Nixy, that would be cool. My male isn't full-grown either. He's about a year behind at what he should be now. After I moved out, the ex-roomie never fed him for an entire year. When I got him, he was the same size as he had been a year ago. Just a sad-looking sack of bones. He could barely hold in more than a mouse pinky. He's done a complete and is now eating 1 fuzzy rat a week.
Personally, I would change her over to cypress mulch. But, if you can keep the humidity up without getting the peat moss too moist, it should be okay. One thing I'd suggest would be to feed her in a separate enclosure to avoid accidental ingestion of substrate. I don't know if you already do this. Otherwise, her setup sounds good. Sounds like a spoiled little girl.
Sam, the corn snake isn't full-grown, he's only around 2.5-3'. It's not like my monster hands made an adult cornsnake look tiny.
I put the pinky in a shallow bowl for her to grab. I read someplace about accidental ingestion of substrate and wanted to avoid it.
She seems to like nosing around in it and digging. At first anyway. I think looking for escape hatches.
My goodness Bry but your babies are Beautiful.
How often should I feed this little darling? About once a week?
There's always the possibility of her pulling it out onto the substrate. But, another method you can use is to lay down some paper towels and put a pinky mouse on that. The risk is still there though. Feeding every 7-10 days will do the trick. After about 2 years, I'd slow feedings down to every 10-14 days.
Ok, will do. I want to make sure the little darling gets the best. The twins adore her. They love to spoil their pets. Their spiders have everything but a bulter...
Could another be introduced in with her?
If I get the chance to get a litle male or age? Or should i house them seperatly?
Sorry about the dumb questions. It's been Ages since I kept a snake and all mine were wild caught when I was a kid. So it was a matter of keeping them for a summer.
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