Top 5 Aggressive T's


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2007
And see, THAT pisses me off. (I am a Pit Bull owner... it is like someone saying "That is like a tarantula, aggressive and deadly!")



Feb 18, 2007
Pitbulls can be unstable. I would consider an inbred, poorly sociallized, bred for protection or fighting pit, to be a pitbull.

Now, a properly raised, socialized American Pitbull Terrier, Am Staff, or a mix between the two, is a stable, spectacular dog. Problem is, the other kind give the good kind a bad name.

I don't own one yet, but if I did, I wouldn't call my dog a pitbull, but use its proper name to differentiate it from the "others".


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2006
I just got a Cameron Red Baboon T. I heard they are mean as hell and realy pretty. if you want a nasty bug though, and i mean nasty go for a vietnamese centepede. me and my cousin fed a fuzzy to one that was still only half its full size potential and it was a bloody mess. But the vietnamese centepede did not waste almost any of the fuzzy. beware though, if the centepede gets out, it will do a b line towards you and mess you up real bad so its one to be very careful with.
hope that helps!


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
I agree with a prior post reg. if you poke any T with a stick long enough they all will get defensive.

Way off topic and I try not to do this much but ummmmm WT?

Pitbulls aren't very stabel compared to other dogs. I'm sorry.
Any breed can be unstable if not raised properly. If you own a pit there are certain rules to follow like you never let it get away with anything with that I mean when you say sit you expect the dog to listen right away and keep up on training ALL THE TIME.....there is no need to even hit this breed since they get very upset if you yell at them or worse separate them from you to another room. This breed needs soooo much love and attention that it's no wonder they loose their minds when people get them as a status symbol or what not. IMO all dogs should go through obedience training no matter the breed since most people are knuckleheads and they think puppies come trained and they just got a dumb one since it wont listen.

Sorry about the rant but this issue pushes a button :eek:



Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I would call this a description of "aggressive".

"This is the most aggressive tarantula I ever owned. I consider this to be the Pit Bull of tarantulas. It would frequently throw itself against the side of its tank when it detected my presence and made a very distinct hissing noise (hence I gave it the name of Hissing Sid). Should most definitely NOT be handled. Not for the beginner! "

Perhaps he vastly overdid it though.
What I consider aggressive is a spider that will run out of it's burrow and attack you.

I mean...literally, come screaming out of it's burrow and hunt you down. The tarantula in that description doesn't look like it has any place to burrow to.

Tarantulas would rather run than fight. Plain and simple. I know where all my spiders burrow and I do cage maintenance with my bare hands and I've never gotten bit. If you check my profile, you'll recognize a few species that are mentioned in this thread several times.

As for the pitbull issue, it all depends on how the dog was raised. From my experiences, they do tend to play a little 'rougher' than other dogs...but my experience is limited.

Steph, have I ever told you that you're cute?

I probably have, but I thought I'd repeat it ;)


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
I am looking for an aggressive T to buy this summer (either New World or Old World) and I just wanted to know what everyone would consider their top 5 in this category to help me decide on which one would be the best for my collection.



Old Timer
Oct 20, 2005
Ohhhh here we go.....I have a pit also that I take to the dog park off leash and she gets submitted by jack russells and min pins on a daily basis. Also she lives in a house with a pug which drags her across the floor buy her cheek. To say that "she" is aggressive is as far fetched as the movie Eight Legged Freaks!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Ok im confused... is this a pitbull thread or an extremely boring over posted thread about defensive tarantulas? Or are we working on making this into a really wide spectrum thread about defensive animals all together? Or perhaps... the thread was so darn boring and over posted about defensive tarantulas that everyone wanted to salvage it by talking about something totally off topic so this thread would have some kind of actual worth to looking at?..................

Defensive (NOT AGGRESSIVE) tarantulas that will gladly sink there fangs into your hand if you bother them... in order of course of what i have experience with....

1. H. lividum
2. P. murinus
3. any other Haplopelma sp.
4. any other asian or african tarantula
5. any tarantula that you bother enough to really make it mad....

There hows that?

And to add to things... ANY tarantula can be defensive, the "defensive" species are just a basic outline which i have learned VERY well...
I have a B. smithi that you dont even want to put your hand anywhere close... although not as fast as my P. murinus or H. lividum she can still get things done with her fangs quite well as could any tarantula if they were aggitated or disturbed to a point where they feel threatened.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Steph, have I ever told you that you're cute?

I probably have, but I thought I'd repeat it ;)
;P And the Flirt O'matic strikes again!!!;P

No you have never told me I was cute but your compliment is accepted and appreciated ;) ...thank you.

