Vaping around your ts.


Aug 3, 2015
Just my two cents:

I have noticed when picking up T's from previous owers (that come with their enclosure) that the 'smell' of their house is in the tank. My assumption is that the household 'odor'(if you will) is held within the substrate and/or porous materials in the enclosures. Today I picked up some Ts from a smoker and the overwhelming stench of cigarettes was in all three enclosures. I had to change and throw out everything. Knowing nothing of the adverse affects of smoke on tarantulas, I cant say whether or not it is good or bad, but I can tell you that whatever scented air/smoke that enters your tank will be held within the porous objects of it. So it's up to you if you want to subject your T's to that. But why risk it?


Mar 26, 2013
But how many of those chemicals are dangerous to humans and inverts?

What's fine for humans can be dangerous to inverts, even in minute quantities.

---------- Post added 08-30-2015 at 07:12 AM ----------

I picked up some Ts from a smoker and the overwhelming stench of cigarettes was in all three enclosures. I had to change and throw out everything. Knowing nothing of the adverse affects of smoke on tarantulas, I cant say whether or not it is good or bad, but I can tell you that whatever scented air/smoke that enters your tank will be held within the porous objects of it. So it's up to you if you want to subject your T's to that. But why risk it?

What makes it worse for spiders is that their lung slits are right above the substrate, so whatever's in there is going to be breathed in constantly by the spider. That fact that they're not killed immediately doesn't mean it's safe. People don't die in their first year of smoking.

Blue Jaye

Old Timer
Sep 16, 2013
I think that cb animals have less tolerance to exposure to chemicals in the environment . And I have a friend who owns a vape store so I called him and asked about it . He says while vapes have far less chemical than cigarettes they still leave residue . Most of the juices are oil or glycerin based and the favors are perfume based (alchol ) and when heated leave the same residue in the lungs and air that you feel on your tongue while and after vaping . Hope this helps some .


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
From an article I read it said if no nicotine is present in the juice, it's been compared to standing in a pine forest. It's nothing but humid air. Some juices are actually naturally made.
What's the source of the article? I'd like to read that. Things that are naturally made are not necessarily healthy for you either IF consumed in large amounts and/or come in contact with the wrong parts of the body.

For example, apple seeds are natural. But if a human ate enough apple seeds, they would die instantly because apple seeds stop cellular respiration, as in all cells in the human body.


Sep 28, 2014
What's the source of the article? I'd like to read that. Things that are naturally made are not necessarily healthy for you either IF consumed in large amounts and/or come in contact with the wrong parts of the body.

For example, apple seeds are natural. But if a human ate enough apple seeds, they would die instantly because apple seeds stop cellular respiration, as in all cells in the human body.
not sure i kinda googled vaping inside your home. (i wanted to know if the smell would stick inside like cigarettes)

and thats true bc apple seeds contain cyanide. very good point but what about.USP Kosher Propelyne Glycol, USP Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Nicotine, Natural and/or Artificial Flavoring.
ingredients are labeled from highest quantity to lowest.(i think in all cases??)


I do not vape in the same room as my T's just so everyone knows. Just kind of curious what everyone thinks.

Thanks for all your reply's everyone.


Sep 14, 2014
Check out asapscience on YouTube, they just did a video on vaping vs smoking last week.

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Old Timer
Aug 18, 2012
There is a vape shop a few blocks from my home, called "S.S. Vape". The store front is glass, like all of the other stores in the same shopping center. But S.S. Vape has this nasty foggy film all over the inside of the windows all of the time, from people vaping inside the store. I wouldn't that in my lungs, nor my tarantulas' booklungs personally. I think it looks like you're puffing on a robot penis or something when someone uses those things lol. I sometimes joke with my girlfriend's son about it when he vapes.


Sep 28, 2014
There is a vape shop a few blocks from my home, called "S.S. Vape". The store front is glass, like all of the other stores in the same shopping center. But S.S. Vape has this nasty foggy film all over the inside of the windows all of the time, from people vaping inside the store. I wouldn't that in my lungs, nor my tarantulas' booklungs personally. I think it looks like you're puffing on a robot penis or something when someone uses those things lol. I sometimes joke with my girlfriend's son about it when he vapes.
hahah !!!!!!

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
I've pondered the same question over and over and over again. Smoking cigs is of coarse much more harmful, and I agree to just smoke vape in another room. However, for example, when it comes to breeding tarantulas.. Some species literally take several hours, from introducing the male, him building up courage to search for the female, them courting, and finally and hopefully, an insertion or two. I've sat and waiting (GBB's for example) for 5 hours, just to make sure the male lives, and to witness an insertion. Once the male builds up that courage to approach the female, you can't leave. From that point on, it can take another few hours before anything even happens. I can't go for, four hours without a hit on my vapor. So I do smoke it in there during circumstances such as these. The T room is the largest bedroom in the house though, around 15'x25'x9'. It has two fans going all the time, and when I do smoke it, I make sure my exhale goes in the opposite direction of my T's.


Sep 28, 2014
Isn't our natural air pretty messed up anyway? Lol not arguing I do agree why add something, there's no benefit.


Dec 25, 2014
Lol, that's only one thing...weed....bong and chillum are simply devices with which to smoke out a pipe. Its a far less harmful substance than cigs, but still not what I'd go blowin' into the t room. I'm not sure there has been fatality directly related to it by any living thing to tell you the truth.;)
Not only weed they smoked in that room. All sort of weird names, weird colour hashish and God only knows what else. I'm glad i rescued that Chaco from those.


May 2, 2015
I vape all the time and smoke around my Ts and other exotic pets and have never had a single problem. I've only had my current Ts for about 6 months, but as a teenager I had many exotic inverts, and my "mysterious death" rate was lower than average, and every single animal I have now is thriving. This makes perfect sense if you know how tarantula lungs work. Any tar particles settling on the tarantula come from above, which isn't where their lungs are, and they can also clean the external parts of their lungs (if only us humans had the same ability!). The main danger would be a high nicotine level, since nicotine is a pesticide, but you'd need a very bad set-up for this to happen. I have a powerful vent fan which keeps the room air clear.

But I know that no matter what I say, people will say hateful things towards smokers. There are so few groups that you can feel superior over without being politically incorrect these days, after all. It's okay. I grew up Pagan in a town that was 99.8% Christian, so I'm used to being hated for no good reason. My tarantulas and I will continue to be healthy and happy despite my evil smoking and vaping. :alien:


May 8, 2014
It depends on the vaporizer.

The typical vapes (nicotine) people talk about these days usually contain formaldehyde if I am remembering right. I can't imagine that actually being okay for....well anything living.

Other vaporizers (volcano, etc) work by heat combustion. But that's usually for other product, not nicotine ;).

I'd say use either types of vaporizers in rooms pets don't live in/frequent though. No point in risking it when you can just leave and do it elsewhere. Meanwhile the animals in your care don't have the same luxury.


Dec 25, 2014
I vape all the time and smoke around my Ts and other exotic pets and have never had a single problem. I've only had my current Ts for about 6 months, but as a teenager I had many exotic inverts, and my "mysterious death" rate was lower than average, and every single animal I have now is thriving. This makes perfect sense if you know how tarantula lungs work. Any tar particles settling on the tarantula come from above, which isn't where their lungs are, and they can also clean the external parts of their lungs (if only us humans had the same ability!). The main danger would be a high nicotine level, since nicotine is a pesticide, but you'd need a very bad set-up for this to happen. I have a powerful vent fan which keeps the room air clear.

But I know that no matter what I say, people will say hateful things towards smokers. There are so few groups that you can feel superior over without being politically incorrect these days, after all. It's okay. I grew up Pagan in a town that was 99.8% Christian, so I'm used to being hated for no good reason. My tarantulas and I will continue to be healthy and happy despite my evil smoking and vaping. :alien:
Don't be so sure about that man. Smoking - no matter what you smoke, honestly - in a room where there's animals (doesn't matter if they are T's, Dogs or Cats etc) is not the best. Smoking is just bad for us as is bad for cats, birds and dogs. A no smoking room/enviroment is always the best. And i'm a die hard smoker (old style Marlboro red, not those new E-cigarettes fashion scam) who smoke almost 35/40 cigarettes a day, since i was 13, and i don't even want to think to quit, because i love to smoke and it's a choice of mine (now 36). But i smoke only in the open, or, at home, at the balcony.
Because smoking is a menace for a lot of things, not only people and animals.. things like DVD/Blu Ray optic lens, PC driver/Console optic lens and so forth, no matter white walls etc
So it's not worth IMO. Do what you want, of course, don't get me wrong. Just my advice.

Btw, sorry, but i can't resist and have to ask. Ah ah, you mean those USA little towns, not so famous at least here in Europe, who have those biblical names, where there's preachers who keep screaming at the local radio "Repent!" and stuff like that, asking for money of course? Those "Children of the corn" crypto towns.. man, i envy you. Really. That's the America i love.
Others can have all the N.Y, Miami, L.A, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco etc they want but give me those creepy, ordinary, traditional, hidden USA provincial "gem" towns, with their Pool Bar brawls, preachers, weapons everywhere, people with beard who scream "Hey buddy! Is there an Indian (Native American) with you, or what?" Ah ah ah.
Used to Troll metal head people channels posing as one of those supporters of Baptist Churches years ago in YT, no one spotted me as Italian, even if my English is terrible!
Great times and laughs :-O


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
I'm a die hard cigarette smoker but don't smoke in my room (where i have my T's) nor the home, only in the open. Smoke is very bad for T's and not (DVD/Blu Ray readers, Console optic lens etc).
It's always better to not smoke where T's are IMO.
Same here, smoker, but not in the bedroom where my T's are. The door is closed during daytime, too.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
This makes perfect sense if you know how tarantula lungs work. Any tar particles settling on the tarantula come from above, which isn't where their lungs are, and they can also clean the external parts of their lungs (if only us humans had the same ability!).
That would be true if you had a hover-t....but all that stuff settles on the ground....the same ground they walk on and lay their book lungs directly on. Me thinks your logic is flawed:wink: