Based on past research by Fayel Abushama and my own personal observations and casual experiments with several thermoxerophilic scorpion species, I'm starting to rethink the issues of humidity and water in regards to scoepions from xeric regions. However, for now, I'm staying with routine mistings.
out of all of my 200+ scorpions i give no water dishes to and the only kinds of scorps i got is Androctonus sp L.Q's and Centruroides oh ya and a tank of emps, but some of the Centruroides and all the emps i mist alot a couple times per week and the Androctonus sp's and L.Q's i light mist once a month. so far so good.
I'd always supply a water dish for Pandinus imperator. I keep the humidity very high in my Pandinus set-up and yet they will always, at some point, drink directly from the water dish. Just my observations.
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