Well that sucked


Oct 25, 2014
I have been excited ever since my A.versi matured a little over a month ago to try my hand at breeding this species.. I came across a proven MM and he loaded his palps two days ago( saw remnants of a sperm web).. I have been feeding her like mad for the last month and finally after close to 15 crix 8-10 supers and 1 adult discoid she was just hanging out in her web in total chill mode..

I figured tonight would be a great night to introduce the male and had visions of everything going by the books... Yea, well I was wrong...
At first (for like 15 mins) he didn't do anything.. Like seriously nothing..He just sat at the edge of the opening of her enclosure.. So I gently brushed his front leg with the straw to kind of gauge his "state of mind" clearly he was terrified ( or starving) because he bit the straw so hard it put holes through both sides:vamp:

My female was seemingly oblivious to the whole thing as she wasn't even facing the male.. So after he let go of the straw I decided to pull him ..I figured if he is that terrified the timing is off and there is no point putting him in danger and I would try again in a few days..

As I was reaching for the catchcup he started walking quickly toward her web and I was like here it comes he's going to get munched... So just as I got the straw to his front legs to redirect him, his front legs touched the web and she spun around in full KILL MODE :doctor:... She turned and rushed and he bolted so damn fast you would of thought he saw Rosy O'Donnell naked! The poor little bastard was so scared of my girl I don't know that I will even risk trying him again..

Feel free to share some of your most recent or memorable breeding fails..
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May 6, 2016
I purchased a sexed pair of adult chromatopelma cynopubescense and got them immediatly rehoused and began prepairing to pair them.
Over the course of the next 4 weeks i fed the female as much as she would eat. In total this was close to 10 dubia, 15 large superworms, roughly. She was big and fresh looking and the male had eaten maybe three meals in the 4 week pre amble and made multiple sperm webs. The female had conpletely webbed out her enclosure by now and i began cohabitating them nightly. The first three attemps were not good but they were not horrible. Some mutual signs of interest from both parties followed by them kinda just stumbling off in seperate directions or the male leaving her enclosure. The fourth time i tried to pair them the female took the males L1 Leg off instantly after he initiated tapping. I felt nervous but attempted once more and he was consumed. The female had been fed between these pairing attempts also. She was just a major mental case. A week later she molted. And now what i thought was a giant gbb before is now a massive beautiful girl. Not all bad.

Risto N

Oct 2, 2016
I have been excited ever since my A.versi matured a little over a month ago to try my hand at breeding this species.. I came across a proven MM and he loaded his palps two days ago( saw remnants of a sperm web).. I have been feeding her like mad for the last month and finally after close to 15 crix 8-10 supers and 1 adult discoid she was just hanging out in her web in total chill mode..

I figured tonight would be a great night to introduce the male and had visions of everything going by the books... Yea, well I was wrong...
At first (for like 15 mins) he didn't do anything.. Like seriously nothing..He just sat at the edge of the opening of her enclosure.. So I gently brushed his front leg with the straw to kind of gauge his "state of mind" clearly he was terrified ( or starving) because he bit the straw so hard it put holes through both sides:vamp:

My female was seemingly oblivious to the whole thing as she wasn't even facing the male.. So after he let go of the straw I decided to pull him ..I figured if he is that terrified the timing is off and there is no point putting him in danger and I would try again in a few days..

As I was reaching for the catchcup he started walking quickly toward her web and I was like here it comes he's going to get munched... So just as I got the straw to his front legs to redirect him, his front legs touched the web and she spun around in full KILL MODE :doctor:... She turned and rushed and he bolted so damn fast you would of thought he saw Rosy O'Donnell naked! The poor little bastard was so scared of my girl I don't know that I will even risk trying him again..

Feel free to share some of your most recent or memorable breeding fails..
I'm very sorry that didn't work out. Definitely spit coffee out when the Rosie O'Donnell part came up though.


