Vietnam Bird Eater tarantula?



It's GREAT news to hear about you doing cross-breeding experiments! Down the road, if enough taxonomists do it and see what produces fertile offspring, SO much will be cleared up. I know you like those Asians, but maybe you should tackle Avicularia sp. next, Volker!



Old Timer
Aug 25, 2002
When I seen Todd posted his comments I knew, it would be cleared up. Then Volker showed up lol and made things even more clearer, thx Still learning about those haplopelma species. The genus is one of my favs beisdes the poecilotherids. Volker I do have a Haplopelma Costale Female "8 she does have the mustache, even my juvenile H. C does but the carapace has that chalky appearance like on wades pic I also have the haplopelma sp "chinese Black tiger which totally looks alot different from it when I get my brother down to take some pics with digital camera Ill post it . :?


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Wow! Am I ever glad I posted that pic. I pretty much did it as a whim because we were talking about unidentified Asian T's.

Thanks John, Todd and Volker!!!


Theraphosid Research Team

Old Timer
Aug 29, 2002
Originally posted by Haploman
Volker I do have a Haplopelma Costale Female "8 she does have the mustache, even my juvenile H. C does but the carapace has ...
Hi John!

Are you sure to have the real Haplopelma costale or do you mean the Ornithoctoninae sp. of which I'm talking about regarding to the Hapl. costale-Problem?
Curious, I can't recognise a "mustache" for this Ornithoctoniae sp. in the same way like Haplopelma schmidti has. Okay,there are some white hairs above the scopula,but this isn't comparable to the large mustache from Haplopelma schmidti. If your specimen really has a beard like in Hapl. schmidti,I would be very interested in examining it one day!;)

Cheers, Volker

Theraphosid Research Team

Old Timer
Aug 29, 2002
Originally posted by Garrick
It's GREAT news to hear about you doing cross-breeding experiments! Down the road, if enough taxonomists do it and see what produces fertile offspring, SO much will be cleared up. I know you like those Asians, but maybe you should tackle Avicularia sp. next, Volker!

Hi Garrick,

Yes, crossbreeding experiments would clear up a lot of Species-Questions, but this experiments takes time,and a lot of Taxonomists hasn't time,especially one special "Taxonomist" here in Germany!:mad:

What in the hell is Avicularia?????:D :D :D
Sorry,I haven't any time for the Systematic of such Taxa at the moment. There is enought to do with the asian tarantulas,especially with the systematic/phylogeny of the Selenocosmiinae!Maybe one day,when I will be - hopefully - old and wise, I will have the time to work with Avicularia!;)

Cheers, Volker


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002

What's the growth rate like on those "Ornithoctoninae sp."? I've had mine for about 3-4 years and they're about 8-10 cm in leg span now, about half that when I purchased them.

I've been keeping them like Haplopelma, (moist, deep substrate) does that seem right? Sorry for all the questions, but I've been wondering about these guys...



Theraphosid Research Team

Old Timer
Aug 29, 2002
Hi Wade!

I don't know the growth rate of this Species,because I've ever had adult Specimen of them. Before 3 Years ago I've received 9 Slings from an Offspring of this Species from my friend Ray Gabriel. I've kept them with moist ground substrate in ordinary Filmboxes. All Babys died within a half Year and I don't know why. Maybe this is a Species which lives in drier Areas (notice the lighter Bodycoloration!!!) and I've kept the Babys to wet, who knows.

Good Night, Volker


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2002
Hey Volker

Originally posted by VolkervonWirth
Hi John!

Are you sure to have the real Haplopelma costale or do you mean the Ornithoctoninae sp. of which I'm talking about regarding to the Hapl. costale-Problem?
Curious, I can't recognise a "mustache" for this Ornithoctoniae sp. in the same way like Haplopelma schmidti has. Okay,there are some white hairs above the scopula,but this isn't comparable to the large mustache from Haplopelma schmidti. If your specimen really has a beard like in Hapl. schmidti,I would be very interested in examining it one day!;)

Cheers, Volker

Your right the mustache isnt comparable to H schmidti its not as much as it but it indeed has one " a peachy mustache so to speak":}


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2002
Hey Volker

Originally posted by VolkervonWirth
Hi John!

Are you sure to have the real Haplopelma costale or do you mean the Ornithoctoninae sp. of which I'm talking about regarding to the Hapl. costale-Problem?
Curious, I can't recognise a "mustache" for this Ornithoctoniae sp. in the same way like Haplopelma schmidti has. Okay,there are some white hairs above the scopula,but this isn't comparable to the large mustache from Haplopelma schmidti. If your specimen really has a beard like in Hapl. schmidti,I would be very interested in examining it one day!;)

Cheers, Volker
I have alot of those damn Sp's that I would love to get cleared up I have 2 -- selenecosmia sp which they were caught in New Guinea Nope they arent selenecosmia dicromata not arndsti, 3- haplopelma sp's caught in malaysia-- which one of them has 2 orange spots by eye turret, the other 2 are a chalky greenish blue- same chevron pattern on abdomen as the cyriopagopus paganus/ haplopelma sp. too bad you cant email me your address so I can out the molts for examination