Traveling with T's


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008

I kept everyone in their normal enclosures. Most of mine were slings in cubes at the time, so I packed everyone I could tightly into a box. The rest I just stacked around them on the passenger seat, and put a seatbelt around them {D

The guy at the state border couldn't get over it LOL
LOL seatbealt xDD haha! humn... i might just have a problem with my avic avic but... well... it's been a bit more than a year since i set her up so it will need some cleaning so i might just pack her just like i would do for shipping and just let the others be on their containers.... The log i have in there is secure to the point where i can handle the cage and move it around but i dont think it would be secure with all the bumps in the almost-highway im going on.. its a pretty bad highway... its the most degraded highway in the country with a lot of bridbges wich have been said to need to be re-built in around 4/5 years... It's portugal m8s xD everything to its limits just to save up some money ;o




Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Hey, the seatbelt was fully functional and not just for looks! :p

Yall shoulda been there...

Customs Agent: Good evening ma'am, how are you? *shining light into truck*

Me: I'm good sir, and yourself?

Customs Agent: I am well thank you for asking. Where are you headin - um, ma'am, are those... spiders... in those cages?

Me: *grinning* Yes sir!

Customs Agent: And they are... seat belted in?

Me: *giggle* Yes sir!

Customs Agent: Are they... deadly... spiders? *takes a step back*

Me: *trying not to fall over laughing* No sir. They are tarantulas, which are not deadly to humans

Customs Agent: Oh.. yes... of... course... *looking at me like I am pointing a gun at his face* Uh.. um.. do you.. uh.. have any fruit?

Me: No sir (as a GIANT apple is sitting on the seat next to me)

Customs Agent: *eyes glued to the Ts* Wonderful.. have a... safe... drive...


Not to mention he was completely oblivious to my bull terrier growling at him from behind my seat the whole time, with her face sticking out of the window :eek:


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
I should clarify something I just thought of. I won't be trvelling the whole time. we would drive for 10-12 hours and then stay at a relatives house for several weeks before travelling to the next relatives house.