Used to have Arachnophobia???


Feb 12, 2012
Take a look at this

And tell me that a phobia is only made by lack of knowledge or ignorance.
(In my language, this is a somewhat rude word, thats why i reacted as i did. Pardon that.)

Chorophobia- Fear of dancing - lack of knowing dancing wont kill you, perhaps?
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks - i know its a razzle having little time, but to this extent...?
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed - gotto have to do with the bedbugs, for sure!
Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture - Hm... dont know what to think about this one... and theres also one for the japaneese and the jews, btw.
Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping - Ok...? :o_O:
Lutraphobia- Fear of otters - Scary little buggers...

Mnemophobia- Fear of memories - This is a bad one... i figure.. :ninja:

And so on...

When someone has a phobia, or strong fair of something totally incomprehensible, its difficult to always understand why.
Some times there are simply no good explanations at all. They might have experienced something, they might not.
I have had a bad experience with ants, and are still terrifyed about them when they come in large numbers. If its only a few, i have learned to tolerate it without going nuts, literally speaking...
But i havent got any bad experiences about spiders. So that phobia i had, was totally incomprehensible for me. I dont know why it became that strong. I just know it did. And i had to deal with that.

Fair, as all feelings, are not easily explained. Sometimes, not at all...
Explain love, for instance. I know that if i was to choose husband after what would have made sence, and what had been the smart thing... i would not chose the man i did. Though, it worked out good in the end. Also not easy to explain, btw. :coffee:
You could say that we love our partner to insure the survival of humankind. Or not... :giggle: As some people should have been told not to reproduce... :laugh: And so on...

You cant explain everything, and some things are easyer to deal with if one accepts that fact, and tries to change it regardless if one knows why it started at all..


Jul 28, 2012
I was terrified of spiders of any size until a few years ago. I knew my fear was stupid but it doesn't make it any less real. It's like when you know you are having a panic attack but you stilll can't just make it stop.

I was mowing the lawn one day when a big wolf spider shot out in front of the lawnmower at that moment I screamed turned off the mower and left it sitting there and went inside. I refused to mow the lawn from that point on. Long story short I finally forced my self to look up wolf spiders and then I'd go out and inspect the holes in the yard. I finally just wasn't afraid anymore, in fact I love spiders. I really love all creepy crawlies now, fear sucks but it's there for you to conquer when you are ready.

It's hard for me to understand some fears or phobias but hey, we all have issues right? lol

---------- Post added 09-30-2012 at 03:32 PM ----------

Oh and also on the whole spider fear thing, I just got my second T yesterday and though I'm not afraid of her, I am a little nervous when I open the tank lid. It's the not knowing the personality yet and she seems much quicker than my rock of a rosea lol. I'll be fine in a week or so, after I've watched her habits, but for now anytime I need to get in there with her I feel like I'm working with a live bomb lol. :)

Oh and I forgot to mention what she is. She's a B. Smithi


Jul 27, 2012
Take a look at this

And tell me that a phobia is only made by lack of knowledge or ignorance.
(In my language, this is a somewhat rude word, thats why i reacted as i did. Pardon that.)

Chorophobia- Fear of dancing - lack of knowing dancing wont kill you, perhaps?
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks - i know its a razzle having little time, but to this extent...?
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed - gotto have to do with the bedbugs, for sure!
Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture - Hm... dont know what to think about this one... and theres also one for the japaneese and the jews, btw.
Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping - Ok...? :o_O:
Lutraphobia- Fear of otters - Scary little buggers...

Mnemophobia- Fear of memories - This is a bad one... i figure.. :ninja:
I guess I cant vouch for otters or french people, but these other phobias actually fit in with the core four i mentioned earlier. fear of going to bed would probably mean a fear of not waking up. clocks remind us that time is ticking...that would be linked to either death or failure. fear of dancing would likely translate to fear of making a fool of oneself, meaning possible rejection by peers. most any phobia links back to greater causes, ultimately relating to one of the core fears.

although, there is always this:

and if your every waking moment revolves around a paralyzing fear that somewhere somehow, a duck is watching you, Im afraid I cant be of any assistance. ;)

---------- Post added 09-30-2012 at 07:03 PM ----------

PS, i am aware that anatidaephobia was made up in a calvin and hobbes comic. please dont cyber bash me for trying to bring some happy into this discussion lol

---------- Post added 09-30-2012 at 07:29 PM ----------

sorry i keep adding to this, i should just press the edit button but thats no fun - i also wanted to point out that my agreement with senior Kazaam earlier on the ignorance post was because i believe he intended it to mean the actual definition of ignorance...simply lack of knowledge of a subject. i didnt think until later that often times people just see that word as an insult. i dont think people who fear anything are stupid. but i think if they really want to conquer it, learning is definitely a great first step. leaving behind the ignorance of a subject gives way to broader horizons in general.

just so we are all on the same page.


Feb 3, 2012
i used to be scared until i saw a picture of a obt and it went down hill from there


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2012
My fiancee sister was very scared for a while but recently she has been around our house a lot. One day my fiancee was changing my A. avics water and my A. avic wanted out so my fiancee brought her out, well her sister saw her close and saw how chill she was so she wanted to try to hold her. Well after handling her for a while she not only is no longer afraid of the tarantulas in our house but also wants one of her own.


