotarsus sp Suriname aka Meat Gash Magritte
0.0.2 Plesiopelma sp "Bolivia" aka Panzer Lunchbox, and Commissioner Crab Rangoon Möthër
0.0.2 Theraphosinae sp. Panama (Panama Pink, Lava Spider) Pele and Sunspot
0.0.1 Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian Green Velvet) Oscar the Grouch
0.1.0 Thrixopelma ockerti (Peruvian Flame Rump) Berry Tart
0.0.3 Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curly Hair) Beanie Eyelash (Honduran), Curly Fry (Nicaraguan), Taquito

Non-Tarantula Mygalomorphs
0.0.1 Calisoga longitarsus (False Tarantula) Nice Boat
0.0.1 Cyclocosmia torreya (Torreya Trap-door Spider) Marge In HR
0.0.1 Hebestatis theveneti (Thevenet's Trapdoor Spider) Sweet Adzuki Bean

True Spiders
0.0.1 Viridasius fasciatus (Ornamental Wandering Spider) 90's Goth Coke Binge

I guess that was a lot O_O


Jan 22, 2021
Not named my versi and chromatus slings yet, but will as they grow. As I dropped my chromatus enclosure and found him in a little clump of sub and he's thriving, I'm thinking of naming him after some kind of character who's difficult to kill. No idea for the versi yet.

My T sabulosus is called Maggie. I'm reading my daughter the Chronicles of Prydain and there's a devious character called Mag who keeps getting called a spider by one of the other characters, in outrage at his evil machinations. The persistence of his use of the spider imagery (over a couple of books) amused us both, so we thought it would make a good name. Also, my daughter hated Sue, the original name (I thought it was cute and amusing).

D pentaloris is called McBolty. In our old house we had two garden spiders living in our kitchen for a while, and wifey and I named them Bunk and McNulty. So it's kind of a throwback to that, plus some appropriate descriptiveness!


Jun 11, 2018
N. incei = Ms Wiggly butt
D. pentalors =Mad Max
T. albo =Blattlaus
L Parahybana =Notorious
A. geniculata = Pouncy
T. vagans =Ms Aggro
A. chalcodes = Blondie
G. pulchripes =Mîm


May 6, 2021
Do you name your tarantulas? What are their names/species? If you have too many, what are some of your favorites? I love hearing what others have picked!

I named my Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula (Aphonopelma Seemanni) Count Tarantula 'Nelson' Meowster (Nelson is his middle name and all my pets last name is Meowster. They share a last name with my kitty cat Lucibelle) Nelson is my very first and only Tarantula my boyfriend would fall over dead if I got another one! I got him to fall in love with bearded dragons but it will take some work to get him to fall in love with Nelson. I find him so adorable and can't understand why a fuzzy spider wouldn't be to anyone else? People are crazy for not thinking Tarantulas are the cutest! Here is a picture of Nelson



Mar 21, 2018
Here's my list:

Harpactira pulchripes 1.2.1. Sleipnir, Fearless, Rapunzel, Sleipnir II
Pterinochilus murinus 0.3 Cletus, Cleta, Cora
Ceratogyrus marshalli 0.2 Avarice, Generosity
Pelinobius muticus 0.1 Rufinia
Heterscodra maculata 1.1 Artemis, Ashante
Stromatopelma calceatum 1.1 Gelimer, Maiella
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 0.0.1 Sheena
Haploclastus devamatha 0.0.1 Ganon
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 0.1 Lauradrianna
Chilobrachys sp. 'Electric Blue' 1.1 Jasmine, Taruana
Cyriopagopus sp. 'Hati Hati' 0.1 Runt
Phormingochilus sp. 'Rufus' 1.0 Teaches of Peaches
Omothymus shioedtei 1,1 Grinch, Topeng Satu
Phlogius crassipes 0.2 Ned Kelly, Kathy
Phlogius sp. 'Black' 0.0.1 Murphy
Psalmopoeus irminia 0.1 Dreamy
Tapinauchenius violaceus 0.0.2 Quick, Slick
Aphonopelma chalcodes 0.1 Strawberry
Tliltocatl albopilosus 0.0.1 Hagrid
Grammostola rosea 0.1 Rosey
Last edited:


Jun 2, 2016
I name them whenever it comes to me. Many haven’t been given names yet, but the latest one:

G. iheringi - 747

(for those that don’t know this is a big plane and hopefully this is a girl and will live up to the size).


Jul 19, 2019
Some new additions that have recently gotten names!

H. maculata: Calypso
P. irminia: Lenore
B. boehmei: Truckee
D. pentaloris: Dante
Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple: Gárgola


May 6, 2021
Just got my first.

B.? (Hope to have it identified soon): Quintus

I love ancient Roman history, so I wanted something from there. Think it would be a cool naming convention when I inevitably get more.


Jun 2, 2016
Ah yes! Updates! New since I commented in August:

M.F.U Tarantulas
0.0.5 Acanthoscurria geniculata (Brazilian Whiteknee) Sugarsnap, Pinto, Lentil, Lima, and Garbanzo
0.0.2 Aphonopelma catalina (Santa Catalina Mountain) Beer Pong, Agave Hot Sauce
0.1.1 Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blonde) Mabel (4"), and Goober (.75")
0.2.0 Aphonopelma gabeli (Chiricahuan Grey, Carlsbad Green) Grenda Grendinator, Candy Chiu
0.0.1 Aphonopelma johnnycashi aka Bastard Sue
0.0.1 Aphonopelma madera (Madrean) Taco Tuesday
0.0.1 Aphonopelma moderatum (Rio Grande gold) Hot Buttered Toast
0.0.1 Aphonopelma paloma (Paloma Dwarf) Space Pants
0.1.0 Aphonopelma peloncillo (Peloncillo Mountain) Belle Starr
0.0.2 Aphonopelma xwalxwal (Cahuilla Ebony) Bort Malort and Sazerac Sam
0.0.1 Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Knee) Tatewari
0.0.1 Brachypelma klaasi (Mexican Pink Beauty) Officer Strawberry Shortcake
0.1.0 Brachypelma smithi (Smith’s Red Knee) Ms Delores
0.0.2 Cyriocosmus elegans (Trinidad Dwarf Tiger) Cookie, Sandwich
0.0.3 Euathlus sp. "gold" lowland (Theodora Pudding Pop, Chancellor Cheeseburger, Chicken Nugget of McDonaldia)
0.0.1 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla aka Comrade Morcilla
0.1.0 Heterothele villosella (Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon) Nandi
0.1.0 Heterothele gabonensis (Gabon Blue Dwarf) Amina
1.0.1 Homoeomma chilensis (Dwarf Chilean Flame) La Conte de Canela y Baby Spice
0.0.3 Idiothele mira (Blue Foot Baboon) Adidas, Vans, and Nike
0.0.1 Magnacarina primaverensis (Mexican Dwarf Redleg) aka 3 Day Drunk
0.0.1 Neischnocolus sp Chica (Chica Dwarf) Moco Loco
0.1.0 Neischnocolus sp. Panama (Gold Banded Sunburst Dwarf) Rock-afire Explosion
0.0.1 Neischnocolus yupanquii aka Hypercolor Bingo
0.1.0 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra (Bumble Bee Tarantula) (dry-is Feb-Apr) Sweet Caroline
0.0.1 Neoholothele incei gold (Trinidad Olive) Mr/Ms Lemon Merengue
0.0.1 Neoholothele incei olive (Trinidad Olive) Lady/Lord Key Lime
0.0.1 Neostenotarsus sp Suriname aka Meat Gash Magritte
0.0.2 Plesiopelma sp "Bolivia" aka Panzer Lunchbox, and Commissioner Crab Rangoon Möthër
0.0.2 Theraphosinae sp. Panama (Panama Pink, Lava Spider) Pele and Sunspot
0.0.1 Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian Green Velvet) Oscar the Grouch
0.1.0 Thrixopelma ockerti (Peruvian Flame Rump) Berry Tart
0.0.3 Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curly Hair) Beanie Eyelash (Honduran), Curly Fry (Nicaraguan), Taquito

Non-Tarantula Mygalomorphs
0.0.1 Calisoga longitarsus (False Tarantula) Nice Boat
0.0.1 Cyclocosmia torreya (Torreya Trap-door Spider) Marge In HR
0.0.1 Hebestatis theveneti (Thevenet's Trapdoor Spider) Sweet Adzuki Bean

True Spiders
0.0.1 Viridasius fasciatus (Ornamental Wandering Spider) 90's Goth Coke Binge

I guess that was a lot O_O
Your names never disappoint.