Today in the Spider Room?


May 11, 2020
I just did my morning peek into the spider enclosures and my spiders are making me very happy today.
The GBB molted yesterday and today is showing off its pretty new all-blue legs with a really big span now.
The N. incei is webbing over the already webbed-up enclosure, I almost can't see the moss anymore.
The B. albiceps is just done with molting! I knew it! It certainly doesn't act like a Brachypelma at times. Has been eating a lot, now molting.. I hope I won't have to wait another year for my little stone to grow!
The Stichoplastoris obelix has shown itself (well.. its feet) on the surface for the first time since I've had it.
The Cyriocosmus sellatus was doing some building work on its hide as well. Happy to see it! It certainly needs a rehouse into its permanent enclosure soon.


Apr 16, 2020
Today I saw all 9 of my spiders, only tips of feet of my P. cambridgei, it's not much, but he is very shy. So I count it as a good day.


Apr 13, 2020
Made another purchase!


0.0.2 C. giganteus
*Been wanting these for a while!! Very Excited!!

0.0.1 C. cyaneus


0.0.1 T. albopilosus (Hobby)

0.0.1 T. albopilosus (Nicaraguan)

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Fed everyone, got to see my new B. emilia eat for the first time! My T. albopilosus refused crickets (accidentally dropped 2 in there) but after leaving them there for awhile she either killed them and disposed of their little corpses or she ate them. Probably ate them.


Aug 4, 2017
I'm so sorry, Vanessa. :(

It wasn't today, but my mature male Harptactira pulchripes passed two years mature on the second of August. Two years! I went to get a photo of him, and the one time I want to he's not in his normal spot on top of his web sheet spanning the entire enclosure. He took a mealworm today but I couldn't lure him out.
Here he is! Photo taken today, date matured was August 2, 2018.



Feb 7, 2016
My G. pulchra is in a feisty mood today... I needed to clean her dirty waterdish, but she was sitting on it, so I touched her with a straw to get her to move. She tried to attack the straw twice but was still on the dish, so I tried a third time. That time she jumped on the straw and I think also climbed it a bit, and somehow ended up hanging upside down on the lid (she's in an Exo Terra Faunarium and I had only opened the feeding hatch). So, yeah, that went well... But at least she has a new waterdish now, lol.


Jun 27, 2019
My G. pulchra is in a feisty mood today... I needed to clean her dirty waterdish, but she was sitting on it, so I touched her with a straw to get her to move. She tried to attack the straw twice but was still on the dish, so I tried a third time. That time she jumped on the straw and I think also climbed it a bit, and somehow ended up hanging upside down on the lid (she's in an Exo Terra Faunarium and I had only opened the feeding hatch). So, yeah, that went well... But at least she has a new waterdish now, lol.
Similar experiences with my boy over and over again. Mostly it's curiosity, but sometimes he gives straight feeding response, so I have to be more cautious with him, than any of my OW's hiding all the time. He'd also pull a threat posture occasionally, and bolt in his hide the next day. He's quite busy at the moment filling the dish with some goodies like remains of his last meal, and the dirt mixed gathered up web on which he molted ten days ago, so here we go again.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
I spent the better part of the day rehousing five tarantulas.

Petra (Brachypelma emilia) got more space. She was pretty cooperative, though she did get a bit riled up once the catch cup dropped over her.

Genicula (Acanthoscurria geniculata) showed his gratitude by repeatedly kicking hairs. I had to wash out the catch up and other tools before continuing. (He has since found his beloved water dish.)

I also rehoused Pavlov (Poecilotheria regalis, from @cold blood). My first Pokie rehouse went well. He hid in the bottom of his old 32-oz deli cup. He let me remove everything from that cup without coming out. Then he finally agreed to walk into his new enclosure with a little tapping. I didn't dare leave the lid off long enough to take a picture of him in his new home, but I probably could have.

Pele (Bumba horrida) was long overdue for a rehouse, having outgrown his deli cup. He was very cooperative.

I also rehoused this juvenile Augacephalus ezendami (from @cold blood). It's reclusive, so I had to take a picture.


A. geniculata worship cult member
Mar 14, 2020
Just my T. Albo doing weird stuff to his water dish,after flipping it a day or two before


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Petra (Brachypelma emilia) has really upped her statue game.

She sat unmoving in the exact same spot for over 24 hours. My husband became worried that she might have hurt herself by throwing herself at some prey we dropped in there yesterday.

Even when we opened her enclosure and gently prodded her, she would not move. Even I began to worry. Then she finally moved to the center of her enclosure, and I snapped a few photos.


Jun 27, 2019
Just my T. Albo doing weird stuff to his water dish,after flipping it a day or two before
The enclosure looks familiar.. purchased from NSexotics by any chance?:)

Rehoused my boy yesterday, went surprisingly smooth, started to feed on a cricket right away.

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Dec 29, 2018
I witnessed my tiny P. cambridgei showing first signs of it's character. It's most likely a 2nd instar and it already decided to slap and do a mini threat pose at a feeder instead of running. Pretty amusing to watch!

And noticed my P. irminia sling is least secretive of all of them. Instead of burrowing or just making a cool hide, she just chills on a cork bark waiting for prey to come. I definitely wouldn't mind her staying this way for the rest of her life.
Adding pic of her I just took.



Feb 26, 2020
I witnessed my tiny P. cambridgei showing first signs of it's character. It's most likely a 2nd instar and it already decided to slap and do a mini threat pose at a feeder instead of running. Pretty amusing to watch!

And noticed my P. irminia sling is least secretive of all of them. Instead of burrowing or just making a cool hide, she just chills on a cork bark waiting for prey to come. I definitely wouldn't mind her staying this way for the rest of her life.
Adding pic of her I just took.

My P. irminia sling was the same! First couple months, he liked to hang out in the open. But my research told me they always hide. I thought, "Cool, mine is different! How lucky am I ?!"
Sadly this honeymoon was short-lived. He's always hiding until I drop food in front of his tunnel. Then I see a lightning flash of black and orange movement, and he is back in his tunnel to enjoy his meal away from my prying eyes. *sigh* I miss the good ol' days of seeing my happy pretty little sling hanging out in the open.


Aug 12, 2020
So it begins.... T. stirmi. I should have snapped a better shot for sexing. By eye, I would say female. Hoping it goes well as I know there's a cricket in there that I couldn't find. Luckily, I maimed it before it went in so it may be dead.... Fingers crossed that all goes well as this is her first molt for me as I've only had her for maybe 2 weeks.


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Old Timer
May 28, 2006
Today I discovered that my Grammostola pulchripes molted! :happy: This is only the second time he's molted, so it's kind of a big deal to me. He arrived a year ago (9 days shy of 1 year) at 1/2 inch, and is now about an inch. After a whole year, it's finally time to rehouse this little guy. Or it will be, in a week or so.

Also, I haven't been able to go to an expo in a few years. Just learned there's one happening near me this weekend, and I made arrangements to attend another in a couple of weeks. Super excited to finally get to go to an expo again :lol: