using methyl paraben or vinegar with syrup for dynastes


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
It's been up there a while, originally hosted by geocities in 96'. Apparently websites aren't the end all. Also, I'm guessing you've never seen either.
I have seen both, but admittedly, I do not frequent them.
There's more than just your way. The written word is still valued in some circles, not everyone sits on the computer all day reading websites.
More than understood, but still, as has been shown time and time again, if you put the info out there for free, people would still likely buy your book(s) if they wanted it in hard copy. For those that just wanted info, you get some nice ad revenue.
I didn't imagine you'd be so angry since it's not even your site. As for the book cover, I think it's a great photo. I can't imagine you honestly think a book was sold from that post.
Im not angry about it at all, I am just annoyed that you had the perfect opportunity to offer some correct info to counter the site's and yet chose not to do so at all. I have no idea if he went on to purchase a book from you or not, but I still feel the inclusion of the cover shot was an advertisement.

Matt K

Old Timer
Mar 27, 2007
Orin, it's obvious that someone with a screen name like "What?" lacks the intellectual where-withall to grasp the big picture of how information is disseminated nor the means and effect of a great forum like AB and is solely intent on just picking on what you have to offer. Let him live with his blinders on- some people just can't be satisfied with anything other than thier own opinion. I would ignore him unless he actually publishes something meaningful, which I don't expect him to do.

*More on topic-
I tried adding vinegar to syrup to see what happens at the onset of the OP's post. It did not go well....the syrup after several hours became less viscous and as of now has a slightly fermented smell to it. I added originally not enough vinegar to even really smell it.

Where would someone get a small amount of methyl paraben? I have no ready resource for that....


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2009
I have done work with genetics in other areas, published a few articles here and there. Most search them out and read them if interested. But you always get one or two who think they deserve you give them independant attention and give them every detail of your work one on one because they somehow believe they are "special".

Orin, this thread may not have sold a book yet, but very likely will if you post me a link to your roach book sales ;)


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2008
not that I have a lick of power here in the series of tubes we call the internet, but lets get back to topic please. Side conversation/arguments can be taken to email. Thank you mattK for experimenting. I wont bother trying that. I may try methyl paraben at some point and post the results, although I think just pure maple syrup, banana, pineapple, etc will be sufficient.

Thank you all for your input.