The video has been removed as its content does not portray a face of the hobby that we at Arachnoboards would like to present.
What did everyone expect to see when they saw the thread title? (entirely rhetorical question)
What amazes me most about this thread is that with everyone wondering where the mods are, we received only 1 reported post at 9:59 pm. The Admins and Mods on this site are not here 24/7 and when we are here, we are usually unable to read each and every post on the boards. We rely on YOU, the users, to bring things such as this to our attention. If you feel that something needs a moderator or admins attention, the quickest way to receive that attention is to "REPORT THE POST" by clicking on this icon
next to the post you want to report.
Finally, there is definitely a rule regarding calling out the mods on the forums. If you have a question about our policies or would like to comment on them, then EMAIL either myself or Debby. Our policies and rules are NOT up for discussion on the forums.
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