Unauthorised use of photographs


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Originally posted by Martin H.
if you know how it is even VERY easy to get any photo from Rick's site. There are different ways, some are VERY easy and no big secretes at all. => at the moment the only way to protect photos from getting stolen is NOT to post them anywhere on the web! =:-(

Give me any website and I will send you any "protected" photo via email – no problem!

all the best,
Indeed, mere seconds work. I don't honestly consider people saving photographs to their hard drive for reference is a problem. What annoys people is others taking photographs and using them without prior permission or passing them off as their own.

Garrick, I also sympathise with written work being "stolen"
All care sheets are going to be similar - we all use similar sources and have similar experiences with the same spiders, and make the same observations and conclusions. But ripping someone off basically word for word really takes the ****

Martin H.

Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002

Some month ago I posted in a similar discussion that the "right mose button disabled protection" is almost useless because it is VERY EASY to get around this right mouse button "protection". To show how easy it is I explained how it works. My post had been deleted in a couple of hours because I would encourgage people to steel photos with it.
Interesting to see there is absolutely no problem when others explain in this thread how to go around these protections! ...hmmm...



Old Timer
Oct 5, 2003

It might be considered differently here because it's in a different context - this thread's a complaint & bringing together of people against this Russian website that's stealing photos without due credit (and not all of the photos have anything written underneath them - wish I could read Cryllic).

:) No one's encouraging that we go out and steal others' photos - even if it's just to see how easy it is. But I'd like to know the step by step process on how to go about it, so I can see about defending my website. Would you email it to me? owners@thegeckobarn.com


Originally posted by Martin H.

Some month ago I posted in a similar discussion that the "right mose button disabled protection" is almost useless because it is VERY EASY to get around this right mouse button "protection". To show how easy it is I explained how it works. My post had been deleted in a couple of hours because I would encourgage people to steel photos with it.
Interesting to see there is absolutely no problem when others explain in this thread how to go around these protections! ...hmmm...



Old Timer
Apr 8, 2003
Even if you could find a Russian law that prohibited image copyright theft on the internet (which I doubt) it would be almost impossible to force the owner of the site to comply. I guess watermarking across important sections of photos is about all that can be done.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Yah, but it sure detracts from the look of a photo that you've gone to considerable lengths to make look good in the first place. I don't really mind if someone reposts my pics elsewhere as long as they don't pull what this ****** is pulling. When someone goes out of their way to edit a pic so it looks like THEY took the shot, it's just a chicken**** thing to do... I just can't believe he has the gall to just say no when asked to remove the edited pictures! :mad:


Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
Well I wrote a nice long letter to valuehost.ru and recieved
a reply that said they would look into it. I'll let you know if I
hear back from the host.
For those who wish to write to them;

The other url is to the UK part of the company and they claim that they are a completely different company from the RU site:?


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by looseyfur

man I am not trying to start sh*t but alot of these photos look lifted as well...


Definately a lot of pics I've seen elsewhere, but for all I know, he may have gotten permission to repost these. At least he isn't slapping his URL all over them or removing copyright info that the original owners have put on these pics from the look of things. It also looks like a "just for kicks" home made site simply slapped together by a hobbyist using straight html. I noticed some of his links are way outdated, and there is one element that has been dropped that hasn't been attended to, so I'd say this site isn't even being worked on anymore. I'd almost bet that if someone emailed THIS guy to ask him to remove their pics (assuming he didn't get permission to repost them) he'd likely apologize and yank the pic down. Just my guess, based on what I see there, but clearly nothing like this jerk running that russian site.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Ostriches in the office???

I sent an email to abuse@valuehost.ru...


Your client at http://www.pauki.ru has a large number of photographs on his site that have been stolen, altered, and posted on his site with his URL placed on them. As yet, none of my own pictures have been stolen, but he has stolen from many people who are well known in the arachnid hobby to create his photo gallery, and as my own site is of the same type as this I fully expect that it is only a matter of time before some of my own work becomes wrongfully edited and posted there unless you do something about this matter. I sincerely hope that it is not your companies policy to permit this abuse of your server space and reputation, and that you will be dealing with the offender promptly. Emails have been sent to the webmaster and he has arrogantly refused to remove the stolen photos from his gallery.

Thank you,

Rather than looking in to it, they sent this back:

Áëàãîäàðèì Âàñ çà îáðàùåíèå â êîìïàíèþ Valuehost.

Concrete examples? And also, how it is possible to make sure in their accessory to the concrete owner?

Anyone wishing to alert these people to the fact that YOU are owner of a stolen/edited photo on this site, feel free to refferrence ticket # HST-248481-AA.VH

I'd suggest sending, or at least linking to your unedited photograph, and linking to the edited version of the same photo
on this jerks site. When they see that the part of the photo with your mark is missing from his copy I'd say they should HAVE to acknowlege that yours is the original. After all, it's not as though you could have ADDED to the pic, removed his mark, and put your own on the newly created prtion of the pic, right??

Anyhow, just a suggestion. I'd like to see the jerk taken down for his arrogance.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by looseyfur

man I am not trying to start sh*t but alot of these photos look lifted as well...



Ya Alot of the pics on the first page are taken from www.bighairyspiders.com just incase some people wanted to check it out... I have no idea whether he got permission or not I just thought I would post the site that some were from.



and yes atleast he isnt putting his own label on the pics

oh and I just noticed that he does have a link to phongs site on his.


Old Timer
Feb 11, 2003
Re: copyright laws

Originally posted by Valtinho
As far as I know, any material that you create is automatically copyrighted for your llifetime, plus an additional 70 years. You do not have to register your work with the copyright office (which I believe costs about 20 bucks), but it certainly makes proving that you are indeed the author a lot easier.
Bingo. On the nose. Anything that you create cannot be used without your permision on public display. I'm not sure about private use. Probably similar. But this isn't private use.

I think i've seen you post about this a couple times on the scorpionfans yahoo group. Have you tried to contact his ISP?