Steph :D


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2006

Out of my 13 Ts, only the H. lividium has threat-displayed and then acted on it; during a rehousing, she attacked and bit my tongs twice, then stayed in threat pose for a good five minutes. I waited for her to back down, then deli-cupped her, and after that the rehousing went smoothly. But I have no doubt that during her attack on the tongs, she would have bit me if she could.(she was guarding her webbing on a mound of dirt at the time). I call that defensive, not agressive. I definitely place lividiums at the defensive end of the scale. My obt, though, so far wont even react to my bare-hand maintenance(I only use tongs during rehousing, for safety).


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2006
Go ask GR CH ANGUS he ate 55 Agressive Tarantulas one day in high wind LOL


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2006
Pitbulls can be unstable. I would consider an inbred, poorly sociallized, bred for protection or fighting pit, to be a pitbull.
Gol Durn that Mr Carver! He Done let all our Bullyson/Pistol/Miss Spike/Missy blood out in public back in the 70's!! <grrrr> Now all these doggone mutt dogs that bite everybody and give us all a bad name have us REAL dogs in their pedigrees! BALDERDASH!! Ok...Earl, settle down back to spider chat!!


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
If you own a pit there are certain rules to follow like you never let it get away with anything with that I mean when you say sit you expect the dog to listen right away and keep up on training ALL THE TIME.....there is no need to even hit this breed since they get very upset if you yell at them or worse separate them from you to another room. This breed needs soooo much love and attention that it's no wonder they loose their minds when people get them as a status symbol or what not.
So is that statement there kinda proving that they are unstable?? lol Following certain rules in training and bringing it up to make sure it doesn't become.. hmmm.. *looks for right word* "defensive".

Not hitting the dog coz it'll get upset.. whats to say it wont turn round and bite you? Seperate them from you to another room and they get upset.. sorry, but that sounds like an unstable dog to me lol
I'm not a fan of staffies, pitbulls or anything like that at all.. my dog is a long haired german shepherd. But each to their own :D (i'm not meaning to offend, but thats what i immediately thought after reading your post..)


Sep 19, 2006
No such thing as an "aggressive" tarantula. There isn't one species that will actively come looking to bite you. Some are more prone to defending themselves via threats, strikes or hair kicking, but, put it this way, would you go out to pick a fight with a 6' 6" bruiser in a bar? Then why would a spider engage in an activity that is sure to lead to its demise unless it felt its life/territory was under inescapable threat/
I've also got to ask the question of why you want "aggressive" T's? Please don't let it be some macho cr@p of "look at me I'm the master of this highly aggressive spider" coupled with poking the poor thing into threatening and/or striking. If that's the reason you want one, then I hope you get everything that's coming to you{D There are some extremely impressive spiders that are not highly defensive, and after a time it becomes tiring having to watch your @ss every time you open the lid to do maintenance and God forbid you ever have to locate and recapture an escaped OBT or C Crawshayi.:eek:


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2006
Becky, your doggone right they are unstable, if you could take Secretariat or Seabiscut and breed 'em to a land tortoise, the product would probably bite ya too, lol. SD63, well said, if ya want aggression, get a Lion!


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
So is that statement there kinda proving that they are unstable?? lol Following certain rules in training and bringing it up to make sure it doesn't become.. hmmm.. *looks for right word* "defensive".

Not hitting the dog coz it'll get upset.. whats to say it wont turn round and bite you? Seperate them from you to another room and they get upset.. sorry, but that sounds like an unstable dog to me lol
I'm not a fan of staffies, pitbulls or anything like that at all.. my dog is a long haired german shepherd. But each to their own :D (i'm not meaning to offend, but thats what i immediately thought after reading your post..)
Do you have any idea how many german shepard attack articles I could pull up this instant?

Pitbull attacks get way more media coverage than any other breed. This is the reason you think of them as more agressive, coupled with the idiots who own them soley as attack dogs.

In the case of the pitbull, it's the owners who are guilty and not the breed.

There are some extremely impressive spiders that are not highly defensive, and after a time it becomes tiring having to watch your @ss every time you open the lid to do maintenance and God forbid you ever have to locate and recapture an escaped OBT or C Crawshayi.:eek:
You know, all of my bugs retreat to their burrows when I do maintenance.
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Sep 19, 2006
You know, all of my bugs retreat to their buttows when I do maintenance.
I wish my murinus and my minax and my lividum would bloody burrow! That way they may not be so p1ssy when I do maintenance{D


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I wish my murinus and my minax and my lividum would bloody burrow! That way they may not be so p1ssy when I do maintenance{D
I start burrows for my terrestrials by taking a bit of a plastic drink cup that you can get at any gas station, washing it out really well and then halfway bury it and then chase the T inside with a pencil or something.

Haplopelma can sometimes take awhile to burrow, maybe 2 or 3 months. They will usually accept a pre made burrow and expand it to suit their needs.

My murinus really doesn't burrow per se...instead, she created a silk web and coated it with substrate. An invisible hide.