Weird Avicularia Avicularia Feeding Behavior


Dec 29, 2011
unfortunately, i cant afford it atm. Hopefully i will be getting some money in a week or 2


Dec 29, 2011
Just noticed a white crust or something around its mouth. If its poop how do I clean it?


Feb 23, 2011
Have you left the cricket in there over night without disturbing the tarantula? Some T's prefer to be left alone and to hunt on their own. As others have mentioned, she could be in premolt as well. Your best bet is to leave a cricket in there. Tarantulas have survived for a very long time without having us around to feed them. If the cricket isn't eaten within a day, remove it and try again in a week. It doesn't look like she's starving or dehydrated. But having all of that attention may be stressing her out. I've owned over 5 avics and raised a few from itsy-bitsy slings.

Also, if there are feces in its mouth, just leave it. She'll groom herself. Try not to worry so much. I leave my T's alone until it's feeding time (slings twice a week, subs and adults once a week) and check in on them at night with a flashlight. The best thing a worried tarantula owner can do is be vigilant while not disturbing their tarantulas too much.

Edit: I realize he said there's possibly fecal matter in the tarantulas mandibles, which could be nematodes but with all of the worrying and stress, it's prob'ly best to leave the T alone.

---------- Post added 02-21-2012 at 01:48 PM ----------

How long have you had it? Some Avics can take a little while to make their web retreats. I would suggest using cork bark leaned up against the side. The spider can attach webbing and build it's tube web, finally making itself at home. Give it a week without disturbing it and then try a cricket. I bet you will have different results. ;)
What advan said. ^_^

One more thing, lol. As I was watching your video, I couldn't help notice there are only ventilation holes at the top? Avics do prefer humidity but a few more holes nearer to the bottom might do your T some good. Proper ventilation is far more important than humidity, to a certain extent. Anyone else have any thoughts on that? Long-time reader of the boards but I've always shied away from commenting in fear of giving poor advice.
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Aug 29, 2011
From what I can see of the Avic I don't see any signs of pre-molt. But sometimes it's hard to tell on dark colored T's. And as said, she may just be settling in. Heck, I have an avic that wouldn't web ANYTHING! I actually got her a hollow round cork flat though and the next day it was all webbed up on the inner parts. Maybe try a round hide. Doesn't even have to be cork bark, there are people like myself that use PVC pipe or something similar.

You'll just have to try different things to figure out what your T likes. :)


Dec 29, 2011
i dont think they are nematodes bacuase there not on the rim of it mouth, its a bit father out. And some of it came off