Versus thread! Let's start with Blondi vs Parahybana


Old Timer
May 31, 2010
I had an idea today of creating a thread full of closely appreciable spiders (You want a pretty speed demon that's that gives you pokies, S cal, H mac, etc) and thought I'd pose on your thoughts of how you appreciate your T blondi against L parahybana's. How are they related size wise, temperament wise, U hair wise, etc.

Then you should, if you can, pose another species versus match...such as Psalmopoeus cambridgei vs Psalmopoeus irminia.

Have fun! Let's make this a well informed thread that can serve people sitting on the fence between various species. Feel free to put your thoughts on any species you could see people pondering about...perhaps H lividum/P murinus?

upwith inverts!

Old Timer
Oct 12, 2008
Well I haven't owned an adult L. parahybana, so why not MM P. plattyomma vs. MM T. sp. Guyana/spinipes?

Theraphosa sp. Guyana/spinipes

Color: Almost completely Dry cocofiber brown

Burrowing: Yes. It dug horizontally into the mound of substrate preformed in the cage.

Humidity: I covered 25% of the top of the cage to hold in humidity, and made ~15% of the surface area water dishes, and took general steps to keep it's cavern humid.

Temperament: Mine was probably a fluke, but it was so mean it put my H. lividum to shame. It never flicked hairs, always chose to bite first, and when you coupled that with the fact that he seemed unusually fast for his size, there was severe potential for disaster.

Size and shape: Unusually stocky compared to other MMs, 8.5-9.5 inches legspan.

P. plattyomma

Color: Before maturity, varying shades of brown with some metallic pink streaks, after maturity metallic Hot pink, with a few darker regions.

Burrowing: Despite a similar setup to the Theraphosa, none at all.

Humidity: Just like the Theraphosa, minus the cavern part.

Temperament: Always ran away when I did cage work. It ran fast, and flicked hairs as it went.

Size and shape: Typical MM build, 7-8 inches legspan.

Anything like what you had in mind, OP?


Old Timer
May 31, 2010
Perfect! I think it could be a good source for those people considering 2 or more of species that are closely related in their keeping, rather than just genetics! Great post!