Today in the Spider Room?


Jul 12, 2017
With a bunch of new moults came two deaths.. K brunnipes and N incei.. if anyone had seen my previous posts about my little brunnipes knows I adored the little spider. It had moulted two days ago after my birthday and I just found it in a death curl tonight. I thought hey I should check to make sure if my N incei is ok too because it's been hiding in premout for a few weeks now.. I saw through a little gap the same death curl. Two spiders dead tonight after their moults. Everyone else has been OK with 6+ slings moulting.

I wanted to get myself a few bday presents, but now I'm not feeling too hot :arghh:

ETA: Looking at the brunnipes I think something went very wrong with the moult. Fangs still red, and the entire area behind its eyes is completely sunken in while the abdomen is full.. brunnipes sling had a molt late last week and died this week as well. Had it since December as a freebie. Really liked the little thing, had grown a lot, had nice color, had no idea anything was wrong. Was about to rehouse it from its smaller vial into a larger one this week or next. These things happen I guess. I have another much smaller brunnipes that I got in February, hopefully I don't get a repeat of this.


Aug 4, 2017
780 brunnipes sling had a molt late last week and died this week as well. Had it since December as a freebie. Really liked the little thing, had grown a lot, had nice color, had no idea anything was wrong. Was about to rehouse it from its smaller vial into a larger one this week or next. These things happen I guess. I have another much smaller brunnipes that I got in February, hopefully I don't get a repeat of this.
Seems we place an order from TarCan around the same times. If I recall, you also received a freebie Tapinauchenius sp. Union Island from them, right?

Sorry to hear your little K. brunnipes didn't make it. :(


Feb 8, 2017
Have several rehouses to do ASAP, but had to cancel an order for materials due to a dental emergency. Guess they can wait a couple more weeks, most of them are freshly molted within the past month and aren't expected to molt again for a couple more months. Feeding time is just extra fun when they try to walk out as soon as the lid opens.:sour:

I've been thinking about rehousing my versicolor juvies, Jekyll and Hyde. They're currently housed in 32 oz deli containers and are between 2.5"-3" DLS. I've got enclosures that I can use for them, but I might wait still, IDK.

I still need to build new shelves, too. With all the recent and upcoming rehouses, I'm running out of shelf space! :anxious: I have my materials for shelves, just need to get a proper saw to cut.

I'm currently waiting for an order of crickets and mealworms that should be here tomorrow. Hoping they are ok, because the temps are such that there is no LAG... Had no choice because I have no LPS that I can get to right now... but's not too terribly hot yet, so fingers crossed. My babies will hopefully enjoy a cricket buffet since I know some of them are tired of the mealies they've has for the past few feedings (Gomez o_O).


Jul 12, 2017
Seems we place an order from TarCan around the same times. If I recall, you also received a freebie Tapinauchenius sp. Union Island from them, right?

Sorry to hear your little K. brunnipes didn't make it. :(
Thank you, I really liked that little brunnipes, thought it molted fine, then noticed it had not touched its first feeding after a few days.

I got that Tapi Union Island freebie in August 2017, and its growing like a tank! Just had another big molt. Solid 3 inches DLS now. I find it gets much more bold and on display the longer it gets comfortable in its enclosure. Loves its cork bark.

Seems we place an order from TarCan around the same times. If I recall, you also received a freebie Tapinauchenius sp. Union Island from them, right?

Sorry to hear your little K. brunnipes didn't make it. :(
I think the death of any animal in your care is sad, but I think what's unusual about this one is I thought we were past the "fragile" stage. I mean, it likely wasn't even 1/8 inch when I got it, could barely see it, and now it was a good sized little dwarf juvie. Unfortunate.
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Aug 4, 2017
I think the death of any animal in your care is sad, but I think what's unusual about this one is I thought we were past the "fragile" stage. I mean, it likely wasn't even 1/8 inch when I got it, could barely see it, and now it was a good sized little dwarf juvie. Unfortunate.
Moulting is such a risky business, but required for growth. It's a shame when it doesn't work out quite right.

My little thing actually had a rough moult previously and lost a pedipalp in the process. It's grown back now one moult later, but things can certainly go wrong.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
We are in the middle of a prolonged heat wave (or what goes as a heat wave around here (temps in the 80s) - people from warmer climates will probalby die laughing if I call that heat wave), anyway, it has been comparably hot and most of my spiders seem to take that as a clue for molting. I had a day off and spent most of that day rehousing, rearranging shelves, and cleaning out old enclosures :drunk:.

The last to molt was my Phormictopus sp. 'green', now a MM - and he's not green at all :meh:. I suspected him to be a sp. 'green (gold carapace)' for a while but now I don't know whatever he is. I'll try to get a pic once he's hardened but I'm bummed. I wanted a green spider and this one doesn't have any green at all :grumpy:!!


