Trip to Thailand


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
Hi Phil

I agree, i might have acted differently if i have had more time to think about it. He gave me very short response time, so maybe i was reckless, so i know you point here;) And in retrospect, i might have chosen differently if i had given it some more thought.

He just made the snakes teeth visible, and told me that the snake was in perfect condition, that´s what i know. My GF is from thailand and she told me it is illegal at a public show to remove venom glands, but that is of course only what she says. She is not by any means an expert.

I only have mobile phone pics from the scorps and centipedes i catched, and they are not worth posting because of very poor quality. But it was a great experience though. Unfortunately i did not find any haplopelam(or T for that matter). They had been collected for many years for food purpose only;( But i did have some fun when they told me that they suck big time to get bit by them;)


Old Timer
Nov 28, 2007
do they speak english there or is it hard to get around without knowing the language? is it dangerous?
Thailand is a great place to visit. People are very friendly and accomodating. And your dollar goes a long way there.

Most places where tourists frequent always have people who speak english around. Plus people are better educated now, so more people know how to speak english. If you stick to the tourist places, it should be very safe.

There are some kind of civil unrest going on, but they don't bother tourists.

If you really want to experience the real culture, go to the northern part, like chiang mai. If you like the beaches, go south, although it's getting very touristy down south.