Warning Chin................!!!!


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
He has a few posts in the for sale and trade section hes over seas......... hes taking multiple bids on the same T and even recieving money through paypal, but then stating that if I pay double he wont accept the first persons money transfer.................( I had offered double just to try and get his attention and be a front runner....... but did not know he had more then one party involved already and had recieved money from that other party for the T!!!!!!!)

Second he is selling a mature female Klaasi for 70 bucks............. (big red flag) Third he is going to ship from China or something like that which is not in his add............

If you have any other need to know questions I can email you the emails that we have passed together so far and that will be all you need to know. BE CAREFUL IF YOU DO DEAL. Something is not right.........

He also claims I did not respond fast enough to the add thats why he took money from another party...... however 24hours had not even passed.
DANGER DANGER.......:mad: :mad: :mad:


Jun 6, 2005
He has a few posts in the for sale and trade section hes over seas......... hes taking multiple bids on the same T and even recieving money through paypal, but then stating that if I pay double he wont accept the first persons money transfer.................( I had offered double just to try and get his attention and be a front runner....... but did not know he had more then one party involved already and had recieved money from that other party for the T!!!!!!!)

Second he is selling a mature female Klaasi for 70 bucks............. (big red flag) Third he is going to ship from China or something like that which is not in his add............

If you have any other need to know questions I can email you the emails that we have passed together so far and that will be all you need to know. BE CAREFUL IF YOU DO DEAL. Something is not right.........

He also claims I did not respond fast enough to the add thats why he took money from another party...... however 24hours had not even passed.
DANGER DANGER.......:mad: :mad: :mad:

First of all, I am replying to this post to reason myself out. Why am I doing so? Because I will want to share my experiences, gain knowledge to and from fellow members of AB. I do not want to gain a reputation because I choose not to explain myself so as not to waste my time.

I admit that I had reserved the B. klaasi for Ryan, but Ryan wasn't the only one enquiring about it. I read Ryan's email first and told him that its been reserved for him initially. But its been about 2 days (not less than 24 hours) and there wasn't any reply so I thought Ryan was a num buyer and decided to discuss further about the deal with another willing party.

Secondly, I did not receive any money from the other party. How could Ryan have gotten so familiar with what can be done with paypal when it's only about a day or so that you had just signed up? All that was involved was a payment invitation and it does not need the concession of 2 parties to send the invitation. The only thing needed was the seller's email address.

Thirdly, Ryan was the one that mentioned to double the price of the klaasi and I did not initiate anything at all.

I have my personal reasons about why I am selling off my items cheaply and no, I am not from China.

I am just a hobbyist like most of you guys at AB and wouldn't want to build up bad blood among AB members. I've been here quite some time ago but only came back to the spider keeping hobby recently after about a year plus. I have made myself clear and the rest is up to fellow members of AB to judge.



Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
I had an interest in that klaasi but by the time I saw it I figured it was gone.
If you were a member before it would be of immense help to know your previous moniker..