When you eat an animal, no matter what it is, you use it's body productively to promote your own survival.Wow....I guess some pets are just entertainment to some cultures. Much the same way St. Bernards are raised like cattle in some SE Asian countries for meat. Alas....who are we to decide what's right and wrong for other cultures? And furthermore, what is the measure by which we proudly call our Western ways as "civilization" over other cultures, when our modern industrial nations are the ones ravaging the planet? I think Agent Smith said it best when he likened humans to a virus.....
".....Mammals tend to develop a natural equilibrium with their environment. Humans, on the other hand, multiply until every natural resource is consumed, then spread and multiply some more...."
Who's not to say that perhaps Third-World civilization is more civilized than we, ourselves, actually are?
When you kill for entertainment it is selfish. Those tarantulas could have remained in the wild, been pets, or even food, but instead they fought for a Youtube audience only to end up dead in the trash.
We already consume and even waste a huge number of resources on this earth for food, clothing, and our general well-being. As far as I'm concerned what's left shouldn't be subject to wasteful things like dying for the general public to laugh and jeer at.