- Joined
- May 22, 2009
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Don't know.....invariably, the word "demo" and "handling" seem to be synonomous to some people when discussing tarantulas. Even if the OP did not mention anything about handling, nor the possibilities of wrangling the T, or showing it off while still in it's enclosure. Someone assumed that demonstrating your T did, in fact, involve handling.:? Who said anything about handling a T...
How did Halloween demos go to handling T's?
Now, what really irks me is that when the subject of handling gets brought up (ESPECIALLY with newbies wanting advice on how to properly handle), there is always at least ONE individual that has to make a statement on why we shouldn't handle our T's. If the person wants to have the experience, at least give them the correct information they will need before issuing admonishments and personal reasoning behind your decision to not handle.
Logically speaking, individuals asking for information on handling obviously are set on the notion they WILL handle their T. Unless they are easily influenced, non-supportive admonishments and defiance of the original inquiry will only accomplish 3 things:
1) It completely undermines the purpose of this forum. You hear over and over again that "This forum is here to help." By kicking out the support from underneath the original inquiry, you are not "helping" the situation.
2) If your justification for not handling is the risk-factor to the T, then by not giving the requested information, you would be contributing to the risk-factor put to someone else's T, and thereby defeating your own argument.
3) It starts flame wars. T keepers seem to be forever in this civil war over handling. Who would ever thought the art of Theraphosid husbandry would start as much crap as religion and politics? Could you imagine our world leaders as T keepers too????
Handling is a personal decision. Like all personal decisions, we don't have to like them, but should always respect the rights and opinions of the individual making that decision for themselves.