I was just about to comment with something similar! Very nice (and that's my fave of your pics ).I made a Loch Ness Monster!
hehe I think my choice would be lucky charms.Nice shots April! Kinda of addicting isn't it?
Awesome milk shots Michael! I think you should have a few cheerios floating around in the picture.
Thanks Michael! Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters taught me how!OMG I'm on acid!
Very cool Chad! How did you get the multiple colors with a single flash?
hehe nice!!Thanks Michael! Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters taught me how!
Thank you njnolan!Wow, awesome pictures. As awesome of these pictures are I must say it must look a little comical watching the photo shoot .
Thank you April!I like the fingernail shot. It looks kind of like an eye!
Yeah, we're cool. I spent my Saturday night taking pictures of water. he he