tokay gecko


Sep 19, 2008
kept several tokays

i've kept dozens of tokays several years back and have discovered first hand that they are highly prone to stress, if you look at them in a way they dont like they will get defensive. most of the ones i had have died within a couple months of getting them, usually appeared to be stress related. currently i have one that i've had about a month now but this one doesnt seem to be having the same problems the others had, mostly because im being more careful about the stress factor, they are absolutely unforgiving when it comes to stress(at least the wild caughts are). other than that they are one of my favorite lizards, im a night owl so i get to see mine act quite actively and its cool to watch the way they move on the walls.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
i dont know why you would say no reptile should ever be kept on coco.. dosent make sence. ive bred and produced over 100 crested geckos easy using coco husk.. it is perfect for them to dig and lay there eggs. somthing that cant be done with cypress multch... however i do keep all my snakes on cypress and they do great.. somethings work better for one animal then it will another. it just depends on the situation.
I can't count how many people have complained to me because their snake or lizard got impaction from the husk and died. The grains are so small that when the reptile deficates/mastrubates/has sex the grains get up the vent and impact them. Coco husk or spagnum make fine substrates for an egg laying box or inverts but can kill reptiles.
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