Want To By a Snake...


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Many, many people leave their pets behind when they go off to college. If his parents like snakes, and are willing to look after it for him while he is away, then it is no different than leaving your dog behind. Of course I don't know his parents so that is just guessing. But honestly, since you don't know his parents either, that shouldn't be part of your argument. ;)

But, if his parents aren't snake people, and aren't willing to look after a snake but are forced into it, that is a different story. But none of us know that story except Darkpredator.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Wow, am I surprised this thread still exists (of course now I'm prolonging its life). Anyway this has been an informal experience for all posters. We have now seen the personalities of all who have been involved, those who want to help, those who want to judge, those who want to volley everything right back... I think the biggest problems are one: Members who judge people way too much and offer no help. And two: a large amount of poor communication. In my opinon, if you are asking a question online and just want a viable answer, keep it simple. Don't go into all the mishaps you've had, or say things like "I want something massive." These things will only lead others to believe that you are an ignorant and irresponsible keeper (not saying you are). People will think this and get worried for our hobby is littered with such keepers who mistreat their animals and then get rid of them. Because of this shelters are filled with unwanted exotics, which get the Powers That Be thinking of harder and stricter regulations and restrictions on the exotic pet trade, which no body here wants. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2006
I know this is an old thread, forgive me.

I just read through all five pages and I feel that I must reply.

I think a lot of people said the things they did in this thread because they are concerned with the future of your pet. Some were a bit to harsh, I know, but if you had approached said comments and posts intellectually rather than emotionally I think the general outcome of this thread would have been much more positive.

As for the snake, I hope you find something you like. I have personally never owned a snake but I am planning on going to "Leaping Lizards" tomorrow to check out and handle some king snakes to see if they are right for me. I think a smaller species would be a good starting point, as you could learn about general behavior and defensive mechanisms before you get something big enough to kill you.

I wish best of luck to you!



Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
:wall: :wall:

... I would have liked it better if the thread died the first time, but Thanks I guess....

As for getting a snake, If i do ever get one, or have one, I will never announce it here ;)


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
:wall: :wall:

... I would have liked it better if the thread died the first time, but Thanks I guess....

As for getting a snake, If i do ever get one, or have one, I will never announce it here ;)

But I will, haha{D ;)