Trying to get a scorp.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2003
woijchik89 said:
Also, I couldn't find the "scorpion law" Just a bunch of laws on Plants.
That is the scorpion law. Somewhere in all those pages is one little sentence that says that the state can regulate any species it decides might be dangerous to the agriculture, wildlife, or people of the state. So, they can just pull any species name out of their butts anytime they want, without making a separate law or seeking any approval, and restrict or even ban it. So, the law says nothing about scorpions at all, but some government employee has decided that scorpions should be included, so they are.As I said, the whole thing is very poorly designed.

James M.

Old Timer
Jan 3, 2004
Look, you might as well order it your self. If you have the pet store do it more thanlikly thay will tack the shipping on to what thay get it for maby even a little extra just couse. That is the way thay work around hear. I do not need to wory thow becouse it is less than 30 min. to Botars, OH YEA!


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2003
Of course they'll mark-up the price. They're a business, and they're in business to make money. That's how they pay their rent and buy food. But they also probably can get it from one of their regular suppliers at wholesale, so even with their mark-up it won't be that much. You should ask them at least. It's always a good idea to build a good relationship with your local pet store. I get deals like crazy from mine, and whenever they get a line on something unusual, they give me first shot at it. If they can't get it, or they want too much, you can still always order from on-line. Like you though, I just can't see paying the extra for shipping for just one desert hairy.