Jul 23, 2017
wave (or what goes as a heat wave around here (temps in the 80s) - people from warmer climates will probalby die laughing if I call that heat wave), anyway, it has been comparably hot and most of my spiders seem to take that as a clue for molting.
Indeed I am laughing. That is like cold spring morning to me Haha. I experienced the same mass molting when spring started rolling around. Almost me entire collection molted within two weeks of each other. I remember once when I was in Sweden during a heatwave. It hit 85 degrees. I was outside drinking coffee and my uncle walked by and said "How can you exist in such hot weather? You must go inside or will get heatstroke." I will just say he did not do very well when we took him to Dallas in August.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Indeed I am laughing. That is like cold spring morning to me Haha. I experienced the same mass molting when spring started rolling around. Almost me entire collection molted within two weeks of each other. I remember once when I was in Sweden during a heatwave. It hit 85 degrees. I was outside drinking coffee and my uncle walked by and said "How can you exist in such hot weather? You must go inside or will get heatstroke." I will just say he did not do very well when we took him to Dallas in August.
I feel for your poor uncle! I honestly don't know how people survive in Texas in summer.


Jul 23, 2017
I feel for your poor uncle! I honestly don't know how people survive in Texas in summer.
Water, light colored clothes and if you need to do anything outside you do it in the morning or the evening. You get used to it really.


Apr 11, 2017
I feel for your poor uncle! I honestly don't know how people survive in Texas in summer.
I've lived in Texas and moved to western Washington from Georgia, I don't remember having any problems with the heat in those states, but the first winter I was here I thought I was going to freeze to death, lol. I also lived in Heidelberg for 2 years which has pretty much the same climate as where I am now. I've been here now for years and now I think 80 is much too hot, I don't think I could ever live in a really warm climate again, the first time I went to eastern Washington the temp was 103 and I thought I was going to die, lol.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I've lived in Texas and moved to western Washington from Georgia, I don't remember having any problems with the heat in those states, but the first winter I was here I thought I was going to freeze to death, lol. I also lived in Heidelberg for 2 years which has pretty much the same climate as where I am now. I've been here now for years and now I think 80 is much too hot, I don't think I could ever live in a really warm climate again, the first time I went to eastern Washington the temp was 103 and I thought I was going to die, lol.
I had the same problem when I went back to Germany after spending 5 years in Philadelphia. I thought the summer in Philly was unbearable but I went back home in October, so from Philly heat to German winter in 2 months... I was freezing my butt off.


Nov 11, 2017
I got through my molts! Didn't get them all in the book, but they're all laid out and ready, I just need to pop them off the plastic and tape them in :)

Did some sexing too :D B. vagans is female, B. emilia looks female but it's so tiny I'm going to wait for another molt to be sure. And it's a little hard to keep track, but I think three out of four of my GBBs are female. At least two of them are for sure.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
I was near the local pet store, so I picked up a handful of large crickets just to give my tarantulas something different. (They usually get mealworms and roaches, and some have never had crickets.)

There was one extra cricket in the bag, so I gave it to Squirt (Psalmopoeus cambridgei from @cold blood) just to watch her eat two at once. This morning, I woke up to a dish full of junk (including her exuviae from when she molted three months ago) and an impressive spray of poop on her front doors.

I guess she doesn't want the exuviae after all!

I dutifully removed the exuviae and other debris, but she keeps returning to the dish with more balled up wads of substrate from her little log.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I had a day off yesterday with the express purpose of giving myself time to properly house my expo haul and set up all the new glass terras I bought... so I fixed up enclosures and housed and rehoused and cleaned old enclosures and rearranged my shelves and in between I was like: yeah I could just feed my snakes right now, in between all the other stuff... very narrowly avoided being taken for food and being bit by a nearly 8', 25 pound boa... when will I ever learn! Do not EVER feed snakes when distracted, NO exceptions :meh:.

All in all I housed/rehoused 8 spiders, nearly all fast arboreals, and it went much more smoothly than the snake feeding, because I actually concentrated when rehousing...:shifty:


Oct 23, 2017
78 brunnipes sling had a molt late last week and died this week as well. Had it since December as a freebie. Really liked the little thing, had grown a lot, had nice color, had no idea anything was wrong. Was about to rehouse it from its smaller vial into a larger one this week or next. These things happen I guess. I have another much smaller brunnipes that I got in February, hopefully I don't get a repeat of this.
yes.. I was pretty upset actually. As it grew it just got prettier and it was almost at the 1" mark. Arg!

Seems we place an order from TarCan around the same times. If I recall, you also received a freebie Tapinauchenius sp. Union Island from them, right?

Sorry to hear your little K. brunnipes didn't make it. :(
I don't like hearing that we all placed an order around the same time.. that worries me a tad.

In other matters, I welcomed 4 new Ts today. C. Kaeng Krachan, C. C. darlingi, B. vagans, and LP. My first OWs! Sadly the C. darlingi I ordered was DOA so I'll have to wait for a replacement.