Today in the Spider Room?


Old Timer
Oct 2, 2004
I have had some moilts yesterday. One of my juvenile P murinus "kigoma" moulted aswell as one of my T albopilosum spiderlings

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
A. chalcodes being a drama queen again. I refilled everyone's water dishes yesterday and she was right next to hers, usually I'll forego her if she's that close but it was basically empty (curse you dry air) so I figured oh well I better do it. She attacked the water immediately after I poured it and proceeded to sit on top of the water dish for oh, 7 hours before climbing up the wall.


Jun 2, 2017
My P. sp. Machala who is always out in the open dug a huge burrow and sealed it off! Maybe it won't eat this molt... Who am I kidding, I'm never going to get to sex this thing.
You guys! My spidey senses were right, I just went to check on her and she's flipped over! I can't wait to see what she's going to look like!

Edit: I got the molt no problem, it was in great shape, except the region around the book lungs was totally destroyed. And despite my best efforts I managed to hair myself with it At least they're sexuality dysmorphic...
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Old Timer
Aug 6, 2005
My C.cyaneopubescens just hooked out:( I honestly thought I had two or three more moults until that T matured. Now the question is if I should rehouse him into the 12 inch exoterra cube that I have or just refurbish the smaller encoluse he's in now so that there's just that little bit more space.


Apr 19, 2016
I was rehousing my P. murinus sling and dropped the vial I had the spider... And the vial didn't have lid on... And the spider stayed in vial for whole time!

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
I've got 5 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens slings. For the most part they are healthy and growing nicely. To keep things simple, they labeled GBB#1 - GBB#5.

GBB#3 has been my problem child from day 1. This little spider refused to eat, would not web its enclosure...just totally unlike the other 4 slings. It is currently less than 1/2 the size of all the others. It’s moulted twice since I got it, the second moult was just after Christmas 2019. Well now the world's changed, since the last moult I gave the sling a few days...then offered food.

It’s now on a regular feeding schedule, eating twice a week, has not refused food since it’s last moult. Fingers crossed...finally making progress. I was very worried for awhile.

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
More water dish fun. Watered everyone minus my B. hamorii two days ago as she had a toe in the dish and I figured she would move anyway. She didn't and today her water was stupidly low so I had to refill the water whether I liked it or not. Began to fill it very slowly, all's going well. My hamorii is the most docile spider I own so I didn't think she'd go psycho on me like my A. chalcodes. But no I got her toes wet and she wigged out and lunged for the water dish and I spilled water all over the floor. :shifty:


Aug 14, 2019
After seeing a few people on here talking about using nightvision, motion detection cameras to view nocturnal Ts, I decided to get one for Christmas (my gf rolled her eyes a bit and got it as my main gift). It's been so much fun! I have a C. schmidti (not 100% on the ID) and is pretty much a pet hole. Only have seen it out once or twice (after adding new substrate to its enclosure, it hung out in the top corner for a bit).

I have now learned, thanks to the camera, that it loves to come out and explore at night! It's been fun waking up in the morning and seeing the notifications on my phone of new movement. I'll be uploading videos with some of the highlights over in this thread:’s-nighttime-adventures.328386/

Check it out if you're interested! I posted the first video, and will be posting another one a bit later (this second one features a mealworm guest!).


Dec 4, 2018
Pretty quiet over xmas tbh, only 2 things happened. -

Built some new shelf units with Perspex doors (cat proofing!) so all the collection fits now and I have room for when they grow into bigger enclosures.

My first old world (m.balfouri) that I've had for just over a year has hooked out. He's really small, probably around 8cm leg span but boy is he stunning, I've not seen such a bright electric blue on a T before. Also, in 14 or so years of keeping T's, its my first MM. There seems to be an abundance of balfouri slings for sale, so I'm not sure I'm going to send him off to breed and will just keep him.


Nov 10, 2019
I like to check on my tarantulas every once in a while to see if they are still alive, and my GBB was molting. She made it through her molt, but she doesn't look much bigger. Much disappoint.