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2008
I remember being very nervous at the sight of golden silk orbweavers in southern Louisiana. In the cypress swamps I used to fish in they were all over the place. They are quite intense looking. Grass spiders and house centipedes used to freak me out when I was a kid too. Since then I have become fascinated by spiders and other invertebrates, and I own 6 tarantulas now.:biggrin:


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2012
I was deathly afraid of any kind of spider even though as a kid i had a B.smithi. hell my wife being an evil thing at times caught a little spider and with out telling me she told me to open my hand and she put it in my hand. well if you never saw a grown man run and almost knock the door down trying to get out. last year i just up and decided to get over my fear and bought a G.rosea and now one year later i have 100 T's. only thing is i still havent really handeld any of them except for a few slings. i havent overcome my phobia completely


Nov 1, 2011
I was a freak when it came to seeing spiders. Until I saw a picture of a GBB it peaked my interest and started making me research the subject. I'm way more comfortable with all spiders, but I like it when I know where they are. It's when they drop down in front of my face is when I freak the most.


Jul 27, 2012
I was a freak when it came to seeing spiders. Until I saw a picture of a GBB it peaked my interest and started making me research the subject. I'm way more comfortable with all spiders, but I like it when I know where they are. It's when they drop down in front of my face is when I freak the most.
I hear you on this, let me tell you I am a naturally really jumpy person. When my own cell phone goes off I jump a mile in the air. even if im expecting a call. I have never met anyone as jumpy as me, and I amaze myself the way I work with tarantulas, even ornery ones, without dropping anything. But; while I love spiders, I still hate surprises. I love all bugs in general, (i know spiders arent bugs but you know what i mean) and I still hate it when one appears on my foot, or drops in front of my face. I dont harm them, but I definitely get a little adrenaline rush and yelp until I get my bearings haha. That may be what makes tarantulas so cool. The biggest spider on earth and I always know where it is.


Apr 3, 2014
I'm still terrified of spiders in the house. I think it stems from when, as a child, we moved into a new house that had an air vent over the bath and it wasn't unusual for a spider or 2 to come in and drop in the bath. I always said though that Tarantulas were so big and furry they cease to be like spiders to me. I will probably never attempt to handle them especially as one fires urticating hairs and 2 are venomous.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
How many of you used to lose it at the sight of a spider? I know I did...up until I forced myself to
hold a furry little jumping spider. Once it was on me I was amazed at how I wasn't dead! He walked
around on my arm for about a minute then hopped off and walked away. He was so cute & not scary.
From then on I've been fascinated with spiders :biggrin:
i never quite "lost it" at the sight of spiders.. i just lost whatever had weight to it near me XD
now i have slings and an adult and i dont mind i only kill brown recluses [they like my shelf by bed -.-] i do still have a fear with spiders ;P i fear every time i open the cup itl go ninja and run away XD
now after i have T's im odd a new spider came into the house the other day. made a nice thick and heavy web in the corner of my room. did i distroy the web, nope.. did i rehouse the spider?.. nope... i threw a few mini mealworms at its web XD hope he/she considers it a house warming gift and not a "get out of my town" thing XD

edit: also what makes it worse is i hated spiders for so long yet i dont recall a trauma [bad memory anyways. but those darn cobwebs make you go ninja tho right?:p] and iv always understood there purpose and known they wont hurt you [i even knew widow bites where low percentage] but still had the fear... im glad i seen a t.stirmi irl and was like "whoa dino bug!" and got more interested into reading and finaly getting the courage to get my 4 :)
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Old Timer
Mar 23, 2011
Lenxx, clinophobia actually isn't that farfetched. I had it pretty badly as a child/young teenager (couple years of chronic nightmares and sleep paralysis) Those other ones sound pretty curious to me but there's probably sufferers out there who could explain it.

Earlier this week a neighbor told me that she overcame her arachnophobia by getting a rosie that she kept for 7 years. I never cease to be amazed by how common "T therapy" is. I'm so impressed by everyone who faces their fear like this. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to do it if I had arachnophobia.


Feb 13, 2014
I actually got into spiders to get over my fear of crickets,grasshopper, locus, really anything that jumps like them (jumpping spiders are adorable though). I had a grasshopper explode in my hand when I was four and was freaked out since them. I have gradually got over my fear as when I was small and kept wild spiders, I noticed pretty much all of them liked crickets so I had to get over it so I could feed them. Perhaps not exactly the topic of the thread but I got into arachnids to get over my fear of various arthropods.


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2011
It's really surprising how common a fear of crickets is (my sister has it too). It's great that you were able to get over it, awiec.


Apr 4, 2014
lol I would rather get bit by a big python and get shredded up then to have two rose hair fangs in my arm. I am afraid of spiders but as a kid I was catching rattlesnakes and many other snakes at the age of 12. it's funny how life works considering allot of people have problems with snakes as well. I just bought a G. pulchra sling to help with my fear so hopefully I wont have to fear the rest of my collection one day.


Feb 13, 2014
What do you mean?
I caught one and when I opened my hand, I noticed a tear on its abdomen and all sorts of fluids and guts were all over my hand. Apparently its somewhat common for locus to eat until they do rip themselves as grains/plant matter take a lot to digest and they sometimes eat more than they should. Or I probably damaged it while catching it, either way it was traumatic. I still get little shivers when I see them hopping around but I can still grab them to feed my spiders.