Unlucky Month..


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
So my mature male P.cambridgei died from a wet molt last week; the one T I had found somebody who wanted him as soon as he was ready and now I think one of my P.reduncus male's clock is about to end. I don't think I can get much help but if anyone wonders later why my P.reduncus went from 0.0.3 to 0.0.2, this is why:

Day before, he wouldn't eat anything. He had a cricket not long after his last molt but that was all he had after that molt. Yesterday he still didn't eat anything and he was by the water dish last night. He had taken off his front right leg even though it looked undamaged. :? When I took a better look, his abdomen was shriveled and he was very sluggish. Not curled up but it was like he could barely lift his legs. I tried some mashed crickets and superworms to see if he'll take that.

I tried hydrating with water with the cup slightly tipped and the spider face-down for 30 minutes but there's been no improvement. It seems something may be keeping him from drinking and feeding but I can't see anything. I tried cleaning the mouth area with a wet Q-tip but the only thing I got out was mushed bugs from the feed attempt.

Other than that theory, I haven't a clue what's going on. This is one of the reasons why I try to get more than one sling if they aren't too expensive.. :wall::confused::(

On a good note, though, Cody here on AB took one of my male P.irminia on a special date. Says he made 3 inserts and than the girl wouldn't take him anymore so I hope my luck does take a turn for the better. *fingers crossed*


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
I'm sorry for your troubles. Its tough with males and its nice to see you put in effort trying to keep him going. But alas, if there aren't any dates for 'em, they just waste away. Good luck with the irminias though, hope your boy handles his business!