Old Timer
May 28, 2006
Yesterday was cleaning day for my Ts. Everyone's water dish was cleaned or replaced and filled with fresh water, boluses removed, etc. One of my P. sazimai slings had placed half of a mealworm in his water dish and sat on top of the dish, legs splayed around the sides, for 4-5 hours. When I checked on my Ts this morning, his clean water dish full of fresh water had been entirely filled with substrate and buried. Maybe he resented me dumping out the terrible tea he was making :confused:


Dec 4, 2018
My wild caught jumper (P.regius) laid an egg sack this morning. I thought she had been acting strange lately, she has spent a lot of time being very active and making web hides all over the place, plus she's been eating a lot.
Luckily I've had her since May so it'll most likely be a phantom egg sack, unless they can store sperm for 6+ months? I have no idea but I doubt it. :anxious:

On the tarantula side of things, re-housed my G.pulchra into a bigger enclosure, and more importantly for me, my E.murinus. This was my first fossorial T that I've had to dig up, it went well but boy was I nervous about hurting it while digging the substrate out. Little guy was also pretty fast but not as :rage: as I was expecting.


Deactivated account
Jun 14, 2019
Yesterday was cleaning day for my Ts. Everyone's water dish was cleaned or replaced and filled with fresh water, boluses removed, etc. One of my P. sazimai slings had placed half of a mealworm in his water dish and sat on top of the dish, legs splayed around the sides, for 4-5 hours. When I checked on my Ts this morning, his clean water dish full of fresh water had been entirely filled with substrate and buried. Maybe he resented me dumping out the terrible tea he was making :confused:
What is with P sazimai? Mine will fill it's waterdish with sub and then flip it up against the wall. One time it scooped up a mud ball from where he dumped his dish and plugged the dish up! Since it is really bolty I am forced most times to use a twist tie through the airhole to flip the dish over (and knock the sub out). The t never attacks the twist tie but I can't help but think that it enjoys putting me through this :(

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
I always have a time of watering my spiders. Yesterday it was my GBB who was giving me issues. I hate giving her water when she's on the walls of her enclosure because I'm certain she'll bolt so I wait until she's in her web tunnel. Or, I disturb the enclosure by opening the lid and she retreats. Except yesterday and I had to slowly stream in water through the vent holes in her enclosure. :shifty:


Deactivated account
Jun 14, 2019
Today was an awesome day spider wise. I had no maintenance to do and had one thing on my plate. My Eupalaestrus campestratus ate for the first time since the end of August! Who could have thought a tiny 1/2" sling could go that long without food! It went into premolt around the end of August and has been refusing food since then. It finally molted on New Years and was not a great molt. Lots of exoskeleton left attached. Well I gave it a mealworm today after letting it harden up and giving it lots of water. It took a bit but I went back an hour later to find this little t with a big worm! I decapitate my mealies I feed and the campestratus was holding the worm with it's pedipalps and drinking out of the neck (???) like it was a straw! Welcome back little buddy!:):):):):) I missed you!
Oct 9, 2016
Last night I replaced my Scolopendra polymorpha's substrate (it was whatever his previous owner had put in, and since it didn't smell great I decided to err on the side of caution) and after I put the centipede back in, it managed to get up to the top of its enclosure, hanging between the lid and the container lip. It then proceeded to systematically climb around the entire perimeter, trying to fit its face under the lid :eek:. It didn't manage to get out, so I guess the enclosure is secure enough for now. I did still keep it in a bigger tub overnight :shifty:

Also, my new T. violaceous sling is a maniac. I gently set down my Homoeomma chilensis' vial on the same shelf as it, and the tappy decided to do about 5 laps around the top of its enclosure. I should start timing the laps, the little guy can seriously book it.


Oct 2, 2016
Got some slings in the mail so put them into their new homes. With this batch I have almost completed my Phormictopus collection! Also...thank the powers that be for these "pencil box" Super Stackers...these are literally the most perfect sling enclosures anyone could ever ask for.

Photos aren't in this order but...
P. insignia
P. fortis
C. cyaneopubescens
G. acteon
P. victori
P. atrichomatus


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Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
This morning I spooked my GBB and this is becoming a habit. She loves hanging on the wall that faces out, the one that I can walk up to. And consistently when I walk up to it I scare her off and send her scurrying to her web tunnel.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
Today I came into the classroom and the smaller A. hentzi (Aphohen#2) has started excavating out of her burrow. She did not follow her cork bark tube entrance that she buried last fall. She found a corner of the enclosure and started digging strait up and is now at the surface. She started early this morning and has now created a small opening. She has been sitting vertically in her burrow guarding the entrance that she has created for the last couple hours.

I dropped in an adult male B. lateralis roach with damaged wings and she immediately grabbed it and started feasting. Let's see how long till the other A. hentzi (Aphohen#1) comes out of her burrow. We may have egg sacs SOON!!!
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