Using mine for Halloween

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
:? Who said anything about handling a T...
How did Halloween demos go to handling T's?
Don't know.....invariably, the word "demo" and "handling" seem to be synonomous to some people when discussing tarantulas. Even if the OP did not mention anything about handling, nor the possibilities of wrangling the T, or showing it off while still in it's enclosure. Someone assumed that demonstrating your T did, in fact, involve handling.

Now, what really irks me is that when the subject of handling gets brought up (ESPECIALLY with newbies wanting advice on how to properly handle), there is always at least ONE individual that has to make a statement on why we shouldn't handle our T's. If the person wants to have the experience, at least give them the correct information they will need before issuing admonishments and personal reasoning behind your decision to not handle.

Logically speaking, individuals asking for information on handling obviously are set on the notion they WILL handle their T. Unless they are easily influenced, non-supportive admonishments and defiance of the original inquiry will only accomplish 3 things:
1) It completely undermines the purpose of this forum. You hear over and over again that "This forum is here to help." By kicking out the support from underneath the original inquiry, you are not "helping" the situation.

2) If your justification for not handling is the risk-factor to the T, then by not giving the requested information, you would be contributing to the risk-factor put to someone else's T, and thereby defeating your own argument.

3) It starts flame wars. T keepers seem to be forever in this civil war over handling. Who would ever thought the art of Theraphosid husbandry would start as much crap as religion and politics? Could you imagine our world leaders as T keepers too???? :eek:

Handling is a personal decision. Like all personal decisions, we don't have to like them, but should always respect the rights and opinions of the individual making that decision for themselves.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Thats why so many T's have bald spots and it's and it's bacause poeple are
handling or annoying them.Plus I've herd countless story about people losing
or people dropping and killing there T's.It's alright don't take the advice from
someone whos been keeping T since 1978.The reason your T's have bald
spots is you keep stressing them out and only time T's kick hair is when thay
are under stress.So if you think you know more than I thats great.I applaud you.So keep stressing your T's and you will never see your T's go from molt
to molt without a bald spot.The only time a T kicks hair is when he's under
stress.So keep handling your T's and you maybe the next person to post a
tragic death of one of your T's.

PS:I have hundreds of T's and not one has a bald spot.
My B.smithi had a bald spot and I never held her before... care to explain that one?


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
The only T I have with a bald spot is one I have never handled....

anyway, debates are crappy. who wants to send me a big T. blondi molt to leave in the bakery I work at for halloween?? I know half the coworkers will pee themselves seeing it!


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
i was thinking about showing off one of mine too
just have it in it's enclosure while i pass candy

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
The only T I have with a bald spot is one I have never handled....

anyway, debates are crappy. who wants to send me a big T. blondi molt to leave in the bakery I work at for halloween?? I know half the coworkers will pee themselves seeing it!
That's awesome!!!! I love work pranks, so I wholeheartedly encourage it.

Earlier, I was trying to affix a molt from my 6" G. rosea to the back of my shirt for this Halloween party tonight. So far, I've succeeded in snapping a leg off. :wall: So, I don't have a molt to send you. Sorry!!!

My first thought for Halloween was to go through the rotation of my larger and more docile T's in the candy bowl....just one time. But instead, I thought better about it. Could you imagine the reactions you could get out of people??? {D (Thus the reason this IS NOT a smart idea.)


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
Don't know.....invariably, the word "demo" and "handling" seem to be synonomous to some people when discussing tarantulas. Even if the OP did not mention anything about handling, nor the possibilities of wrangling the T, or showing it off while still in it's enclosure. Someone assumed that demonstrating your T did, in fact, involve handling.
Ahh ok yeah I can see that. I should have stressed I don't handle my T's or recommend it. Reptiles yes but my theory is if it does bite how will I react. Me jerking and injuring worries me more than it biting. Now I have held my Smithi male when I first got him. More accidental though. Out the container and up my arm. After that I let him sit in my lap on the floor during maintenance but that is it. None of mine have bald spots. Only T I ever had with a bald spot was a T Blondi who came like that in shipping.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2009
Tarantulas are a natural for Halloween. If you take precautions and use care, I see nothing wrong with a little show and tell for the kids.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
...It's alright don't take the advice from
someone whos been keeping T since 1978..
That many years (41) of keeping Ts and you haven't mastered the art of handling or at least accustomed some to be handled without kicking? Excuse me if I find that bizaare. But as other posters here have asserted, and rightly so, it's an individual decision and there's no proof whatsoever that it's detrimental to the T's health.

Back to the original post though as the topic has started drifting into a handling debate. Because these molts are so fragile, if you plan on using them beyond your household as decorations and actually taking them trick or treating with you, then perhaps they could be placed in a protective container and hung from a string or affixed to your costume. The plastic containers electrical tape comes in is perfect for a medium size molt. It would have to be glued to the inside of the container and centred to keep it from shaking around as you walk. But once the lid is placed on it would be well protected from damage.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
It's 31 years.My first T was a 6" female adult B.Smithi that I got in 1978.It Died in 2003
and that was a very bad day for me.I had that B.Smithi for more than 25 years.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2004
It's 31 years.My first T was a 6" female adult B.Smithi that I got in 1978.It Died in 2003
and that was a very bad day for me.I had that B.Smithi for more than 25 years.
I think someone pissed in your cheerios this morning and you want to take it out on someone. There is nothing wrong with handling a tarantula as long as you do it responsibly. When people think of Halloween, many think about spiders, using your Ts for Halloween is a fun idea as long as you do it right.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
It's 31 years.My first T was a 6" female adult B.Smithi that I got in 1978.It Died in 2003
and that was a very bad day for me.I had that B.Smithi for more than 25 years.
Whoops, 31, lol. My condolences for your loss. I got my first T (a rosehair)as a gift in 85' and I've been fascinated ever since.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I had a great idea since I have lots of preserved squirrel and rat bones. Was going to take pictures of a spider or tarantula sitting among them with text but my camera is a hunk of junk currently.

I love the pasting molts on walls idea for Halloween. Don't see what the harm would be if the T remained in a cage as a display, but yeah if you insist on handling or having them on you, maybe sit on the floor. I'd just be worried about them getting stepped on or killed by a freaked out trick or treater if they weren't caged. xsyorra had a point I liked; there really are a lot of people who have never seen such things before. My brother answered the door a few times in a pirate costume with Jack, our macaw sitting on his shoulder and we got a lot of "Is it real?" questions as well. Least rats and birds love the company of humans where as tarantulas would not.

I couldn't possibly handle any of my little tarantulas among the kids since all are fast and easily spooked. I'd never forgive myself if one took off outside the house!! :eek:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Well, I didn't handle mine, but tonight while it was warmer out I sat on the front steps with my 3" B. vagans in her KK, the kids loved it. I took her in as soon as the temperatures started to drop.


Old Timer
Aug 6, 2008
I think someone pissed in your cheerios this morning and you want to take it out on someone. There is nothing wrong with handling a tarantula as long as you do it responsibly. When people think of Halloween, many think about spiders, using your Ts for Halloween is a fun idea as long as you do it right.
+1 to this.

If you act responsibly, there is no harm done.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to dress up my P. regalis... we're going to PetCo this morning. :D (kidding...)


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to dress up my P. regalis... we're going to PetCo this morning. :D (kidding...)
hahahahaha I could picture you in line with your P. regalis in custome behind a chihuahua and a kitty cat :D


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
LOL! Hey, I dressed up a male and female hissing cockroach for a pet costume contest one year, as a bride and groom! The radio station apparently still talks about it to this day and this was YEARS ago!

I guess getting a T to wear a little top hat and tux tails isn't an easy feat, though

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
LOL! Hey, I dressed up a male and female hissing cockroach for a pet costume contest one year, as a bride and groom! The radio station apparently still talks about it to this day and this was YEARS ago!

I guess getting a T to wear a little top hat and tux tails isn't an easy feat, though
Now why can't I think of anything innocent and fun like that?? That's awesome!!!

Since I really want a good Christmas picture of the kids, but would rather buy them more presents, a friend of mine was suggesting I use this option because the first print is free, and I can take care of the rest elsewhere far cheaper than any portrait studio will. I can't remember which major LPS chain does it, but for Christmas time you can bring your pet and kids to sit on Santa's lap for a "family" holiday portrait. Now, my friend was probably assuming I will be bringing one of my cats.........

I would pay out EXTRA to have a portrait of Jolly ol' St. Nick's reaction to hang up on my wall.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2009
Sense I scare people the other 364 days of the year- I typically spend Halloween just giving kids candy. lol

(I'm a tattooed spider collector, Halloween gives me a break)


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
I had a large wild caught MM out in the garage with me lastnight when the kids were trick or treating.Very calm docile T. The lil kids LOVED IT,and for some reason I think the T did too.I was extremely carefull with him,so it made for a fun night.I can not even remember how many times someone asked if it was real...