Oct 25, 2014
In all seriousness though, I'm sorry it didn't work out. I've never tried pairing T's before. Are females quite picky and reject mates often?
Thanks man. It happens from time to time.. In this case I think I may have tried her a little early in her molt cycle as it's only been about 30 days since she molted.. I like to wait 45-60 but this male matured in june! He is on borrowed time..

The male being so old could also be the entire problem. His sex drive might be completly deminished even though he appears to be in good shape..

Some females almost always try to kill the male either way it all depends on species..


May 6, 2016
Thanks man. It happens from time to time.. In this case I think I may have tried her a little early in her molt cycle as it's only been about 30 days since she molted.. I like to wait 45-60 but this male matured in june! He is on borrowed time..

The male being so old could also be the entire problem. His sex drive might be completly deminished even though he appears to be in good shape..

Some females almost always try to kill the male either way it all depends on species..
Thats where i really F'd up because GBBs hardly show a premolt at all had i known she was approaching one i would have waited. But also had purchased a male who was already mature. So waiting would have possibly made him infertile. #thestruggle


Oct 25, 2014
Thats where i really F'd up because GBBs hardly show a premolt at all had i known she was approaching one i would have waited. But also had purchased a male who was already mature. So waiting would have possibly made him infertile. #thestruggle
#the struggle.. Lol I may put that in my signature..

It's made even harder by the fact that if your female is young the heavy feeding in preperation for breeding can cause them to molt sooner than you expect.

Thats one reason I typically only do one pairing if I see a good insertion. If the male is young enough and the female ends up "molting out" he is still around. Multiple pairings can lead to a male that gets munched and then what lol!

Risto N

Oct 2, 2016
Gentlemen this sounds like one complex game of Russian Roulette with a mature male for sure. Lol @REEFSPIDER the struggle is most definitely real for you guys.


May 6, 2016
Its all a learning experience for me atleast i chose one of the harder species to breed for my first. I have brachypelmas and other reasonably easier species i could've attempted but i opted for a better looking spider i like more aesthetically aswell as one i felt could be traded or wholesaled more rewardingly. I have since learned many things about the GBB regarding its native habitat and breeding schedule that i will be applying to my techniques in future attempts.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I tried pairing my MM P. chordatus with two of my girls...

HE DID NOT MOVE. At all. Not even a little bit. I plan to try again this week, but I really have no idea how to make it go any better...


May 6, 2016
I tried pairing my MM P. chordatus with two of my girls...

HE DID NOT MOVE. At all. Not even a little bit. I plan to try again this week, but I really have no idea how to make it go any better...
Get a piece of the females webbing and toss it in with your male

Blue Jaye

Old Timer
Sep 16, 2013
Well I just recently had a failed violaceopes pairing. I have two very large females and both are quite unfriendly. Well more like unkind. Both females molted a few months back. The male CB sent me finally matured and so I waited a month and then started feeding the females really heavy. A large Dubia every couple of days for about a month. Gave the male some of the females webbing saw a few sperm webs fed the female I was pairing first that is if he makes it . Like I said these ladies are just unkind.

I got the male in a catch cup. Gave him a little push with the paint brush onto the wall of her enclosure and stood ready. Well he just walked quickly over stopped half way which is where I thought he would reconsider and start tapping. But no he quickly walked right to her and before I could do anything she moved in a flash and grabbed him and was moving so fast she didn't stop till she was almost on the other side of the enclosure. Then she hunkered down for the meal.

Violaceopes pairing, the struggle is real sigh. I took pics so I could send CB the dreaded text about his male. And of course he was cool and awesome as usual. I thought I would try with the *nicer *of the two females this time but no.

This is the one species I've had trouble pairing and I'd really like to get it right. But ugh the tummy feels after something like this happens just sucks. He was an easy going little fellow going up against some large angry ladies.


Apr 8, 2016
Gotta keep on keeping on I guess. If he made it out alive then he can punch hell out of her epi another day :p