w00t! Breeding time!


Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
I hadn't seen my male curlyhair for a few days, so I took a closer look in his cage tonight. I was quite shocked to be greeting by a molt in his burrow, and a fully developed male spider just behind it! :D I'm so happy!

Now here's my question: I've never mated tarantulas before, so I'm in uncharted waters. What is the best way to go about it? My female is full grown, and molted about two months ago. She's in a large petpal. Can I mate them in this (as I know the female's territory is best to use).

I know I need to wait for Tweek (my male) to build a sperm-web. What exactly will this look like, and how long will it probably be until I see it?

Thanks for any and all advice, in advance. I'm so excited :D


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
I've paired up tarantulas a couple of times, so here's how I go about it.
Something to keep in mind; your female should feel secure the whole way thru, so now is not the time to do any substrate changes or testing out new cage furniture. She should "smell" all the same familiar "smells?" of her own private little spot (um, den).
You should have a well fed female and a well fed male. Of course you know about the sperm web, meaning not putting in a male, with the female, without first seeing his sperm web. Sperm webs characteristics vary from species to species.
Look for a tunnel like web. You may catch him in the process of building something that looks a little like something he'd molt in. You may also catch him on his little tarantula "back" depositing his sperm, while inside this structure. Regardless, one day you'll notice a bunch of web that wasn't there and seemed to appear out of nowhere. Usually the web is dismantled soon after. I've seen some of my males build them a week later, post ultimate molt, and seen some build sperm webs up to 30 days later (approx.).
After, the male has primed his little boxing gloves (pedipalpal bulbs), you can introduce the male into the female's enclosure. I'm not sure what you're keeping them in, but you can butt the two up together and gently manipulate the male into the female's realm. I always introduce males into the farthest part of the female's enclosure.
As soon as he touches any of her webbing ("smells"), he should respond with some drumming of his pedipalps or 1st pair of legs. He may even undulate his entire body.
If the female is receptive, she'll react with her own body movements. This is what you want to see.
If the female doesn't react, let the male advance, until he senses her. Keep in mind, they have a sense that we cannot sense. Also, be ready to break things up, 'cause if the female is not at all interested, she may have a snack.
Another sliver of advice is to cease all air movement during the pairing. Any breathing by you, or any other air movements, may give the female, or the male, the wrong immpression of one another. If the male just sits there, doing nothing, and you're getting tired of holding your breath and being completely still like a Marine sniper, remove the male and try later. There's a better chance of a mating if the male drums and taps (courts). Give it try and good luck. I'm sure you'll keep us updated.


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2002
how do you know for sure your male has made a sperm web???
my G. rosea had his ultimate moult back in june but i never saw a sperm web.....??? maybe he did it at night and destroyed it before i could see it or something?? do they only do it once or do they have to replentish their supply??


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
John basically said it all...
I have a series of photos I took mating mine, let me know if you'd like to see them to get an idea of what to expect. I put both containers on the floor, side by side, and had my equipment at the ready: camera, flashlight, and wooden spoon!
He started drumming as soon as he detected her. He moved in a search pattern, getting closer to her container, then he was up and over. Still cautious, he crept into her container, drumming like mad. Then I heard an answering drum. She was in her hide....he went up to it, and got on top of it....still drumming. All of a sudden, out she came....a humongous monster compared to him LOL!
He went up to her, and braced himself, lifting her body up. Ooops, they fell off the hide! She wasn't too happy with his courting technique, but let him try again. He inserted palps alternately. Then, stretching as far back as he could while still holding her fangs, he stopped for a second, then released her and backed away slowly. She just sat there. He was getting up the nerve to try again, but she wasn't having any of it and lunged at him, fangs bared. This is where the large spoon came in handy!
I held her off, and he flew up and over the edge, landing on my hand.....ahhhhh, safety!
Anyway, there is the narrative, now you simply *must* see the pics!

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002

You win the prize for being the first to say "w00t!" ... 50 extra point for using the zeroes. :)

Maybe now you should just change your username to "TehEternal" =D

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
<kicks Scott in the nads ;P>

We will have no 133t speak around here, thankyou very much ;)


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
<scoff's at Code Monkey and his stubbed toe> "Nads of Steel" :D

4r3 y0u n0t l33t 3n0ugh???

Scott ;P

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
IF W3 D0n'+ 5+0p Wi+h +h3 h@><eR +@lk, +he F8I Will 5ic c@Rniv0R3 0n 0UR @5535!


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Nerds, the lot of ya!

And yes, that was a compliment. ;)
