Unidentified blue T??

Le Wasp

Old Timer
Oct 25, 2007
This got buried in another thread, but I think it deserves its own.

Have there been any updates for the unidentified amazingly blue T from Brazil? It's apparently been bred early this year, and I'd like to know how quickly it's becoming available to the hobby. Also, has it been identified/named yet? I think everyone and their mother would want one of these things, but without a scientific name, I wouldn't know how to search for it.

Here are the links:
photo: http://www.arachnoboards.com/ab/attachment.php?attachmentid=76288&d=1235522811
Breeding report: http://www.the-t-store.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=15046
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj6bdhHvV-M


Aug 14, 2010
Yea I think they mean it changes its appearance as it matures. Hatclings and juveniles seem to be brown. I suppose it could mean it moults but first graders know that so I can not see that being the proper translation.


Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
Yea I think they mean it changes its appearance as it matures. Hatclings and juveniles seem to be brown. I suppose it could mean it moults but first graders know that so I can not see that being the proper translation.
I got that from the translation as well, since the people doing the description aren't novices. They've been studying it.

As for the 200+ eggs: True enough, however, the WC pair that was bred last year was in the U.K. not the U.S. While they may be easily bred (description from the breeder), we still need someone to collect for the U.S (or aquire a permit to have sent) and then gain a large enough supply to supply to the other breeders (those who care for the hobby).. eventually it'll start to trickle into the mainstream.

HOWEVER, it can also go the other way: Someone collects, hoards them or sales them en bulk to other dealers only to sale extremely high due to the rarity.