Today in the Spider Room?


Nov 5, 2019
My actaeon got chased out of her hide by a worm :rofl:
Dropped in a super worm, went to change the kids diaper and then came back to see if she had eaten. She was sitting just outside the entrance of her hide facing into it and the worm was happily nestled at the bottom. Getting it out was a trick lol. Scary Terry is now back in her home. Goober :rolleyes:


Feb 23, 2019
I wanted to moisten the substrate in my E. Murinus sling's deli cup enclosure. My hand twitched.

The T. now had a nice swimming pool. It was completely chill and didn't seem to mind water world at all. Still, emergency rehouse.

They need deep, moist substrate I read. It indeed made a burrow in its new enclosure, but in the bone dry part of the substrate. No matter, it sits out in the open all the time anyway.

Ts are weird.


Aug 29, 2016
Came home from work, and was immediately confused when one of my two cats wasn't greeting me at the door and desperately begging for her breakfast like they always do. Walking around looking for her, end up in my bedroom and hear muffled meows.... coming from the closet where I keep my Ts. :grumpy:

She must have slipped in there while I was putting away some slings I fed just before work. My bedroom light burnt out and I was too lazy to change it before I had to go, so I didn't see her slip in before I closed the door and left. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

All in all, the damage could have been SIGNIFICANTLY worse; 5 enclosures got knocked from the shelves onto the ground in total. My subadult female OBT got her KK knocked over and entire burrow upturned. P. murinus Mikumi and P. formosa slings also got their setups tossed up, but were just fine. T. cupreus sling got buried; I dug the poor thing up and it appears alright too. The last and most frustrating was my tiny ~.5" P. murinus DCF Kigoma sling - in addition to her comely little enclosure getting wrecked, the poor thing also lost a leg. She's doing okay but I'm still paranoid and moved her into a smaller delicup to keep an eye on her until I'm confident she's 100% fine besides the missing limb.

It could have been so much worse - more enclosures could have been knocked off, one of the Ts could have gotten crushed in the fall, an enclosure could have been knocked OPEN and I could have lost a T, or the cat could have been stuck in the closet with a pissed off OW tarantula.... the possibilities of how it could have gone SO MUCH WORSE are numerous. And I'm incredibly grateful that it didn't.

But I'll be damned if that furry little jerk isn't on my poop list for the rest of the day. Thanks for ruining my morning, Delphi. :hurting:


Dec 29, 2018
Came home from work, and was immediately confused when one of my two cats wasn't greeting me at the door and desperately begging for her breakfast like they always do. Walking around looking for her, end up in my bedroom and hear muffled meows.... coming from the closet where I keep my Ts. :grumpy:

She must have slipped in there while I was putting away some slings I fed just before work. My bedroom light burnt out and I was too lazy to change it before I had to go, so I didn't see her slip in before I closed the door and left. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

All in all, the damage could have been SIGNIFICANTLY worse; 5 enclosures got knocked from the shelves onto the ground in total. My subadult female OBT got her KK knocked over and entire burrow upturned. P. murinus Mikumi and P. formosa slings also got their setups tossed up, but were just fine. T. cupreus sling got buried; I dug the poor thing up and it appears alright too. The last and most frustrating was my tiny ~.5" P. murinus DCF Kigoma sling - in addition to her comely little enclosure getting wrecked, the poor thing also lost a leg. She's doing okay but I'm still paranoid and moved her into a smaller delicup to keep an eye on her until I'm confident she's 100% fine besides the missing limb.

It could have been so much worse - more enclosures could have been knocked off, one of the Ts could have gotten crushed in the fall, an enclosure could have been knocked OPEN and I could have lost a T, or the cat could have been stuck in the closet with a pissed off OW tarantula.... the possibilities of how it could have gone SO MUCH WORSE are numerous. And I'm incredibly grateful that it didn't.

But I'll be damned if that furry little jerk isn't on my poop list for the rest of the day. Thanks for ruining my morning, Delphi. :hurting:
At least you lost none of them. After reading first paragraph I was imagining multiple enclosures open, tarantulas fighting each other and your cat in the middle of them. I'd say you got rather lucky.


Oct 13, 2017
Came home from work, and was immediately confused when one of my two cats wasn't greeting me at the door and desperately begging for her breakfast like they always do. Walking around looking for her, end up in my bedroom and hear muffled meows.... coming from the closet where I keep my Ts. :grumpy:

She must have slipped in there while I was putting away some slings I fed just before work. My bedroom light burnt out and I was too lazy to change it before I had to go, so I didn't see her slip in before I closed the door and left. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

All in all, the damage could have been SIGNIFICANTLY worse; 5 enclosures got knocked from the shelves onto the ground in total. My subadult female OBT got her KK knocked over and entire burrow upturned. P. murinus Mikumi and P. formosa slings also got their setups tossed up, but were just fine. T. cupreus sling got buried; I dug the poor thing up and it appears alright too. The last and most frustrating was my tiny ~.5" P. murinus DCF Kigoma sling - in addition to her comely little enclosure getting wrecked, the poor thing also lost a leg. She's doing okay but I'm still paranoid and moved her into a smaller delicup to keep an eye on her until I'm confident she's 100% fine besides the missing limb.

It could have been so much worse - more enclosures could have been knocked off, one of the Ts could have gotten crushed in the fall, an enclosure could have been knocked OPEN and I could have lost a T, or the cat could have been stuck in the closet with a pissed off OW tarantula.... the possibilities of how it could have gone SO MUCH WORSE are numerous. And I'm incredibly grateful that it didn't.

But I'll be damned if that furry little jerk isn't on my poop list for the rest of the day. Thanks for ruining my morning, Delphi. :hurting:
I don't even know which emoji to use... what a nightmare! :eek::wideyed::anxious::astonished: But you're right, it could've been so much worse. Glad it wasn't and everyone is alive and well, at least mostly. :happy:


Aug 29, 2016
At least you lost none of them. After reading first paragraph I was imagining multiple enclosures open, tarantulas fighting each other and your cat in the middle of them. I'd say you got rather lucky.
Make it sound like I was gonna open the door to an all-out tarantula war. :rofl: Would that have made the cat like an oliphaunt?

I don't even know which emoji to use... what a nightmare! :eek::wideyed::anxious::astonished: But you're right, it could've been so much worse. Glad it wasn't and everyone is alive and well, at least mostly. :happy:
I never felt a more intense sense of pure dread than hearing those frantic meows coming from my closet, and here I thought the spooks were over with Halloween having passed. :mask:

Seeing which enclosures got knocked down, it looks like they more just got caught in the crossfire of kitty trying to get out than her having gotten on the shelf with the intent to knock them over. But yes - everyone is alive and I'll be counting my lucky stars.... and triple checking for cats before I leave for work. :shifty:

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
I got up this morning with my grandsons and we checked on the tarantulas, removed uneaten food from last night's feeding and topped off the occasional water dish. These little guys seem to be doing very well and webbing nicely.


Aug 29, 2016
More less than stellar news - just went to check up on my Ts after this morning's fiasco and realized that I've had my first death of a MM under my care. My tiny little guy, a Theraphosinae sp. Yucatan I named Diglet.

Matured back around the end of July, so nearly made it 4 months. He was a small, fast growing species so I didn't expect him to last incredibly long, but he'd been so active and even ate for me a few days back. Only just noticed he lost a leg at some point, no clue when or why. F, little dude, sorry you had to die a virgin. :(



Aug 29, 2016
Did a few rehouses, including my lovely G. pulchripes Zenyatta. She was my 3rd T, and when I got that teeny tiny sling who grew slower than a glacier, I was honestly a little disappointed. But then she hit the 1" mark and started picking up the pace, those markings coming in and coloring up what was once a boring brown sling. Safe to say she's shown me the error of my ways, and I can't help but smile every time I get an eye-full and see how far we've come.

These days she's looking like a proper young G. pulchripes lady :kiss:


Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
One of my Aphonopelma hentzi has come out of their burrow...problem is, this should not have happened for another 2 months. So I'm trying to figure out WHY she's out and should I re-house her. I have a new enclosure for her, that I was going to put her in when she came out next spring...since she's out now...maybe now is the time.

But for the immediate future...Why is she out so soon?


Nov 10, 2019
I am going to be buying a 3 inch female Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. It isn't anything exciting, but I don't understand my Tlitocatl albopilosum. She never really dug a burrow. She more of made a giant hole and then a very small hole in another corner. When she goes into either, she looks similar to an ostrich that buried its head into the ground, rather than a tarantula that made a burrow and is hanging out in its burrow.


Aug 13, 2017
My H. gabonensis slings have been molting and are now big enough to see kinda well. At feeding time, the most adorable little derp face appeared, and I officially fell in unrequited love. :p Such a fun species, they remind me more of true spuders.
(Still too small to photograph decently!)


Dec 29, 2018
Noticed my C. lividus after a month in new enclosure has finally decided to start digging. And he's been doing it a lot. Went straight to the bottom and now it's making those tunnels around there.
I guess I could have given it more cm of substrate. At the same time I bet it will outgrow current setup in no time so I'll have something much better by then.

Also my C. versicolor has partially recovered lost leg and it feels so good and amazing to see that. Rehouse incoming soon!


Aug 29, 2016
I am going to be buying a 3 inch female Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. It isn't anything exciting, but I don't understand my Tlitocatl albopilosum. She never really dug a burrow. She more of made a giant hole and then a very small hole in another corner. When she goes into either, she looks similar to an ostrich that buried its head into the ground, rather than a tarantula that made a burrow and is hanging out in its burrow.
Congrats on the new addition! GBBs are fantastic.

T. albopilosum often burrow as slings, but quickly lose the tendency as they grow. They may move some dirt around, but by the juvie stage a lot of them will no longer truly burrow and tend to start hanging out in the open.


Feb 23, 2019
I had a weird drean tonight.

I dreamed that I had for some reason housed some of my slings together in one enclosure. In my dream I knew this was no good but it was unclear why I did so.

The slings started attacking each other and I tried to intervene with a stick but in the end my C. versicolor sling ate my H. vilosella sling. I was sad and angry at myself not able to figure out why I had rehoused them together.

Then, luckily, I woke up.


Dec 4, 2018
I lost my little blue Phormictopus sling last week, gutted. It's hadn't eaten since it's last moult, and I tried a few different types of food, both pre-killed and live, and even re-housed it to see if it would help, but it just wouldn't eat. I'm sure it didn't actually die of starvation/dehydration, as it's abdomen wasn't super small and I caught it drinking (or maybe just trying) a few times. I'm assuming this is just a case of small sling not making it, and whatever stopped it trying to eat also finished it off. :(

That and the balfouri sling that died within a few days of arriving with me makes two unexplained sling deaths in the last few weeks, not happy!

Harry Haller

Aug 30, 2019
My fairly big Nhandu tripepii female went for a swim.
Sorry for the picture quality, I was late and on the way to work.

NtJf swim.jpeg

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
This morning my G. rosea was out and about, waving her front legs around trying to find something solid to place them on. She always goes to the front of the enclosure and does this, like she's expecting there to be more enclosure for her to walk on. Meanwhile, my other 4 Ts sat as still as little statues.

my lovely G. pulchripes Zenyatta.
Zenyatta? Zenyatta Mondatta?