Two New Ferrets!


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
You can punish them with boredom and a little bit of scruffing. Let them out and wait for them to do something wrong. As soon as you catch them in the act, scruff them and say no then place them back in the cage and ignore them. They would much rather be out. You can reinforce positive behavior such as using the litter box with clicker training and treats but stay away from Yogies. Hope this is more helpful.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Hmmm, That does sound like a good idea, Thanks! :D

Btw what are good treats? They hate the Bandit treats I bought them at the store.

Thanks Again

*edit* one of them ate a Honey nut Cherrio, and seems to like them, (only gave her two) is this a good reward food?


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
Hmmm, That does sound like a good idea, Thanks! :D

Btw what are good treats? They hate the Bandit treats I bought them at the store.

Thanks Again

*edit* one of them ate a Honey nut Cherrio, and seems to like them, (only gave her two) is this a good reward food?
Yes it is fine in moderation. Diet is pretty important with ferrets. They are prone to adrenal disease and poor or improper diet is believed to be one of the biggest contributing factors. The easist thing to do is buy some ferretone to put on their food. Instead of pouring it over the food in the dish just put a drop or two onto a peice of their kibble and use that as a reward. That way you know you are giving them something healthy everytime and ferrets go crazy for ferretone. You should visit that site I gave you earlier and chat with those guys about making duck soup for your ferret.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
same here! i wish i could get ahold on some they are very cute!
And P. Novk:

Pick up a Recycler and a Green Sheet each week. You'll find ads for them. Also, there is an ad for a place in Lake Havasu that sells them. Ask employees at PetCo and Pet Smart. Lots of them not only keep ferrets, but can direct you to a LOCAL breeder.

If you opt to buy one in AZ or any other state, visit or Both sites give detailed directions around the Ag inspection stations so that you can safely re-enter California with your new pet.

Call your local animal control/humane society. You can ask them all KINDS of questions over the phone... they won't know who you are. In our jurisdiction, they turn their heads if they happen upon a ferret owner. Unfortunately, if they get a report, it becomes ""öfficial" and they MUST investigate and take possession of the animal.

Buy one! Join ferret legalization organizations! Write to the governator! CA and HI are the only states to ban ferrets and Hawaii has a very valid reason. Since I've gotten a ferret, I am finding that they are an extremely popular pet in this state, despite the archaic laws!!